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M di Metamorfo
creato il 31 luglio 2017

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3397 messaggi


3397 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 16:17
49 minutes fa, Ancalagon dice:

Scindete le due realtà e vi godrete la serie almeno io ho fatto così. Probabilmente sono uno dei pochi che riesce a farlo


Ora non voglio generare discussioni che finirebbero inevitabilmente OT, ma perché quando uno critica il lavoro svolto da D&D  lo si deve automaticamente etichettare come incapace di scindere libri e serie tv invece di pensare che magari muoverebbe le stesse critiche anche se fosse di fronte a un soggetto originale? Tra l'altro tirare in ballo adesso i libri lascia il tempo che trova, visto che la serie non si basa più sulla saga cartacea (al massimo su linee guida date da Martin a D&D) da almeno 3 anni :ehmmm:

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

1856 messaggi

1856 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 17:09

Frikidoctor su reddit qualche minuto fa...



Been there, done that... This is the second time I’m facing a copyright infringement claim from HBO in a video that does not have a single frame or sound that belongs to them. Its me, talking to the camera about what I think that will happen in the first episode of the last season of Game of Thrones.

As I said before, there is a precedent. HBO took down two of my videos claiming copyright even if there was not a single frame of their property. I can understand that they are pissed off, but I don’t have any kind of confidentiality agreement with them. I can say what I think that will happen in every episode, and being right about it, its not a reason to take it down. There are countless videos supposedly spoiling completely season 8 and they have not been taken down, basically because they are using absurd theories most of the time, but that would mean that you can only talk about spoilers when you are wrong.

In season 6, after reviewing the case, YouTube restored all my videos, so I will start the process again.

The difference this time is that they don’t have filled a DMCA claim, they simply claim that the video has copyrighted material of their property, HBO takes it down and I can appeal. But surprisingly enough, they are the ones who have to review the appeal, not YouTube, and they have a month to answer. The channel does not get a strike, but YouTube does not review the case either.

I have to write to YouTube’s copyright department and beg them to pay attention to my case.

Meanwhile I get everything sorted, I’m thinking of uploading the video to two different platforms. I’m deciding which ones. If you have any advice I could use, I would be really grateful. Thanks again for your support.

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."

Guardiani della Notte
3662 messaggi


Guardiani della Notte

3662 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 17:36
%d/%m/%Y %i:%s, Feanor_Turambar dice:


Ora non voglio generare discussioni che finirebbero inevitabilmente OT, ma perché quando uno critica il lavoro svolto da D&D  lo si deve automaticamente etichettare come incapace di scindere libri e serie tv invece di pensare che magari muoverebbe le stesse critiche anche se fosse di fronte a un soggetto originale? Tra l'altro tirare in ballo adesso i libri lascia il tempo che trova, visto che la serie non si basa più sulla saga cartacea (al massimo su linee guida date da Martin a D&D) da almeno 3 anni :ehmmm:

Il mio era un messaggio generale, in troppi non riescono a scindere tra libri e serie/film e rimangono prontamente delusi. Ovvio poi ci sono certe trasposizioni che fanno pena e li non puoi proprio dire nulla (Eragon ad esempio). 


%d/%m/%Y %i:%s, Sam I Am dice:

Questo è quello che bisognerebbe fare... io riesco a farlo e sono soddisfatto dello show nonostante sono certo che si sarebbe potuto fare meglio, ma i primi a saperlo sono i produttori come confermato in svariate interviste...

Certo. Infatti alcune scelte sono senza senso ma non perché non seguono il libro ma perché non hanno logica 

Guardiani della Notte
3662 messaggi


Guardiani della Notte

3662 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 17:38
27 minutes fa, JonSnow1992 dice:

Frikidoctor su reddit qualche minuto fa...



Been there, done that... This is the second time I’m facing a copyright infringement claim from HBO in a video that does not have a single frame or sound that belongs to them. Its me, talking to the camera about what I think that will happen in the first episode of the last season of Game of Thrones.

As I said before, there is a precedent. HBO took down two of my videos claiming copyright even if there was not a single frame of their property. I can understand that they are pissed off, but I don’t have any kind of confidentiality agreement with them. I can say what I think that will happen in every episode, and being right about it, its not a reason to take it down. There are countless videos supposedly spoiling completely season 8 and they have not been taken down, basically because they are using absurd theories most of the time, but that would mean that you can only talk about spoilers when you are wrong.

In season 6, after reviewing the case, YouTube restored all my videos, so I will start the process again.

The difference this time is that they don’t have filled a DMCA claim, they simply claim that the video has copyrighted material of their property, HBO takes it down and I can appeal. But surprisingly enough, they are the ones who have to review the appeal, not YouTube, and they have a month to answer. The channel does not get a strike, but YouTube does not review the case either.

I have to write to YouTube’s copyright department and beg them to pay attention to my case.

Meanwhile I get everything sorted, I’m thinking of uploading the video to two different platforms. I’m deciding which ones. If you have any advice I could use, I would be really grateful. Thanks again for your support.

