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ottava stagione - leaks e speculazioni
M di Metamorfo
creato il 31 luglio 2017

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10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 0:17 Autore

Ah! Dimenticavo che alla fine si è rivelato legittimo anche il tizio di 4chan che già a Settembre aveva dato informazioni sulle scene in cui era coinvolta parecchia computer grafica, in particolare l'imboscata contro l'esercito Lannister e gran parte della puntata 6 (evidentemente uno che lavorava in quel settore, o che conosce qualcuno che ci lavora).

Anche da lì possono esserci fuoriuscite di informazioni.

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 15:53 Autore

Qualcuno che ha un account su freefolk potrebbe invitare awayforthelads qui, spiegandogli che a differenza degli altri, noi non siamo maleducati e aggressivi, e molto più ordinati: https://www.reddit.com/user/awayfortheladspart2


Si potrebbe invitare anche Frikidoctor: https://www.reddit.com/user/TherealFrikidoctor









martin g.r.r.
9 messaggi
martin g.r.r.


9 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 16:06
17 hours ago, Metamorfo said:


Subito! C'è quel nuovo utente martin g.r.r. che me li sta postando. Mi ha postato la 8x2,3,4 (non so perchè non la 8x1)  :cool2:


A parte gli scherzi (nel senso che credo proprio sia fanfiction e non so nemmeno dove li abbia presi), male che vada dovremmo sapere tutto subito prima dell'inizio della stagione (parecchi addetti ai lavori vedono le puntate prima e le condividono, e personaggi come frikidoctor riverseranno tutto online).


Per il resto, bisogna vedere se gli hackers hanno preso gli script dell'ottava e se la HBO cede. Non è facile che escano fuori da lì.


Quando chiesero ad awayforthelads se sarebbe riuscito ad avere gli script della ottava, rispose con un ambiguo "dipende". Difficile anche qui, perchè chi glieli ha dati l'anno scorso, probabilmente sa che quello poi li ha leakati.


Se dovesse uscire una fonte nuova legittima, bisognerà scovarla in mezzo alle decine di troll bontemponi che sicuramente usciranno fuori.


Ti dico che la fonte dove li ho presi mi aveva dato anche quelli della settima stagione

10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 16:46 Autore

Boh, a me pare roba fasulla. Già il fatto che si dice nella 8x2 muore Reed e poi nella 8x3 che Jon ci parla...


Comunque puoi postarli qui. Magari puoi metterli sotto il tasto spoiler, visto che è parecchia roba.

Stella di Valyria
1922 messaggi
Stella di Valyria


1922 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 17:19
21 hours fa, Metamorfo dice:

La gente che ha letto (e creduto) ai leaks della settima stagione, è stata meno dello 0,1% degli spettatori.


Questa cosa dell'hackeraggio ha avuto risonanza tra i media importanti: questi finirebbero su siti e giornali di massa come leaks legittimi: l'ottava stagione sarebbe spoilerata praticamente al 100% degli spettatori. 


E' una grossa differenza.

Penso anche una cosa: un conto sono i leak su una stagione intermedia, complessi, difficili da riassumere in poche parole e comunque relativi ad una situazione in divenire (per non parlare del fatto che, forse, cose come sapere già

della scena tra Jon e Danaerys che ci aspettiamo nella settima puntata

quasi aumentano l'aspettativa e la curiosità di vederla). Un altro sarebbe qualcosa che dicesse proprio il punto d'arrivo finale, del tipo (scrivo cose completamente a caso) "Tizio uccide Caio, Sempronio si sacrifica per tutti,  sul trono ci va Abele che sposa Peppina mentre Caino decide di dedicare il resto della vita all'uncinetto e al pizzo al tombolo". Questo veramente sarebbe uno spoiler da tagliare le gambe a parte del grande pubblico televisivo, perlomeno quello che guarda la serie "per sapere come finisce"


martin g.r.r.
9 messaggi
martin g.r.r.


