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ottava stagione - leaks e speculazioni
M di Metamorfo
creato il 31 luglio 2017

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Stella di Valyria
1922 messaggi
Stella di Valyria


1922 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 22:25

Ho appena letto il leak della 2 (saltando qualche cosa, perchè non voglio rovinarmi tutto). Mamma mia, quanta roba! Succede più qui che in tutta la stagione 5. Ma c'è una grossa incoerenza:

la morte di Bran fa a pugni con l'altro leak, secondo cui Martin ha vietato di farlo morire.
Oltre ad essere terribilmente deludente (almeno, se non ho eprso qualche passaggio): tutto il suo percorso e i suoi poteri, per farlo morire così "banalmente"? Allora il suo compito era solo scoprire i natali di Jon? E le ipotesi affascinanti sul suo  viaggio nel tempo per fermare gli Uomini Della Foresta? Ma noooo! Ma che tristezza.
Spero non sia un leak veritiero, sarebbe bruttissimo che la trama reale fosse tanto più banale e meno poetica di quella pensata dai fan.


Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07


3336 messaggi


3336 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 22:30

Spero siano tutte finte perché suonano come terribili fan fiction. Anche se

il fatto che Cersei si trascini fino alla fine mi preoccupa molto perché non suona molto fan-made ed è una cosa che sono sicuro D&D faranno.


Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

436 messaggi


436 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 22:45

Esattamente lo stesso pensiero che ho avuto io. Dopo aver letto le anticipazioni dei primi tre episodi, mi sono detta che sembravano più desideri che progetti. :stralol:

12774 messaggi


12774 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 22:53

C'è in giro anche quello della 8x01, l'unico nel quale gli inventori si sforzano di renderlo plausibile (facile: sanno come finisce la settima stagione, quindi non è così impossibile immaginare cosa succeda nell'immediato) . Dalla 8x02 in poi si abbandonano alla fantasia più totale e si rivelano come fake piuttosto palesi, probabilmente fan-fiction spacciate per leak. Il rovescio della medaglia è questo: all'inizio ci si ostina a non si credere a nessun leak, anche quelli legittimi, alla fine si finisce per credere a qualsiasi cosa compaia sul web.


« I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. »


Jon Black
227 messaggi
Jon Black


227 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 0:08
1 hour fa, Gedeont dice:

Spero siano tutte finte perché suonano come terribili fan fiction. Anche se

  Nascondi Contenuto

il fatto che Cersei si trascini fino alla fine mi preoccupa molto perché non suona molto fan-made è una cosa che sono sicuro D&D faranno.



Io avrei fatto sconfiggere Cersei da Daenerys prima dell’incontro con Jon. Quest’ultimo avrebbe poi potuto convincere la regina dei draghi ad unirsi alla sua causa portandole un wight alla fossa del Drago, piuttosto che presentandosi da lei in piena guerra, raccontandole storie assurde e pretendendo il suo aiuto.

Per come l’hanno scritta, secondo me, la trama si è incasinata non poco! Non sanno più che ruolo dare a Cersei, ma non osano disfarsi del personaggio.

Spero che nell’ultima stagione la lascino sul trono a fare le ragnatele off-screen, piuttosto che farle usare la Compagnia Dorata contro chi sta cercando di combattere il vero nemico al Nord. Altrimenti dovrebbero renderla pazza come il Mad King... ma risulterebbe una pazzia eccessivamente repentina.


Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

3336 messaggi


3336 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 11:59

La caduta di Cersei ed il crollo della Barriera sarebbero dovuti avvenire la stagione scorsa, secondo me. Invece l'hanno fatta lunghissima con Ramsay come ora la faranno lunghissima con la pazza.

5939 messaggi

5939 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 12:09

Mah...una vera ecatombe ...alla fine ne resterà uno solo dei circa 10 piccoli ind...pardon personaggi principali?