Potrebbe fare una diretta su Twitch  :blink:.


Comunque era come dicevo ieri, gli tolgono i video non perché ci sono foto ma perché vogliono evitare spoiler e sono poco furbi perché ora tutti sanno che al 99% sono cose che accadranno nel primo episodio della serie 

the neck
2141 messaggi
the neck

2141 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 18:50

non ho letto niente in pratica sul contenuto, ma se gli bloccano i video mi fa solo piacere.....che rivelino cose vere o bischerate.......quelli cosi mi sono sempre stati sulle scatole!!

" A Grande Inverno giuriamo la fedeltà della Torre delle Acque Grigie. Cuore e focolare e raccolto a te noi doniamo, mio lord. Le nostre spade, le lance e le frecce sono al tuo comando. Da’ misericordia ai nostri deboli, aiuta i nostri inermi e fa’ giustizia per tutti. Noi mai ti volteremo le spalle. Lo giuro sulla terra e sull’acqua. Lo giuro sul bronzo e sul ferro. Lo giuriamo sul ghiaccio e sul fuoco. "









10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 20:50 Autore
3 hours fa, JonSnow1992 dice:

Frikidoctor su reddit qualche minuto fa...




L'idea di HBO è far rimuovere il video, e costringere friki ad aspettare i tempi burocratici prima di riaverlo online.

Ovviamente, funziona perchè HBO ha potere. Se un utente normale reclama il copyright su un altro, dubito a quello cancellino il video immediatamente e senza nemmeno fare una (facile) verifica.


Quest'anno friki sta attirando più attenzioni del solito. Per esempio, qui un articolo del dailymail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6839755/Game-Thrones-Season-8-premiere-details-leak-online-fans-NOT-happy.html

140 messaggi


140 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 21:16

Frikidoctor ha ricaricato il video con gli spoilers del 1° episodio sul suo account instagram...


Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 21:59 Autore

Rimosso pure quello. Ed anche da Vimeo, dicono.

HBO è proprio sul piede di guerra :blink:


Io gli avevo consigliato Twitch. Ma a questo punto è probabile HBO arrivi anche lì.


Probabilmente, HBO minaccia azioni legali contro le varie piattaforme, e quelle, nel dubbio, preferiscono censurare il poro friki piuttosto che rischiare.

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

140 messaggi


140 messaggi
Inviato il 22 marzo 2019 23:45

Per adesso resiste ancora (forse non per molto) su facebook, comunque stavo riguardando la cronologia dei video sulla settima stagione di Frikidoctor e nell'arco di due settimane aveva dato tutti gli spoilers delle sette puntate (che già si sapevano tramite awayforthelads su reddit), quindi è probabile che possa accadere lo stesso anche per l'ultima stagione

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

3336 messaggi


3336 messaggi
Inviato il 23 marzo 2019 12:36
22 hours fa, Sguaina la lama rovente dice:

 per personaggi secondari ti riferisci all' attrice che ha girato piu' minutaglie nell' ultima serie ( Arya) ?


Certo, non mi riferivo all'inutile tizio che è scomparso per due stagioni per poi risbucare dal nulla in maniera ridicola, no. Parlavo chiaramente di Arya.

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

Sguaina la lama rovente
566 messaggi
Sguaina la lama rovente


566 messaggi
Inviato il 23 marzo 2019 17:59

eh  dai Gedeont.

Abbiamo capito che questa coppia non ti piace.

Pero' a mio parere confratello dovrai fartene una ragione perchè ho tutto il sentore che sarà una storia non di secondo rilievo e dovrai sorbirti molto di Arya perché a quello che è trapelato i tra attori con piu' minutaggio svettano :
Arya, Jon e Jamie. 

Quella tra i personaggi principali con meno minutaggio dovrebbe essere Sansa. 

A tal proposito volevo ringraziare  Metamorfo !!! e lui sa perchè !!!

Comunque METAMORFO tu hai tradotto friki giusto? 

Ascolta :

Lui dice ad un certo punto 

non Sara':"ti amo?" ( Gendrya) o

io ho tradotto male?


10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 23 marzo 2019 21:19 Autore

Non mi pare dica mai così.

Io ho fatto un riassunto. 

Qui c'è un post in inglese, che non ho letto, ma che dalla lunghezza direi essere una vera e propria trascrizione.