9 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 17:28

Se riesco entro stasera li posto 




Stella di Valyria
1922 messaggi
Stella di Valyria


1922 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 17:29
Il 10/8/2017 at 13:42, Aerys_III_Targaryen dice:

 Che senso avrebbe far risultare Jon un erede leggittimo con tanto di matrimonio tra Raeghar e Lyanna se il suo destino non fosse quello di sedere sul trono di spade? A quel punto sarebbe potuto essere realmente il figlio di Ned, non ci sarebbe stato motivo per creare tutto questo mistero dall'inizio della stagione fino ad ora.

A una cosa potrebbe servire: a far sì che Danaerys lo veda come un antagonista. Lo butto lì solo come ipotesi, non credo succederà (non mi sembra che la storia si sviluppi in questo senso; mi aspetto più una D. che finalmente trova un po' di umanità e modestia e si sacrifica per il bene comune); ma in teoria... se lei fosse ormai divorata dall'ambizione al Trono di Spade, sostenuta da sempre dall'idea di essere la legittima sovrana, e all'improvviso entrasse in scena qualcuno che ha più diritto al trono di lei, potrebbe anche venir fuori che D. fa parte del "lato oscuro" dei Targaryen, quello folle e crudele.


127 messaggi


127 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 17:46
12 minutes fa, Stella di Valyria dice:

A una cosa potrebbe servire: a far sì che Danaerys lo veda come un antagonista. Lo butto lì solo come ipotesi, non credo succederà (non mi sembra che la storia si sviluppi in questo senso; mi aspetto più una D. che finalmente trova un po' di umanità e modestia e si sacrifica per il bene comune); ma in teoria... se lei fosse ormai divorata dall'ambizione al Trono di Spade, sostenuta da sempre dall'idea di essere la legittima sovrana, e all'improvviso entrasse in scena qualcuno che ha più diritto al trono di lei, potrebbe anche venir fuori che D. fa parte del "lato oscuro" dei Targaryen, quello folle e crudele.

Tutto può essere, ad ogni modo in Daenerys è sicuramente presente la spietatezza dei Targaryen, caratteristica che fino a questo momento Jon non ha mai mostrato, anche se i suoi genitori non erano fratello e sorella, il sangue Stark ha sicuramente mitigato il tutto. Jon sembra aver preso da Targaryen come suo padre Raeghar o il suo bisnonno Jaehaerys, diciamo il ramo maggiormente "buono e sano" della famiglia, l'educazione di Ned Stark ha poi fatto il resto. Chissà se entro la fine della serie mostrerà mai un lato peggiore, cosa che fino a questo momento non è mai avvenuta.

5939 messaggi

5939 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 17:56

Non a caso Jon e solo Jon  è la "canzone del ghiaccio e del fuoco"

Se  in base alla profezia infatti fosse stato necessario,come ha detto da Melisandre, solo far incontrare il ghiaccio e il fuoco,bastava un cooperazione tra un Targaryen ed uno Stark invece il vero principe promesso o se si vuole Azor Ahai  deve possedere in una sola persona  sangue  ghiaccio e fuoco perchè appunto essi devono essere in equilibrio e portare equilibrio al mondo

E poi figurativamente c'è la reale cooperazione Drago-lupo

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

Ringrazio il mio caro amico JonSnow; per aver ideato e creato le immagini dei   miei bellissimi  ed elegantissimi avatar e firma

« I am a wolf and I fear nobody. »

''They were insulting Jon and you sat there and listened.''
''Offend them and Jon loses his army.''
''Not if they lose their heads first.''

« Leave just ONE wolf alive and sheeps will NEVER be safe. »
« When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. »

''I lupi sani e le donne sane hanno in comune talune caratteristiche psichiche: sensibilità acuta, spirito giocoso, e grande devozione. Lupi e donne sono affini per natura, sono curiosi di sapere e possiedono grande forza e resistenza. Sono profondamente intuitivi e si occupano intensamente dei loro piccoli, del compagno, del gruppo. Sono esperti nell'arte di adattarsi a circostanze sempre mutevoli; sono fieramente gagliardi e molto coraggiosi. Eppure le due specie sono state entrambe perseguitate''.