Inoltre abbiamo vaghe  notizie su Varys... no perchè da quello che Melisandre ci ha detto (e cioè che Varys sarebbe morto in terra straniera) e da quello che abbiamo capito ( cioè che Varys tradirà Dany ) o che sapevamo dai libri ("attenta al siniscalco profumato"   che può essere solo Varys o che sarà proprio Varys nella serie, Varys che supporta AEGON ) o che vedremo per esempio nella 7 x 5 (Varys non ritiene la biondina adatta a governare),  io credo che Varys abbia un ruolo chiave scegliendo Jon Aegon Targaryen e non Dany

Oltretutto Aegon nella visione di Dany è il principe che era stato promesso e sua è la canzone del ghiaccio e del fuoco e per questo credo che D&D abbiano messo in piedi tutto questo ambaradan del nome ( uguale a quello del promogenito di Rheagar)

Voglio dire che se si compongono i pezzi di quello che ci hanno mostrato con cose chiave dette nei libri si arriva a dedurre certe cose e che i laeks non dovrebbero essere verosimili

Inoltre ci sarebbero le dichiarazioni di Frickidoctor in tema..Poi tutto può essere ma questa riportata è proprio roba da fotoromanzi o da giornaletti gossippari...troppo troppo deludente


ps inoltre è stato detto a Dany di stare attenta anche a Tyrion...il leoncino Lannister ...ma questo solo nei libri, nella serie non so..il futuro è sulle ginocchia di D&D

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

Ringrazio il mio caro amico JonSnow; per aver ideato e creato le immagini dei   miei bellissimi  ed elegantissimi avatar e firma

« I am a wolf and I fear nobody. »

''They were insulting Jon and you sat there and listened.''
''Offend them and Jon loses his army.''
''Not if they lose their heads first.''

« Leave just ONE wolf alive and sheeps will NEVER be safe. »
« When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. »

''I lupi sani e le donne sane hanno in comune talune caratteristiche psichiche: sensibilità acuta, spirito giocoso, e grande devozione. Lupi e donne sono affini per natura, sono curiosi di sapere e possiedono grande forza e resistenza. Sono profondamente intuitivi e si occupano intensamente dei loro piccoli, del compagno, del gruppo. Sono esperti nell'arte di adattarsi a circostanze sempre mutevoli; sono fieramente gagliardi e molto coraggiosi. Eppure le due specie sono state entrambe perseguitate''.


Tristan Sand
7 messaggi
Tristan Sand


7 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 14:45
18 hours fa, Podrick_25 dice:

e la 8x01?



Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Leak (Script)


Scene 1

Aftermath of the Night King’s attack on Eastwatch By The Sea. Tormund and Gendry are able flee the scene. Undead Viserion sets Crows and Undead afire. Lord Beric Dondarrion stays behind to fight the White Walkers (dies off-screen?), but not before killing the White Walker that killed Edd. Edd is stabbed to death by a White Walker. Tormund and Gendry ride for Winterfell, whilst we see a burning Castle Black in the background. 

Scene 2

Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Davos, Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, The Hound, Missandei, Varys and Theon arrive in Winterfell. Davos remarks that it has gotten much colder and darker since he has left with Jon. Jon and Arya are first reunited. Daenerys meets Sansa Stark and Sansa asks whether she and Jon are in love now. Daenerys don’t give a proper response to that. Sansa doesn’t seem too pleased with Jon returning to Winterfell and Daenerys’s presence. Jon notices this and chats with her. She mentions Littlefinger’s death and how he has always betrayed them right under their nose. She says it is plain stupid to work together with Cersei Lannister. The Hound and Arya also have a conversation with each other. Arya tells the Hound she didn’t regret to leave him behind without having him killed off. The Hound answers that Arya should have had him killed off right there, especially with the things he has seen beyond the Wall.

Scene 3

Euron Greyjoy arrives back in King’s Landing with the Golden Company and meets up with Cersei Lannister and the commanders of the Golden Company in the Throne Room. Cersei thanks Euron for having the sellswords shipped to King’s Landing. Cersei orders the commander-in-chief to take Storm’s End and to have the army gathered in the fortress. Robert Baratheon once told her that the fortress has stood for many centuries and she’s sure that it will keep standing during the Long Night as well. Since there’s no Baratheon holding the castle any longer, it wouldn’t be too difficult to just take it themselves. They’ll need to protect themselves during the Great War. Later that night, Euron Greyjoy is about to have sex with Cersei Lannister. Euron jokes that she won’t miss her brother after she finds out what he can give her. Cersei’s face says enough. She isn’t too pleased with Euron in her bed. Possible nudity to be seen here. The following morning Euron leaves with his ship ‘The Silence’ to ferry the sellswords to Storm’s End to take the fortress. After he comes back, he tells Cersei he wants to be her king. Inside the Silence, Euron has a conversation with Yara Greyjoy about Queen Cersei. Yara point-blank tells him that she knows he isn’t interested in being Queen Cersei’s pet/husband at all. Euron laughs and tells her his good friends from Braavos will take care of that problem soon enough.  