[Opening : Jon and Dany arrive at Winterfell, with the Unsullied and the Dothraki; conversation between Varys and Tyrion]

So you have already seen the Unsullied and the Dothraki marching towards Winterfell, accompanied by Jon and Daenerys. You have already seen that they are going together with the dragons, you have seen the locals, the northerners being absolutely scared. You have already seen those troops crossing Winter Town, that small town, that small village let’s say, to the outskirts of Winterfell. You have already seen a child that climbs up in a house on one side to look the troops passing, doing a tribute to Bran in the first season. You have already seen Arya and Sansa, amazed by the two dragons of Daenerys. Of course! You already know this and you also know that there is an arrival of troops to Winterfell, and in fact you have even seen the reception of those troops. But which are the two characters that accompany normally Jon and Daenerys? There are two characters who have been accompanying them for a long time and they act as counselors! These two characters are Varys and Tyrion! Varys and Tyrion have had interesting and revealing conversations during the previous seasons. Varys and Tyrion were concerned about the mental state of Daenerys. Why? Because Daenerys, for example, burned the Tarlys, and one of the things that we are going to see is how Daenerys has to talk to Sam and tell him that she has burned his father and his brother, for example! And we have to know how Sam will react to this news. Well, I can not imagine Varys and Tyrion on horseback. I imagine them more sitting on a wagon, talking among themselves, making funny little jokes, and there is one thing that distinguishes Varys from Tyrion: is an argument about something physical and is not about the height. You know that Tyrion has testicles and Varys no. And why not talk about that topic? And why not to do some joke at respect? I'll just let this fall right here, and who knows maybe we have some of that…

[Next scene: Jon/Bran reunion]

And arriving at Winterfell there is, already, a highly anticipated meeting, among the various meetings that are going to occur. And this is the meeting between John and Bran! How do you think they are going to react? Well! In a very stereotypical way, you know that Bran has been transformed to a cold guy, a cold squid, a squid like this: Harrr! [a typical sound he makes throughout the video] Jon will see him, and he will really give a hug. Of course, it turns out that when Jon saw Bran for the last time, he was a boy and now a slacker (= bigardo), a bigardo, is a teenager bigardo in a wheelchair. How Jon could react? He could react by telling him “how much you have grown! You are a man!”, things like those that would tell you your very grandmother, for example. After summer, you can remember, you go to see your grandmother, after the summer, and you are a teenager. When you are a teenager you grow up like a demon and she would tell you “how much you have grown!!!” Well, it that: “how much have you grown. You are a man.”

[Next scene: Sansa receives Dany; there is a bit of tension between them]

After that, come more presentations. Come that scene with Jon and Daenerys, that scene that you have already seen in the trailer footage, in the outside of Winterfell. And of course, it is up to Sansa to deliver Winterfell to Daenerys. And, apparently, she is not going to do it eagerly. You have already seen that face that she makes and what you have seen that when Jon hugs Sansa, she looks up and sees Daenerys. All this, you have it already “located” as there are images already. And Daenerys approaches, and she [Sansa] tells her that “Winterfell is yours”. Daenerys, of course, wants to ingratiate with Sansa, Daenerys realizes that Sansa, argh, hmmm hhhh [uncomfortable sounds], sitting regularly as she is present there. And, of course, what Daenerys is going to do? Well, talk about whatever, how nice is the North, the North is very beautiful, the North and its people, eh? Trying to ingratiate herself, telling thins like: How beautiful you are, Sansa, I see you very well, I see you are very good… I do not know, she could tell her thing like: You are as beautiful as the North… Things of that kind, to try to ingratiate, although Sansa, mmmm, I tell you: she [Sansa] is acting normal and she does not think highly of the presentation of Daenerys.

[Next scene: Bran informs everyone about the NK, and they decide to have a Great Northern Assembly]

And, of course, in the middle of all these presentations, it seems that there is a character that is in a hurry, that wants the things to move as they are there entertained in the patio. And of course who can be the character that wants to put a little bit of hurry to the others? Well, in this time is Bran. Bran is the one that is in a hurry, because he has to inform them that the Wall has fallen, and not only about the Wall, but also that the Night King has a dragon! So, the danger begins and this is deserves what? It deserves a great Northern Assembly, as only the northerners know how to do, so we go to the great to the great Northern Assembly and in that great Assembly there in the center: On one side Sansa on the other side Daenerys, and she [Sansa] has to introduce Daenerys [to the Assembly]. But, of course, there are many other issues to attend…

[Next scene: the Great Northern Assembly, tension between the Northerners, Lyanna Mormont openly criticizes Jon's decision to bend the knee; Jon claims that they need allies; the Northeners learn about the supposed Lannister troops; Tyrion defends Cersei]