Stella di Valyria
1922 messaggi
Stella di Valyria


1922 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 18:13

Sicuramente (EDIT: scoprire che Jon è un Targ legittimo. Scusate, non l'avevo scritto) metterebbe sotto una nuova luce l'ossessione di D. affinchè lui si inginocchi (sottomettendosi a lei e riconoscendo l'inferiorità del proprio titolo e di ciò che lui rappresenta): improvvisamente, si scoprirà che la parte che dovrebbe sottomettersi (in senso politico) è lei. Colpo di scena non male, eh! Soprattutto per una che ha impostato buona parte della propria vita adulta sulla scalata al Trono di Spade, convinta di esserne la titolare legittima. Per lei dovrà essere uno choc enorme, perlomeno se D&D applicano un minimo di verosimiglianza.

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07


257 messaggi


257 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 18:22

Più che altro ho sempre pensato che il bello di Jon PCFP è un altro. Voglio dire: Martin ha fatto di Daenerys la predestinata perfetta: bistrattata, facente parte di una casata in rovina, lontana da casa e lontana dal ritornarci. Ha messo in piedi un percorso di crescita del personaggio, delle profezie a suo favore come quelle della Casa degli Eterni e delle prove a suo sostegno, come l'errore di traduzione della profezia, l'errore di interpretazione di Rhaegar e l'illuminazione di Maestro Aemon in punto di morte. E invece no, i personaggi della storia si sono sbagliati ancora una volta. Questo secondo me è il bello di tutto ciò. Che la bella e predestinata Daenerys sia in realtà nata per... beh, non fare quello che si pensa.

martin g.r.r.
9 messaggi
martin g.r.r.