Scene 4

Daenerys, Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, Davos, Missandei, Sam, Varys, the Northern Lords and the Knights of the Vale gather in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Sweetrobin and Yohn Royce are also present in this scene. Sam reunites with Jon and the two share a hug. Jon tells Sam he’s glad to have him back. The Northern Lords aren’t too pleased to accept Daenerys as their Queen. Daenerys defends herself very well, but she doesn’t get the support of the North just yet. Lyanna Mormont tells Daenerys Targaryen that she will never call her ‘Your Grace’, because she only knows one King and that’s Jon Snow, the King in the North. Tyrion smiles and mentions that she’s a ferocious girl on which Jorah replies that Mormonts don’t stand back for anything. Jon tells them there’s no time to argue with each other and brings up that there hasn’t been word of the Lannister army yet. Sansa responds that she warned them not to trust Cersei Lannister. Tyrion mentions that they can trust his brother Jaime but Daenerys doesn’t seem to agree on this one. The group discusses how they will defend the North against the Night King’s army. Jon Snow tells Robin it’s wise to bring the Eyrie into the fold and to lure the Night King in there. Robin doesn’t really seem to care and accepts Jon’s proposal. After the meeting, Daenerys tells Jon that the Northerners really are stubborn and small-minded people.  

Scene 5

Theon Greyjoy visits the Godswood of Winterfell and thinks of his friend Robb and meets with Bran Stark. He immediately apologizes to Bran for everything he has done against House Stark, but Bran tells him there’s no need for that. He knows that Theon has redeemed himself by saving his sister Sansa. He has seen how much he has suffered at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. Theon asks him how he knows all of this but Bran doesn’t respond to that. Arya and Brienne are training and Jon is impressed by his sister’s fighting skills. Arya mentions that she has never forgotten to stick her enemies with the pointy end. He asks Arya why she didn’t join the meeting in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Arya answers that Sansa is way better in those things than she is. 

Scene 6

In Volantis, Lady Melisandre enters the Red Temple. She’s again welcomed by Kinvara. Melisandre tells Kinvara that she’s played her part in the Great War to come. She has united ice and fire. She has served King Jon Snow, the prince who was promised and brought him back to life. Kinvara tells Melisandre that she’s served their God well on that part, but she also made a lot of mistakes where she needs to pay for. Kinvara tells Melisandre that their God demands one more sacrifice of Melisandre which requires her to return to the North. Melisandre answers that she isn’t allowed to enter the North. Kinvara smiles and answers Melisandre that she could benefit from her punishment then.

Scene 7

We see Jaime Lannister at an inn when he meets up with Bronn. Jaime’s surprised to see Bronn and asks him why he followed him. Bronn answers that there’s nothing left for him in that stinking city and he’s up for some adventure in the North. Jaime is glad to have Bronn by his side. Bronn asks Jaime why he has left the woman he loves the most, but Jaime doesn’t fully respond to his question. He then asks what he’s planning to do now he has left King’s Landing. Jaime tells Bronn he’s on his way to Riverrun to bring the garrisoned Lannister army back to the fold. Bronn asks him why he would give up the castle he has been occupying. Jaime answers what purpose that would have? What does he gain with that? For all he cares, Edmure can have Riverrun back. 

Scene 8

Tormund and Gendry arrive in Winterfell. Jon Snow asks Sansa why Bran didn’t take the time to join the meeting in the Great Hall and didn’t even come to speak to him. Sansa tells Jon Bran has changed a lot and calls himself ‘the Three-Eyed Raven’ now. She tells him not to expect much of a conversation with him. Samwell comes in between and tells Jon there’s something he and Bran urgently needs to tell him. Bran first sees Jon in the Godswood when he’s looking into the past. Jon mentions that he has encountered a warg beyond the Wall. Sam responds that Bran is much more than a warg, he’s a greenseer. The two inform Jon Snow about his parentage, which Jon doesn’t seem to believe at first sight. Bran tells Jon he knows everything about him. He saw him beyond the Wall, surrounded by Free Folk. He saw him fighting at Hardhome against the Night King and he saw how he was stabbed to death by his own men. Jon can’t really believe he’s a Targaryen. Sam mentions that he’s the one with the right claim on the Iron Throne, not Daenerys Targaryen but Aegon Targaryen.