And we must see what is the state of the troops, and which two Houses had to swear allegiance to the Starks? Well, as you already know, the Karstarks and the Umbers. So we have the little Jon Umber that is there, we have seen him in the last season, is a kid, a little boy, and the little Jon does not really have much to offer because, because he does not have many troops, he does not have many men. The North is very decimated, and what is the concern that Jon has, apart from all this, the troops, well, his concern is to warn everyone with crows that arrives the threat of the Night King. That the Night King has crossed the Wall, since the Night King has his own dragon, but, of course, there sits Daenerys with an empty face in the Northern Assembly. How the Northerners react? Because they do not react in a very simple way, why? Why among the northerners there is a character that has much more character than the rest and that character is Lady Mormont. There are some of you who call her Lady Bear. And of course, that Lady Bear had a lot to do with the election of Jon as King in the North, and suddenly this little stupid has found that Jon is accompanied by Daenerys. Therefore, that little stupid how would react? Well, she will tell Jon that “they chose him, not to forget that we choose you, that we did not choose Daenerys. And that your function is to be the King in the North, that he has to govern the North.” But of course, what could Jon tell her? Well, that we need Daenerys to face the threat of the White Walkers, that we need allies because Jon is very obsessed with that issue of gathering allies, allies. He only wants allies, and his greatest ally not only, let’s say diplomatically but also in love, right now is Daenerys! And it is clear that they will need all kinds of help! And which character promised help last season? Well, Cersei Lannister! Cersei Lannister promised to help them, she promised that she was going to send the Lannister troops to help fight the Night King. And.. [suspicious pause] Right there, there is a Lannister! A Lannister that we have mentioned a little by now at the beginning of this video. And this Lannister is: Tyrion! Because, of course, Tyrion Lannister is the one who actually spoke with Cersei to arrange this help, and, of course, what can Tyrion do during that Assembly? Well, talk nice about Jon, say well, “the King in the North is a great guy, is very nice and also my sister is going to send us the Lannister troops. My sister will help us by sending troops.” All of you already know that is not going to be that such troops will arrive, but Tyrion, right, is supposed that he is convinced that Cercei will send the troops, although many of know that Tyrion this season is a great traitor, so this that he is saying that “my sister will send troops, my sister will send troops” you already know that it is going to be a lie! There will not be those Lannister troops. And how will the Northerners react to the announcement of Tyrion that Cersei will send troops? In a very simple waym by saying: “Lannister troops in the North! How will Lannister troops come to the North! No no!” And what will Jon do? Well, “man we need allies, we need all that help, even from the Lannisters”. And the assembly ends with the moods a little bit altered and with the protests of Sansa that “I can not believe not only bring you bring Daenerys to the North, but it seems that the Lannister troops will come as well”.

[Next scene: Sansa talks with Tyrion; Tyrion defends Cersei; Friki implies that this is a farce]

So, then this whole incident, in this great Northern Assembly, has to have a reaction, eh, because you know this is going to be the first of many assemblies to come, that they are going to have to gather to plan many things, and what reactions these? Well, because Sansa, after hearing that Tyrion says that Lannister troops will come, she has to talk with Tyrion. Because, remember, that Tyrion and Sansa have been married. And I say, they have been married, because many say that they are still married. I remind you that this is an unconsummated marriage. An unconsummated marriage is not a valid marriage. Therefore for practical purposes, even if they were married, an uncompleted marriage is not a valid marriage. It is not equivalent a divorce, but this is were the talk is concentrated. And, of course, Sansa thinking of Lannister in the North speaks with Tyrion. And she can ask him? Well, she can ask, let’s see “you really believe that your sister will send troops in the North? Do you trust your sister?” And, of course, Tyrion, actually he knows Cersei, but, of course, as Cersei is pregnant, as Cersei is going to have a child, Cersei is going to have a descendant, an heir, well, Tyrion could think that Cersei has something to fight for. That is this heir, this descendant. For which he will try to calm Sansa, will try to make her see that his sister has changed to a certain way, and he knows very well why. Because she has an heir. But all this is a farce, is a pantomime, because neither Cersei has changed, nor the plan has changed, nor they are going to receive any Lannister troops. But the appearances need to be maintained, and Tyrion is left to defend the pact he made with his sister, although this is a false pact. He has to tell to Sansa that yes, the troops will arrive, and that he trusts his sister.

[Next scene: Jon/Arya reunion; emotional; they talk about their weapons; Jon asks Arya to help him with Sansa and Dany]

But, of course, the scene at Winterfell could lead to many reunions, and which is one of the most anticipated reunions? The reunion between Jon and Arya! Jon and Arya they see each other, Jon and Arya hug with a lot of warmth. You already know that Jon has a soft spot for Arya. So they meet, they look at each other, both have changed a lot, but there is one thing that Arya has that hasn’t change! And that is: Needle! Aguja [needle in Spanish], her famous sword, a sword that Jon gave her as gift. And, of course, Jon was worried about Arya when he gave her the Needle and gave her the advice to “stick them with the pointy end”. eh? “with the pointy end” [in English now], and there they are! And now Jon has a weapon that he didn’t have before, eh, he has the Longclaw, a Valyrian steel sword. So they start showing their weapons, “Look! I have Longclaw that is Valyrian steel”, “Look! I have Needle”. Of course, Jon will certainly ask her: “hhmmm, let’s see, have you used this sword?” and Arya will go like “well, yes, maybe a couple of times”, well for just to say something. You know, it was more than a couple, but OK, hmmm, ehhh, what would you say to your brother when he doesn’t know that you are a bloody assassin??? You might say “yeah from time to time I use it, a couple of times, a couple of punctures”… And this small reunion might give rise to a certain trick from Jon’s part, as he perfectly knows that Sansa does not like Daenerys, and of course. He is with Arya! Hehehe, therefore I, hmmmm [hesitates a bit] if I had Arya there… What would you do? Well, ask her to interfere a little bit for Daenerys, to ask her to help him a bit with the Sansa-Daenerys matter, help me [i.e. Jon] so Sansa likes a bit more Daenerys, help a bit, speak nicely of her [Dany], well, help me so that these two [Sansa and Dany] fit well together, otherwise this will crumble down like Aurora’s rosario [i.e., things will end badly, a Spanish expression].