9 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 18:38

First outline season 8, episode 2 


    •    The episode will have a duration of almost 2 hours.  
    •    The first scene will take place in the Great Hall of Winterfell. Jon, Daenerys, Tyrion, Davos and Sansa are present here. Gendry and Tormund tell the rest that the Wall has fallen and the Night Watch destroyed. Tormund also mentions that the Night King rides an undead dragon and that they are severely fucked. Bran Stark confirms Gendry and Tormund’s story and tells that the Night King is on his way to Winterfell. Jon Snow tells the rest that they have no time to lose and asks Maester Wolkan to inform all of their banners, everyone in the North, to prepare themselves for a war against the Army of the Dead. They need to prepare for an attack at the battlefield of Winterfell.     
    •    After having to process a lot of new information and struggling with his identity, Jon Snow goes to the crypts to visit his mother, Lyanna and his uncle, Ned Stark. Daenerys notices that there’s something wrong with Jon and finds him in the crypts. She asks Jon what’s wrong with him. Jon tells her that he even isn’t called Jon Snow. He calls ‘Jon Snow’ a lie people have made him believe all of life. Daenerys is confused and asks Jon for clarification but Jon walks away from her. Daenerys notices that Jon behaves aloof toward her. 
    •    Daenerys walks out of the crypts, which Jorah Mormont notices. He asks her what happened down them in the crypts but Daenerys answers that she doesn’t know what’s up with Jon. She tells Jorah that Jon is hiding something from her. Jorah also tells Daenerys that it striked him that Daenerys has been so absent for days. She answers that she’s not feeling very well lately. Jorah proposes to have her examined by Maester Wolkan.
    •    Qyburn enters Cersei’s chambers. He mentions that she hasn’t spoken about her miscarriage anymore and that she needs to take enough time to rest. Cersei answers that there’s no time for that and doesn’t want to say more about the miscarriage. Qyburn leaves her chambers, Cersei watches from her window, witnessing how the snow falls in King’s Landing. The next shot is Jaime, riding his horse in snowy conditions. He and Bronn arrive in Riverrun, both discover that the Tullys are once again laying siege to Riverrun. Jaime enters the stage and meets up with Edmure. Edmure tells Jaime he should have him in chains, but Jaime responds that he doesn’t come to argue about the damned castle. He proposes Edmure to help his niece and nephew in the Great War against the Night King. He also promises to give Edmure Riverrun back to the Tullys, since it doesn’t matter any longer who’s holding the castle at this point. Edmure tends to agree, not for Jaime but for his family. 
    •    Most of House Stark’s bannermen and Daenerys’s army have now arrived in Winterfell. Among them is Howland Reed. He arrived with his army and Meera Reed by his side. Arya receives a visitor in Winterfell. He seems to be an ordinary bannerman from House Cerwyn, but he quickly removes his face. It seems to be Jaqen H’ghar. Arya is surprised to have Jaqen visiting her. Jaqen tells Arya the Many-Faced God requires another death, a name to be crossed off her list. He reveals it to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei Lannister. A price was paid. What better servant of the Many-Faced God than Arya Stark can kill Cersei Lannister. He gives a vial of poison to Arya and leaves her. 
    •    Jon Snow seizes the moment to talk with Howland Reed alone. He asks Howland to confirm Bran’s story, but Howland doesn’t acknowledge this at all. Jon Snow pleads him to tell the truth since Robert Baratheon isn’t alive any longer, there’s no point in lying anymore. Howland ultimately confirms that Ned was carrying Lyanna’s child when he came out of the Tower of Joy. He always promised him to keep this a secret. Jon thanks him for telling the truth anyway. 
    •    Knowing that the Army of the Undead will be upon them very soon, Tyrion, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Brienne, Podrick, Davos, Tormund, Gendry, Varys, Jorah, Theon, The Hound, Grey Worm and Sam discuss together with the Stark bannermen and Daenerys’s army how they will defend the North. Allegedly the Last Hearth has already been attacked by the White Walkers and their castle destroyed. Ned Umber didn’t make it out alive. Tyrion speaks for Daenerys, who’s absent due to illness. He comes forward with a plan to defend the North. Tormund, the remaining Free Folk, the Dothraki, the Unsullied will attack with dragonglass from the Dreadfort since that’s where they are heading to first. On their way to Winterfell, the dragons will set the army of the Dead afire and House Stark’s bannermen and the Knights of the Vale will fight weakened forces at the battlefield of Winterfell and hopefully destroy the Night King as well. Jon wants Brienne and Podrick to take Sansa and Arya and Bran with them and to leave with Robin Arryn to the Eyrie. Arya doesn’t want to and claims that she’s stronger than most men. They need her in the war to come. Jon insists that he doesn’t want that. Jorah also wants to fight alongside House Mormont but Lyanna reminds him that he has betrayed his own House. Varys mentions that he has also received word from King’s Landing. Supposedly, Queen Cersei has bought a great army of sellswords and Euron Greyjoy has taken Storm’s End to install the army there. Theon pleads to have Storm’s End attacked and Gendry agrees since it’s the seat of his father’s house. Jon promises Theon that he will help to destroy Euron and save his sister after they have dealt with the  Night King and his army. There’s no time for that now since all of their lives are in danger and they have no choice than to face the Night King and his army. He needs his help and that of the Iron Islanders as well during the battle at Winterfell. A disappointed Theon accepts his proposal. 