Lyra Stark
14108 messaggi
Lyra Stark


14108 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 15:50

Tra le altre cose io non mi spiego 

Il comportamento dei WW. Vengono giù da Nord prendendo tutte le principali fortezze? Tramite la strada del Re parrebbe perfino. Io immaginavo cercassero di invadere prima tutto il Nord casa per casa e poi scendessero una volta ucciso ogni uomo avendo fatto piazza pulita. Così invece sembrano mirare ai punti nevralgici. Fa un po' pensare perché hanno impiegato 7 stagioni per arrivare alla Barriera procedendo con lentezza estenuante. E adesso improvvisamente hanno messo il turbo.

Grazie per la fine intelligentissima di Theon


E' sempre un dispiacere che quando tutti i lupi dovrebbero sollevarsi, un posto possa rimanere vuoto.


A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.


When the snows fall and the white winds blow,

the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives


Stark è grigio e Greyjoy è nero

Ma sembra che il vento sia in entrambi

What do they say of Robb Stark in the North?
They call him The Young Wolf
They say he can't be killed...
A thousand years before the Conquest, a promise was made, and oaths were sworn in the Wolf's Den before the old gods and the new. When we were sore beset and friendless, hounded from our homes and in peril of our lives, the wolves took us in and nourished us and protected us against our enemies. The city is built upon the land they gave us. In return we swore that we should always be their men. Stark men!


140 messaggi


140 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 16:22
%d/%m/%Y %i:%s, Tristan Sand dice:



Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 1 Leak (Script)

  Mostra contenuto nascosto


Scene 1

Aftermath of the Night King’s attack on Eastwatch By The Sea. Tormund and Gendry are able flee the scene. Undead Viserion sets Crows and Undead afire. Lord Beric Dondarrion stays behind to fight the White Walkers (dies off-screen?), but not before killing the White Walker that killed Edd. Edd is stabbed to death by a White Walker. Tormund and Gendry ride for Winterfell, whilst we see a burning Castle Black in the background. 

Scene 2

Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Davos, Jorah, Brienne, Podrick, The Hound, Missandei, Varys and Theon arrive in Winterfell. Davos remarks that it has gotten much colder and darker since he has left with Jon. Jon and Arya are first reunited. Daenerys meets Sansa Stark and Sansa asks whether she and Jon are in love now. Daenerys don’t give a proper response to that. Sansa doesn’t seem too pleased with Jon returning to Winterfell and Daenerys’s presence. Jon notices this and chats with her. She mentions Littlefinger’s death and how he has always betrayed them right under their nose. She says it is plain stupid to work together with Cersei Lannister. The Hound and Arya also have a conversation with each other. Arya tells the Hound she didn’t regret to leave him behind without having him killed off. The Hound answers that Arya should have had him killed off right there, especially with the things he has seen beyond the Wall.

Scene 3

Euron Greyjoy arrives back in King’s Landing with the Golden Company and meets up with Cersei Lannister and the commanders of the Golden Company in the Throne Room. Cersei thanks Euron for having the sellswords shipped to King’s Landing. Cersei orders the commander-in-chief to take Storm’s End and to have the army gathered in the fortress. Robert Baratheon once told her that the fortress has stood for many centuries and she’s sure that it will keep standing during the Long Night as well. Since there’s no Baratheon holding the castle any longer, it wouldn’t be too difficult to just take it themselves. They’ll need to protect themselves during the Great War. Later that night, Euron Greyjoy is about to have sex with Cersei Lannister. Euron jokes that she won’t miss her brother after she finds out what he can give her. Cersei’s face says enough. She isn’t too pleased with Euron in her bed. Possible nudity to be seen here. The following morning Euron leaves with his ship ‘The Silence’ to ferry the sellswords to Storm’s End to take the fortress. After he comes back, he tells Cersei he wants to be her king. Inside the Silence, Euron has a conversation with Yara Greyjoy about Queen Cersei. Yara point-blank tells him that she knows he isn’t interested in being Queen Cersei’s pet/husband at all. Euron laughs and tells her his good friends from Braavos will take care of that problem soon enough.  