[Next scene: King's Landing; Qyburn knows everything and informs Cersei; Cersei is happy how things are going in the North]

And while all this is happening at Winterfell, which is the other point of interest? Well, without any doubt: King’s Landing! Have we seen King’s Landing in the trailer? Yes! We have seen a Cersei and Qyburn in this high, let’s say, rooftop of the Red Keep watching the arrival of the Greyjoy fleet that transports the Golden Company! But, of course, at this point who is the one that takes care of all information in King’s Landing? Well, Qyburn, Qyburn, it is not strange that Qyburn at this point already knows that the Night King has crossed the Wall and that he has a dragon. And it is not strange to tell that to Cersei. And when Cersei finds out, what do you believe that she will think? She will like that or not? Apparently she will like it, because you already now Cersei’s plan, that is best if they kill each other up there [in the North] and that when that decimated day will arrive, I [Cersei] will come to kill them.

[Next scene: Greyjoys; Euron only thinks to arrive to KL and fuck Cersei; Golden Company arrives; no elephants]

So Qyburn can inform Cersei about what has happened beyond the Wall, that the Wall has fallen and the Night King has arrived, and she will will think that this is phenomenal, and fantastic. And there is the Greyjoy fleet with Euron Greyjoy, and who does he have as a prisoner Euron Greyjoy, a prisoner [using the female form in Spanish] better said? Yara Greyjoy. And clearly and by now you know that she is defiant, and we know from different rumors and other leaks that have found that she will not be killed by Euron, because she was already in Tyrion’s trial. Well, Yara, this attractive [= chulita], defiant will speak with Euron, in those kind of talks that the Greyjoys have: [exchanging lines between Euron and Yara] “Why you do not kill me, already”, “I will not kill you yet”, “Why not?” “Because you are my family I'm not going to kill you now”, this or the other, I do not know. So you know, how good those family talks of the Greyjoys are, so peaceful and so nice [ironically]. And of course you already know that Euron is also very dirty minded and what is his objective? Well, obviously to get to the King’s Landing for what? So that he can sleep with the Queen using Euron’s vulgar and teesy language to fuck the queen. And those are his intentions that he might be telling to Yara: “Yes, I want to reach King’s Landing to fuck the Queen!” Will he succeed? Good now, I will tell you if it is possible or not. The case is, that the troops arrive! The Golden Company arrives, led by Harry Strickland. And we go to the throne room, because Euron has to present Harry Strickland to Cersei, as the leader of the Golden Company. Then, Harry Strickland arrives there, and then Euron introduces the Golden Company with all its forces: twenty thousand men, two thousand knights, eh, and two thousand horses, eh, and of course here is a little problem, hmmm… What we have been all expecting from the Golden Company? What do we all expect? Elephants! but in fact, in a direct surprise that I made with Acevedo during our criticism. I told you that in the trailer I thought I have seen an elephant, and then, however, in the analysis of the trailer, I did not say that, I did not say it, I did not tell you about the elephant. And many of the comments you made were about the elephant: “where is the elephant, I do not see it”, “the elephant!”. I'll be honest, I did not say that again to you because after reviewing the images a thousand times it turns out that there was no elephant. I did not see it. I thought I saw it, but then, after seeing that edited version of that Lord of Light version of the trailer, I did not see the elephant. And this has left me very worried, because you know what? You know what? That the golden company comes without the elephants! It seems that elephants do not fit in the ships, it seems that the golden company is not going to bring the elephants. You will be now: “Out! Out! Lie! how they are going to bring the elephants? Well, I tell you, do not expect to see them hehehe [laughs] I tell you that if I was Cersei, and I personally would be very angry to find out that the Golden Company comes without the elephants. It would give me so much anger, so much anger, that I would not stop repeating it!. But “how are they going to be without elephants?” Well, that's what I say on the matter. Well they did not enter in the ship of [incomprehensible]. Elephants and the Golden Company, hmmmm, friends, I tell you that no… There will be no elephants with the Golden Company. Well, the case is that we need to say farewell to Harry Strickland.