    •    Missandei visits Daenerys in her chambers. Daenerys tells Missandei that Maester Wolkan examined her and that he confirmed that she’s pregnant. Missandei asks why she isn’t happy then. Daenerys feels that Jon has changed towards her and doesn’t understand why. 
    •    The Free Folk, the Dothraki, the Unsullied prepare to leave Winterfell. Jon asks Daenerys why she didn’t attend this important gathering, but Daenerys doesn’t reply to that as well.  Meera goes to say goodbye to Bran in the Godswood in Winterfell when Bran starts to behave very strangely. He pleads Meera to warn them since the Night King’s army is here. Jon is going to say goodbye to Sansa when Meera runs to warn the others. A huge winter storm starts to come closer to Winterfell. Chaos erupts. The North and Daenerys’s army gather outside to face the Night King’s army. Jon orders Sansa, Arya and Daenerys to stay inside Winterfell. They are too valuable to lose and promises them that Winterfell will not fall. Varys, Tyrion, Robin, Samwell, Gilly, Lyanna and Missandei also remain inside Winterfell. Arya first doesn’t want to but obeys Jon’s wish. Sansa asks Meera to get Bran inside asap. A huge flock of wights invade the battlefield of Winterfell. Dothraki face the Army of the Dead first and many of them are taken out quite easily. Lots of wights keep coming. Ghost fights with Jon and saves him at one point from a wight trying to kill him. Ghost is killed off trying to save Jon. Inside Winterfell, Daenerys is frustrated that she’s not able to help and that she should fly Drogon to destroy the undead. Missandei answers that it’s not wise to join the fight while she’s pregnant. Sam tries to console Gilly and Little Sam. The news surprises Sansa, Tyrion and Varys. Drogon comes in between and takes out a big chunk of the Night King’s army but also kills some of the Northern bannermen in the process. The White Walkers also enters the stage with the Night King flying Undead Viserion above them. Viserion starts to destroy the Northern’s army as well. Lord Glover and Howland Reed die are killed by dragonfire. Tormund leads the Free Folk and fights but is killed by Drogon’s fire. Drogon also manages to kill an undead giant. Meera wants Bran to leave the Godswood but he tells her he has help and Jon and co. Bran is trying to control Rhaegal with his mind. Meera warns Bran that is too dangerous and that he should stay inside. Jon and Daenerys’s army is diminishing greatly since many wights keep coming. White Walkers try to invade Winterfell. Grey Worm faces two White Walkers and is able to take out one of them with his spear from Dragonglass. The other WW kills him. The White Walkers supposedly try to invade Winterfell to take down Bran. Brienne guards the castle together with Podrick, Jorah and Gendry. Wights and White Walkers and Wights start to invade there as well. Podrick is killed off by a group of Wights, which makes Brienne go psycho and takes out one of the White Walkers as well with Oathkeeper. Meera is urging Bran to give up and get inside but Bran doesn’t want to. He wants Meera to leave instead and get safe inside the castle. Meera answers that she will stay together with him until the end. Jaime Lannister and the Tully forces come to the North’s aid right in time. Bran is managing to warg inside Rhaegal and the dragon starts to fight undead Viserion, trying to bite him right in the neck but gets gravely injured during the fight as well. Rhaegal starts to breathe fire on Viserion, which seems to make the Night King start leaving the battlefield on injured Viserion’s back.    
    •    Meera realizes that this is the end for them. White Walkers are coming for Bran and she gets killed off by the White Walkers while defending Bran’s body. Viserion and Rhaegal keep fighting each other and both start to be seriously injured. It seems like dragonfire can harm the Night King. The White Walkers stab Bran to death, which makes Rhaegal fall to the ground and to be stabbed to death by Wights. The Night King’s army of Undead is starting to diminish. We see Jaime commanding his men and fighting the remaining Undead alongside Bronn. Jon fights alongside the Hound and Davos. The Hound is fighting like a boss right here. When Jon starts to notice that the Night King’s army is retreating as well he commands everybody to leave the battlefield asap and goes with Davos and the Hound to get everyone safely outside now. The Knights of the Vale, Sansa, Brienne and Robin leave together to the Eyrie. Arya, The Hound, Jaime Lannister, Bronn, Edmure Tully, Tully and Lannister forces retreat to Riverrun. Jon, Davos, Tyrion, Varys, Missandei, Jorah, Samwell, Gilly, Little Sam, Theon, the remaining Unsullied and Dothraki forces travel south. Lyanna Mormont and her men retreat to Bear Island.
    •    The last shot we see is Jon and Daenerys on Drogon’s back setting all the dead afire including dead Rhaegal. Both sides suffered great losses in this fight. 
    •    Deaths: Grey Worm, Tormund, Podrick, Meera, Bran, Rhaegal, Robett Glover, Howland Reed