Scene 4

Daenerys, Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, Davos, Missandei, Sam, Varys, the Northern Lords and the Knights of the Vale gather in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Sweetrobin and Yohn Royce are also present in this scene. Sam reunites with Jon and the two share a hug. Jon tells Sam he’s glad to have him back. The Northern Lords aren’t too pleased to accept Daenerys as their Queen. Daenerys defends herself very well, but she doesn’t get the support of the North just yet. Lyanna Mormont tells Daenerys Targaryen that she will never call her ‘Your Grace’, because she only knows one King and that’s Jon Snow, the King in the North. Tyrion smiles and mentions that she’s a ferocious girl on which Jorah replies that Mormonts don’t stand back for anything. Jon tells them there’s no time to argue with each other and brings up that there hasn’t been word of the Lannister army yet. Sansa responds that she warned them not to trust Cersei Lannister. Tyrion mentions that they can trust his brother Jaime but Daenerys doesn’t seem to agree on this one. The group discusses how they will defend the North against the Night King’s army. Jon Snow tells Robin it’s wise to bring the Eyrie into the fold and to lure the Night King in there. Robin doesn’t really seem to care and accepts Jon’s proposal. After the meeting, Daenerys tells Jon that the Northerners really are stubborn and small-minded people.  

Scene 5

Theon Greyjoy visits the Godswood of Winterfell and thinks of his friend Robb and meets with Bran Stark. He immediately apologizes to Bran for everything he has done against House Stark, but Bran tells him there’s no need for that. He knows that Theon has redeemed himself by saving his sister Sansa. He has seen how much he has suffered at the hands of Ramsay Bolton. Theon asks him how he knows all of this but Bran doesn’t respond to that. Arya and Brienne are training and Jon is impressed by his sister’s fighting skills. Arya mentions that she has never forgotten to stick her enemies with the pointy end. He asks Arya why she didn’t join the meeting in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Arya answers that Sansa is way better in those things than she is. 

Scene 6

In Volantis, Lady Melisandre enters the Red Temple. She’s again welcomed by Kinvara. Melisandre tells Kinvara that she’s played her part in the Great War to come. She has united ice and fire. She has served King Jon Snow, the prince who was promised and brought him back to life. Kinvara tells Melisandre that she’s served their God well on that part, but she also made a lot of mistakes where she needs to pay for. Kinvara tells Melisandre that their God demands one more sacrifice of Melisandre which requires her to return to the North. Melisandre answers that she isn’t allowed to enter the North. Kinvara smiles and answers Melisandre that she could benefit from her punishment then.

Scene 7

We see Jaime Lannister at an inn when he meets up with Bronn. Jaime’s surprised to see Bronn and asks him why he followed him. Bronn answers that there’s nothing left for him in that stinking city and he’s up for some adventure in the North. Jaime is glad to have Bronn by his side. Bronn asks Jaime why he has left the woman he loves the most, but Jaime doesn’t fully respond to his question. He then asks what he’s planning to do now he has left King’s Landing. Jaime tells Bronn he’s on his way to Riverrun to bring the garrisoned Lannister army back to the fold. Bronn asks him why he would give up the castle he has been occupying. Jaime answers what purpose that would have? What does he gain with that? For all he cares, Edmure can have Riverrun back. 

Scene 8

Tormund and Gendry arrive in Winterfell. Jon Snow asks Sansa why Bran didn’t take the time to join the meeting in the Great Hall and didn’t even come to speak to him. Sansa tells Jon Bran has changed a lot and calls himself ‘the Three-Eyed Raven’ now. She tells him not to expect much of a conversation with him. Samwell comes in between and tells Jon there’s something he and Bran urgently needs to tell him. Bran first sees Jon in the Godswood when he’s looking into the past. Jon mentions that he has encountered a warg beyond the Wall. Sam responds that Bran is much more than a warg, he’s a greenseer. The two inform Jon Snow about his parentage, which Jon doesn’t seem to believe at first sight. Bran tells Jon he knows everything about him. He saw him beyond the Wall, surrounded by Free Folk. He saw him fighting at Hardhome against the Night King and he saw how he was stabbed to death by his own men. Jon can’t really believe he’s a Targaryen. Sam mentions that he’s the one with the right claim on the Iron Throne, not Daenerys Targaryen but Aegon Targaryen.



Grazie Tristan Sand,.... leggevo la trama e subito ho evidenziato una irregolarità con i leaks dell'ultima puntata della settima stagione, dove Theon è deciso a liberare la sorella Yara dalla prigionia, quindi mi sarei aspettato nella 8x01 una spedizione di uomini di ferro ad Approdo del Re nel tentativo di liberare Yara e non che Theon si dirigesse insieme ad altri a Grande Inverno.