[Next scene: Euron goes to bed with Cersei; Cersei is still unhappy that the elephants did not arrive]

Cersei is still angry and you've already seen what Euron Greyjoy has to sleep with the Queen. And Euron has brought the Golden Company. Euron has fulfilled his part of the deal, Euron is the taxi driver of the sea. And now it is up to Cersei to fulfill [her part of the deal]. Cersei has to give to Euron what he is looking for. And Euron is looking to go to bed with her. Will he get it? The answer that he will get is, apparently, yes, because if not, Cersei is not going to always have Euron by her side, if she will not go to bed with him. So after doing the trawl, Cersei and Euron end up in bed! And I've told you before, that if I was Cersei, and if I had to sleep with Euron to keep him happy, I would have to remind him after having slept with him that he has not brought the elephants. And also for me [speaking as Cersei], the experience would be a bit traumatic and it would remind me of those times when I was forced to sleep with Robert and I did not really want to.

[Next scene: Theon rescues Yara; he asks permission to return to WF and help the Starks; Theon and his men, bearing Theon's sigil, take part in the defense of WF]

But, of course, the issue with the Greyjoys does not end there, because you already know, quite accurately, that Theon ends up taking a rescuing mission to save Yara. And, also, this has to be soon in order to fit in the plot. And you know that there is a scene that the Watchers on the Wall told us, in which they saw Alfie Allen [aka Theon] with Gemma Whelan [aka Yara] shooting together without Euron. And that scene seems to fit perfectly in the first chapter, why? Because Yara is now on one of those Greyjoy ships of Euron, Theon goes with his own ships that you have seen in the trailer, because they do not have the red dot that characterizes the kraken of Euron. And Theon is in charge of rescuing Yara in a quick rescuing operation. And, of course, for Theon his sister is the Queen but he [Theon] has an commitment. Theon is in debt to the Starks. So that you know also from the information of that extra that was in the battle of Wintefell, that extra [fortsam? incomprehensible]. We know that Theon [he mistakenly said Euron in the video] participates in the defense in Winterfell, as already we have seen pictures of dolls dressed as Greyjoys, and dead dolls of dead Greyjoys. But Greyjoys with the sigil of Theon. So Theon, after rescuing Yara, and that now, for Theon himself, she is the maximum authority that there is in the Iron Islands. As, we might say, he wants to remove that thorn, he asks permission to his sister, which for him is the real queen, he asks permission and tells her: [as Theon] “Ay, if you could let me go and help the Starks” And, of course, Yara, she cannot deny such a thing after everything that has happened. So, it is confirmed, you will see Theon at the defense of Winterfell. A thing that, if you are the most loyal watchers [of this channel] you already know.

[Next scene: Davos, Tyrion, and Varys as advisors, they know about Jonerys; Love is in the air; No Jonsa; Karstark troops arrive]

We return to Wintefell, because, because, they have to organize a lot of troops. They have to organize things. And there are three advisors, three advisors who are there simultaneously. These three advisors are: Davos, Tyrion, and Varys. And these three advisors know about the romantic situation between Jon and Daenerys. And I am very much afraid that this episode will be a torment for lovers of Jonsa, for lovers of romance between Jon and Sansa, because what they are going to see scenes where Jon and Daenerys are in love, that they are in love, the people around them note that, the love is in the air. Let’s go!, eh! They are all watching how this romance is growing progressively. Of course, and which troops are missing? Well the troops of the Karstarks are missing that will arrive.

[Next scene: Jon and Dany approach the dragons that have been hunting in the surroundings of WF; Dany continues with the #ridethedragonchallenge and Jon mounts Rhaegal; they both fly; when they land they share a passionate kiss]

And we have to talk as well about the dragons. Because we have already seen in the trailer that image in which the dragons are in a more secluded area of Winterfell, and there are animal bones. Because of course the dragons eat animals, eat 20, 20 goats. It was a huge amount of meat. And you have to have under control. And, of course, the Dothraki already know the dragons, some of the Dothraki have seen the dragons since childhood, and the Dothraki are having the responsibility to inform Daenerys about what the dragons are doing. And after, we will watch that mythical scene that you have already seen in the trailer, in which Jon and Daenerys approach the dragons. Daenerys to Drogon and Jon to Rhaegal. And of course that scene in which Jon and Daenerys approach the dragons, leads to what? You right now in your house you say “I know, I already know!” Well, it gives rise to what we have talked this Saturday. Last Saturday we talked about that scene in the event “Kings of the West” in the bookshop “Akira Comics” to which some of you could attend. With Javi Marcos and with Neville SmileHD we made some jokes. We made a little jokes about it was a good time to do those scenes of “how to train your dragon”. That is to say that it gives rise to the “master class” [in English] of Daenerys. Daenerys will mount on Dragon and will tell to Jon: “mount on Rhaegal” “Go, come on, mount him” And Jon is overwhelmed. Haarr. Like “how I'm going to ride a dragon, if I do not know how to ride a dragon?” But in reality, that does not matter. Who knows how to ride a dragon well? Only two people: Daenerys and the Night King are the only ones who have experience in Westeros of riding dragons. And right there she is telling Jon to mount him. And Jon Harrrr Hurrrr, tries to mount the dragon. It took several attempts to climb on the dragon. And now, and now how it starts? It has no keys, it does not have anything, how it works? Well, what can be done with a dragon? Well, with a dragon you can actually do what you want. But, of course, from that moment the thing is not difficult, the thing is simple. The thing is that Jon and Daenerys each one starts flying with its dragon. Jon turns around “I will fall, I will not fall, I go up, I go down, I do not control the dragon so well”. Drogon goes near him as well. Then they land and after many emotions, after so much stress, how this scene can finish? Obviously with a passionate kiss, a kiss between Jon and Daenerys! This scene will make the Jonsas to melt in their houses and the Jonsa fans will see their hopes dissolved as sugar.