 Trama 8x02

191 messaggi


191 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 20:15

Tradotta con Google e salvata.

140 messaggi


140 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 20:24

e la 8x01?

martin g.r.r.
9 messaggi
martin g.r.r.


9 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 21:24

trama 8x03

First outline season 8, episode 3 


    •    Note that this episode is a bit shorter than the others and has a duration of +/- 60 minutes. 
    •    Jon, Daenerys, Sansa, Robin, Lord Royce, Jaime, Bronn, Edmure, Varys, Brienne, Tyrion, Jorah, Gendry, Sam, Gilly, Davos, Missandei, Little Sam and Theon all arrive in Greywater Watch. Not all of these characters appear on screen though. They make a stop to rest there and to discuss their strategy to defeat the Night King for good.
    •    Inside Greywater Watch, Daenerys, Jon, Jaime, Bronn, Edmure, Tyrion, Sansa, Sam, Davos, Robin and Lord Royce discuss how they will organize themselves before splitting up. Jon proposes to await the Night King’s attack from the Eyrie since the fortress is very difficult to impregnate. Tyrion jokes that the Night King only needs 10 good men to impregnate the bitch, but only Bronn catches the joke. The remaining Lannister and Tully army defend Riverrun together with Edmure, Tyrion, Jaime and Bronn. When the Eyrie gets attacked first, the Night King’s army has to get lured into the Bloody Gate and that’s when the Lannister and Tully forces need to join the attack as well. Theon has to take back Pyke and defend it together with the remaining army of the North and the Ironborn.  Jon remarks that Arya and The Hound have not been seen arriving in Greywater Watch. Edmures assures that Arya hasn’t died but simply disappeared when they were retreating from Winterfell. Sansa remarks that she’d be safe with the Hound. She always manages to survive somehow. Jon also wants Sansa and Brienne to join Robin and Gendry to the Eyrie where they’d probably be safer than now. Jon stays with Davos, Jaime, Jorah, Bronn, Tyrion and Edmure in Riverrun. Jon wants Daenerys, to travel to Dragonstone together with Varys and Missandei. Sam and Gilly should travel with her. Maester Wolkan received bad news, though. Lyanna Mormont didn’t make it to Bear Island and died. 
    •    Next shot is Arya and the Hound travelling on the Kingsroad. The Hound complains to Arya that she should have followed her brother and sister and that she’s a stupid girl to travel alone in the North now that the army of undead fuckers are around. Arya answers the Hound that he shouldn’t have sticked with her if he’s scared. The Hound deduces that Arya is traveling to King’s Landing, but he doesn’t understand why. Arya says that she has to cross one last name off her list. The Hound laughs and tells Arya why she’s still holding that fucking list since everyone will die soon anyway. Arya responds that she needs to kill Cersei herself. The Hound agrees and tells that he has some unfinished business with his brother as well. The two encounter by an old woman, who’s asking after the King in The North. The Hound says that an old woman shouldn’t be alone in the woods with the army of the Night King approaching. The old woman says she doesn’t fear the dead. Arya tells the woman she thinks Jon Snow has traveled south, probably to Dragonstone. The old woman takes a look at Arya and tells her that they have met before. Arya is puzzled about this, the Old Woman leaves. 
    •    During the night, the characters at Greywater Watch sleep in huts. Jon chats a last time with Howland Reed, asking if he joins them to the South since the White Walkers would probably hit Greywater Watch soon. Howland Reed tells that he’s ready to die. He doesn’t care of his life anymore, now with his children being passed away. He tells Jon Snow the Walkers can have him. He tells Jon he also needs to pay for his sins, for killing Arthur Dayne behind his back. He tells Jon the story of how he saw Ned Stark with baby Jon in his arms. His uncle always wanted to keep him safe, even willing to sacrifice his life for Jon. Howland tells Jon he recognizes a lot of traits of Ned in Jon Snow and says that he would make a good ruler on the Iron Throne. Jon insists that he isn’t interested in that and leaves Howland Reed. 