Presumo che siamo davanti a Fan-Fiction e dovremo aspettare gli inizi delle riprese dell'ultima stagione per avere notizie in merito.

Lyra Stark
14108 messaggi
Lyra Stark


14108 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 16:33

Al limite sono canovacci preparatori e dunque ancora in fase di revisione. 

Comunque Yara anche io credevo fosse ad Approdo ma poi Euron se la riporta via quindi credo sia tenuta a Pyke o sulla sua nave.

E' sempre un dispiacere che quando tutti i lupi dovrebbero sollevarsi, un posto possa rimanere vuoto.


A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.


When the snows fall and the white winds blow,

the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives


Stark è grigio e Greyjoy è nero

Ma sembra che il vento sia in entrambi

What do they say of Robb Stark in the North?
They call him The Young Wolf
They say he can't be killed...
A thousand years before the Conquest, a promise was made, and oaths were sworn in the Wolf's Den before the old gods and the new. When we were sore beset and friendless, hounded from our homes and in peril of our lives, the wolves took us in and nourished us and protected us against our enemies. The city is built upon the land they gave us. In return we swore that we should always be their men. Stark men!


3334 messaggi


3334 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 20:50

Questi presunti leaks sembrano in netto contrasto con il contenuto della mail HBO che, al netto di tutto quanto, pare ad oggi più credibile. 


« I did what I thought was right. » Jon Snow

« There are no men like me. Only me. » - Jaime Lannister

« No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone. It's true, I am a slow learner, but I learnWinterfell is Our Home, we have to fight for it.  » - Sansa Stark 

« Leave one wolf alive and the sheep will never be safe. » - Arya Stark

« good act does not wash out the bad, norbad act the good. » - Stannis Baratheon

Take my Heart when You go _ Take Mine in It's Place.


Ti proteggerò dalle paure delle ipocondrie, dai turbamenti che da oggi incontrerai per la tua via, dalle ingiustizie e dagli inganni del tuo tempo, dai fallimenti che per tua natura normalmente attirerai. Ti salverò da ogni malinconia, perché sei un essere speciale. Ed io avrò cura di te.

119 messaggi


119 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 21:01
8 hours fa, Iceandfire dice:

da quello che abbiamo capito ( cioè che Varys tradirà Dany

Ma da cosa hai capito questo!? Secondo me stanno giocando come fecero con sansa e jon. Tradisce tradisce e poi alla fine non ha fatto nulla. Comunque io mi fido di frikidoctor quando dice che non c'è nessuna spia tra le fila di dany

68 messaggi


68 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 21:44

Ci sta anche che questo fosse il canovaccio originario, poi rimodulato per venire incontro alle esigenze di Martin...

La morte di Bran

sarebbe un controsenso rispetto al suo percorso durante tutte queste stagioni, si rivelerebbe inutile

5939 messaggi

5939 messaggi
Inviato il 13 agosto 2017 21:49
44 minutes fa, LordTyrell dice:

Ma da cosa hai capito questo!? Secondo me stanno giocando come fecero con sansa e jon. Tradisce tradisce e poi alla fine non ha fatto nulla. Comunque io mi fido di frikidoctor quando dice che non c'è nessuna spia tra le fila di dany

Non sto parlando di spie 

Ma del fatto che Varys ,che ha parlato chiaro con la regina che ha scelto di servire possa ,causa certe scelte di lei che ci faranno vedere,puntare su un altro Re di nome Aegon


Ringrazio il mio caro amico JonSnow; per aver ideato e creato le immagini dei   miei bellissimi  ed elegantissimi avatar e firma

« I am a wolf and I fear nobody. »

''They were insulting Jon and you sat there and listened.''
''Offend them and Jon loses his army.''
''Not if they lose their heads first.''

« Leave just ONE wolf alive and sheeps will NEVER be safe. »
« When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. »

''I lupi sani e le donne sane hanno in comune talune caratteristiche psichiche: sensibilità acuta, spirito giocoso, e grande devozione. Lupi e donne sono affini per natura, sono curiosi di sapere e possiedono grande forza e resistenza. Sono profondamente intuitivi e si occupano intensamente dei loro piccoli, del compagno, del gruppo. Sono esperti nell'arte di adattarsi a circostanze sempre mutevoli; sono fieramente gagliardi e molto coraggiosi. Eppure le due specie sono state entrambe perseguitate''.


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