[Next scene: Arya/Gendry and Arya/Hound reunions; Gendry has been forging weapons; Gendry tries to please everyone by customizing their weapons; Gendry makes a dragonglass axe for the Hound; Arya asks for a spear with (probably) her Valyrian steel dagger; Arya meets the Hound; the Hound says little bitch, ; Gendry calls her "my lady" and she doesn't like that; there is some sexual tension, Gendrya]

And we are left, well, with many reunions. And you already know that this first episode lasts a bit more than 50 minutes, and they have to fit everything. Therefore, which reunions remain: Arya with the Hound, for example. Arya with Gendry! You have already seen in the trailer that Arya certainly meets with Gendry in the smithy, you have seen, there are the images. Actually, Gendry is there, it there hammering, is there organizing, forging weapons of dragonglass, forges this one, the other. And, of course, each character has, a little bit, its preferences, and Gendry is trying to please everyone. For example, what kind of weapon the Hound might want? What kind of weapon the Hound might able to handle well? Well the Hound, maybe, who knows, maybe, could handle an axe but of dragonglass! And Gendry makes him an axe of dragon glass! Eh! And Arya? What kind of weapon she might want? Well, in the trailer, I am very scared, I have seen a scene, you too have seen it, where Arya was using a kind of rod, a kind of spear. But it seems that there is something different in its point. I told you that my theory was that this the dragonglass dagger that Arya has [I think that he means the Valyrian steel dagger that Arya has] could be used as in a different way. Could be used as a throwing spear for example. To do that, it would have to modify it. And for that, I fear, that she might have to ask Gendry to modify the dagger so it stays on the spear or on a stick, so she could transform this dagger to a weapon that could reach longer. In a way that she could use it to defend against her enemies by keeping her distance. And you have see in the trailer Area wielding this weapon, that weapon modified by Gendry! And what would happen when Arya meets with the Hound? Well, the Hound with throw in her face, he will tell her in the face that she left him there to die, although he asked her to kill him. And she left, leaving him to die there. “Al libre albedrío” [A Spanish/Latin expression meaning kind of “on his free will”] Because there she behaved like a “little bitch” [in English], like a little bitch and she did not listen to him and kill him. But, of course, now he is alive. And we know that these two were going to meet again. And of course, Gendry and Arya, have left some unfinished business. You know already that, for some strange reason, Gendry has the habit to call Arya “my Lady” [in English]. And when he sees her, he calls her again “my Lady” [in English]. And Arya gets angry that he keeps calling her “my lady”. And that Arya she is now sure quite sure of herself, that she is not the same, she is no longer a little girl and that she has changed. Maybe, we perceive some sexual tense between Gendry and Arya, the famous Gendrya. My Lady here, My Lady there. [Arya speaking] “do not call me my lady anymore”. And who knows is in the end, maybe we are going to have a problem there. The truth is that is quite cool, is quite cool, that suddenly Arya appears with her Valyrian steel dagger, and she shows it to Gendry, who knows very well the Valyrian steel, and he says “Ahh Valyrian steel!” But she says “No no, forge it that way, on a rod, like this, like that, with a qroquis, with a drawing, with something. And he [Gendry] says that “I will going to improve that, I will make a weapon with longer reach”, and later this serves Arya to cut here and there the White Walkers.

[Next scene: Sansa keeps being annoying; she confronts Jon about bending the knee for love]

But, of course, life goes on in Winterfell, as after this first Northern Assembly, Jon has to talk to Sansa and you already know that the political conversations between Jon and Sansa do not go so well. Because Sansa always has the feeling that he does not listen to her, and that Sansa’s compromise is with the North, and that Sansa’s compromise it to remind Jon that he is the King in the North. And that he has to fight for the North. And that he has presented a foreign Queen. But, of course, Jon on the other hand has to make Sansa see that they need allies and that right now their most loyal ally is Daenerys! But, of course, remember that talk between Littlefinger and Sansa, when Sansa finds out that Jon has bent the knee to Daenerys, and that cannot stay in the air. As she has to ask Jon to explain this [decision to bend the knee] she needs to ask the following. She needs to ask the following: “Let’s see, Jon, I see you so sweet with Daenerys, and you have bent the knee. But you are telling me about the allies. You are telling me that you need that this Queen comes to the North. You are telling me all this, but let’s see. You have bent the knee for what? You have bent the knee for the North or you bent the knee for love?” And what do you think? Jon puts a face of Haarrr [surpised]. “For the North or for Love” I say to you: [he is like] Pure Jonerys!