    •    Then, we see Cersei in King’s Landing. Qyburn visits the chamber of the Hand and informs Cersei that Winterfell has been attacked and that Daenerys and Jon have lost a great deal of their army. Cersei smiles. Qyburn also tells that the Lannister army has joined the Battle at Winterfell apperently. Cersei asks if Jaime has survived, but Qyburn tells he doesn’t know. Cersei answers that he shouldn’t have. After that, Euron arrives back in King’s Landing. He comes to tell Cersei that the Golden Company succefully took Storm’s End and that the army is gathered right there. He tells Cersei he finally wants to receive his reward and they shouldn’t wait to marry and be husband and wife tonight. Cersei reluctantly agrees. 
    •    It’s still night in Greywater Watch and the characters stay there until morning. Jon and Daenerys sleep together in a hut. Daenerys finally tells Jon that she’s pregnant with his child. Jon is surprised and expresses his happiness toward Daenerys. He jokes that this is the only good thing that happened to them at the moment. He also wonders about their child’s health since they’re family. Daenerys comforts Jon the Targaryens have been inbreeding for years and she’s perfectly healthy. Daenerys thinks she’s having a son again, and asks Jon what he would name their son. Jon thinks he should be named after the greatest person he knew in his life, the one that saved his life, his uncle Ned. He wants his son to be named Eddard Targaryen. Daenerys repeats the name and smiles. She says she likes it very much. The two start to kiss in their hut. Jaime visits Brienne’s hut as well. Brienne grieves over Podrick’s death, telling him that Podrick was the least person to deserves to die like that. Jaime agrees telling Brienne that he was a good lad and he was lucky to have been around Brienne all that time.  
    •    The Hound and Arya make a fire during the night. The Hound asks how she managed to cross off almost every name of her list, but before Arya can respond she tells the Hound to shut up. She hears some strange noises. Not much later, a group of wights attack Arya and the Hound. The two begin to fight the wights but more wights come since they’re attracted to the noise. It’s then when Nymeria and a much larger pack of wolves come in between and kill off a big bunch of Wights. A lot of wolves die too. When most of the Wights are killed off, The Hound thinks they should flee as soon as they can before another group of Wights comes to kill them off. Arya discovers that she has lost Needle during the fight, but the Hound insists that there’s no time left to search for the damned sword and that they should leave immediately. This time Arya manages to have Nymeria follow her and the Hound. 
    •    The wedding between Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy takes place in the Throne Room. Euron looks very delighted, Cersei not so. It’s Qyburn who has them married. Cersei wears a tight, long black dress. She looks quite sad during the wedding. The wedding scene itself doesn’t take long and the scene switches to their wedding bed. This scene is an intercut between Cersei and Euron having sex and Jaime and Brienne also having sex in their hut. The two still think of each other. 
    •    Next morning, the group departs from Greywater Watch and Jon and Sansa say goodbye to each other for the time being. Jon asks Gendry to keep his sister safe. Daenerys and Jon also say goodbye and leave each other. Daenerys tells Jon that Drogon should stay with him. They’ll need him to fight the Night King. The two kiss before leaving each other. Jorah is still having difficulties with that. We see all of the character go different ways and that’s how the episode ends. 
    •    Died: a lot of Wights and wolves, Lyanna Mormont (off-screen)


trama 8x04


First outline season 8, episode 4



    •    The first scene will take place in King’s Landing. Cersei speaks with Qyburn, Euron and the three Commanders of the Golden Company. Qyburn informs them that Daenerys and Jon have been splitting up their army and that Jaime is currently with Jon and Edmure in Riverrun, probably awaiting an attack from the Night King. Pyke has been taken again by Theon Greyjoy and Jon’s army, which visibly angers Euron. Daenerys traveled back to Dragonstone.  Cersei laughs and tells the rest she hopes the Night King devours their army soon enough. They shouldn’t wait too long and have the Golden Company attack Dragonstone since Daenerys’s army is reduced remarkably. Euron Greyjoy is watching the Iron Throne when Cersei joins him in the Throne Room. She asks Euron why he doesn’t attack Pyke, since his nephew has taken it from him. Euron initially thinks it’s a stupid idea to go North now, but Cersei convinces him to learn them another lesson. Euron decides to take his fleet and travels to Pyke. 
    •    Cersei and Qyburn are watching from above how Euron leaves. Qyburn asks Cersei if it is smart to have their most important ally travel so far North at the moment. Cersei tells Qyburn she hopes her enemies deal with Euron Greyjoy and that he never returns to King’s Landing. 
    •    Daenerys, Sam, Gilly, Varys and Missandei have returned to Dragonstone. Varys reports to Daenerys that Cersei has hired the Golden Company and that Euron’s ships has been seen leaving King’s Landing. They could attack her any moment, now that her forces are weakened. Daenerys agrees and hopes that Jon and co. finishes the Night King’s army as soon as possible. When Daenerys takes a bath, Missandei remarks that she’s visibly pregnant right by now. Daenerys asks Missandei how she deals with Grey Worm’s death, at which Missandei responds that she’s missing him every day. Missandei asks Daenerys whether she misses Jon. Daenerys says she does. Next scene is Samwell with Gilly and Little Sam. Samwell wants Gilly to travel to Horn Hill with Little Sam. They aren’t safe in Dragonstone with enemies from all sides. Gilly reminds Sam that he promised her not to leave them, but Sam insists that they must. They’ll be safe with his mother and sister. He promises that he’ll fight for them. 
    •    Jaime, Jon, Bronn, Tyrion, Jorah and Edmure are already in Riverrun. Jon mentions that the Army of the Dead has been seen reaching the Twins. They will be upon them soon and tells them they should take their armies to the Eyrie immediately. Tyrion takes the time to ask Jaime about Cersei and why he chosen to leave her. Jaime tells Tyrion that Cersei will never find peace after the deaths of their children and chose to betray everybody during the Dragonpit by hiring the Golden Company. Their relationship fully consumed him. Tyrion reminds the rest that Daenerys isn’t safe in Dragonstone, now that Cersei has an army of thousands of sellswords behind her back. She could attack Dragonstone any moment from now. Jorah think his place should be with his queen now as he promised to protect her at any cost. Jon seems to agree and lets him go. Jon sends word to his sister, Sansa, to inform her that the Army of the Dead will reach the Vale soon and that their army is marching to the Vale now.
    •    Cersei stands with the commanders of the Golden Company on the giant map of Westeros. She instructs the commanders to take their men to Dragonstone with Euron’s remaining ships and to capture Daenerys Targaryen. She can’t wait to kill the foreign whore herself. The commanders leave and obey her orders. 
    •    Sansa receives word from Jon Snow and orders the Lords of the Vale that they should prepare now. She convinces Robin Arryn to have Lord Royce lead the Knights of the Vale. Robin tells Sansa he intends to fight with them. Sansa answers Robin that it’s not a good idea and that he should be kept safe. Robin laughs and tells Sansa that he’s not a girl, unlike Sansa. Gendry and Sansa have a conversation as well. Sansa asks how Gendry came to meet Arya, but he tells Sansa that the story is too long to tell. The two seem to get well along and Sansa thanks him for fighting with them.  
    •    Missandei receives a visitor in Dragonstone. She first asks after Jon Snow, but is happy to meet Daenerys as well. It seems to be old Melisandre who comes to bring them important news. Old Melisandre tells them that a great last sacrifice should be made if they want to win the war and that it requires true king’s blood. Old Melisandre points at Daenerys’s baby. Daenerys is furious at the old lady and sends her away immediately. Before Old Melisandre leaves, Varys talks with her outside. Melisandre makes her identity known, which has Varys shocked. She tells Varys that he should remember what the voice said in the flames. He should be the one to save the common people from the doom. She asks Varys to fulfill the prophecy and save Westeros. Varys can’t utter a word. Melisandre leaves Dragonstone and the series. 
    •    The next shot takes place in Pyke. Theon Greyjoy is sitting on his father’s chair when his men come to tell him that Euron Greyjoy has arrived in Pyke as well. Euron speaks with Theon outside. He has Yara with him and tells Theon that he should give up Pyke already or he’ll slit his sister’s throat in front of him. Theon is starting to notice that it’s getting a lot colder and he can see his breath. He tells Euron that they are coming for them, but Euron doesn’t understand at first. Men start to scream and Wights start invading Pyke. Yara takes adventage of the moment and kicks Euron. Theon implores Yara to escape to Dragonstone. Yara wants Theon to come with her, but tells her he won’t fail her another time. Yara wants Theon to come with her, but tells her he won’t fail her another time. She escapes on a small ship with a few loyal men. Theon fights Euron himself. Ironborn and Northmen fight the wights, while Euron battles Theon. Euron gets the upper-hand and swings his axe Theon right in Theon’s body. Theon dies immediately, Euron laughs. Euron implores his men to leave Pyke with the boats. A lot of his men have died, but Euron manages to escape.


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