[Next scene: Sam/Dany reunion; Jorah as the intermediate; talk about the Greyscale cure; Dany informs Sam that she burned his father and brother; Sam is devastated but does not confront Dany]

And before I told you very fleetingly of another reunion, the reunion between Sam Tarly and Daenerys. Because, of course, Daenerys has fell upon no more no less Randyll Tarly and Dickon Tarly, the father and brother of Samwell. Of course, at some moment, Daenerys would have to face Sam and tell him that, but which the character that is the link between Samwell and Daenerys? Well, no other than Sir Jorah Mormont, Sir Friendzone, because you have already seen that Samwell Tarly cured Sir Jorah from the Greyscale. And Sir Jorah Mormont will go to talk with Daenerys and tell her that this was this Samwell Tarly, Daenerys knows that Samwell Tarly has saved Jorah from Greyscale. “So you have cured him?” “yes, of course, I study a lot these old things, I read old scrolls, I cut here I cut there and I cured him” Of course. “But you are Samwell Tarly, no?” “Yes, yes, yes” “Son of Randyll Tarly” “Yes, yes, yes” “Brother of Dickon Tarly? I have to tell you something”. And Samwell, haarrr, [As Sam] “Ay, the Queen would like to tell me something, what kind of a surprise will be?” [As Daenerys] “Let’s see, I tell you that, it happened that I told your father to bend, to bend the knee. And what your father did? He didn’t bend the knee. He didn’t, he didn’t… And what did I have to do afterwards? Well, I barbecued him” [Sam] “Haarrr. Well, he was my father, well, I was not getting along well with him” [Dany] “Yes, but you brother Dickon did not want [to bend the knee] as well” Barbecue! Poom! “I killed Dickon!” And that hurts a Samwell, he is devastated, and the tears fall down his eyes, because in the end Daenerys has killed his father and brother. But Sam is so noble, such a good guy, so pure. Imagine the situation, what would you had done in his position? You would have killed her, you would want to grab her by her hair, scratch her, rash! rash! take out her eyes, that you killed my family, And Samwell what does he do? “Many thanks for telling me! Thanks for telling me!” he tells her! Of course, after that revelation Samwell remains frustrated and obfuscated, comes out the backyard. Harrrr. [As Sam] “I wish a horse could hit me, and yes and no, Haarrr, my head is confused, what can I do, let’s go and talk to Bran”.

[Next scene: Bran talks with Sam; Bran gives Sam the task to tell Jon about his origins; Jon is in the crypts; Sam tell him the truth about his origins; Jon is surprised; cliffhanger there]

And Bran in this episode, you know, wants to hurry everyone, wants to keep things marching, [as Bran] “come Sam, we have to do things, the Night King is coming”. But OK, what kind of pending issue Bran and Sam have? They have a task, and this task is to go and tell Jon about his origins. Tell Jon about his origins. And you already know, the Watchers on the Wall told us, that in the first episode there is a mysterious and secret scene in the first episode in the crypts with Sam and someone else. And it was speculated that that other character was Tyrion. It was speculated that that other character was Arya. But it turns out that there is not going to be neither. It turns out that is Jon, pondering in the crypts there, in front of Ned’s statue, thinking there. And, of course, Bran gets in the middle and leaves the “hot plate” to Samwell. Samwell is in charge to tell Jon about his origins. So Samwell goes down to the crypts still dismayed by the dislike that he carries. Then Jon sees him arriving sweaty and disengaged and asks him “what happened Samwell, why I see you so strange, so bad” and Samwell is like “I just found out that Daenerys has burnt my father and my brother”. And Jon is left amazed. Jon did not know, is left like harrr, and Samwell tells like “man, I see you and Daenerys are like, yes and no [insinuating their romance] but sometimes Daenerys crosses the limits, she crosses the limits with some things”. And, of course, Jon is left there thinking and he says again that we need allies, because he is repeating this thing with the allies, and he bent the knee to her, and she is the Queen. And that I am no longer the King in the North. And she is in command now. But Sam sees him like that, he just found out this news [about his father and brother?], and what Sam could say? And Sam is like “All is OK, for me is the same about the Night King, about the other, about that [like, all the other pressing issues that they face], but this Daenerys Targaryen does not have to be the Queen, you should be the King, because, well, I am going to tell you a few things. Because your mother is Lyanna Stark.” And Jon is Haaarrr. “And because you father is not Ned Stark” Haaarrr “Because your father is Rhaegar Targaryen, your father is Rhaegar Targaryen” Haaarrr!!! and Jon is like hirrrrg. “and I will not tell you only that. On top of that your name is Aegon Targaryen”. And Jon is like “but how”, gets closer to Sam, haaarrr haaaar “my father was the noblest man there is, he would never” [Sam] “Yes, yes, because he had to protect you, because he knew that you are a Targaryen, because if not, if King Robert would find out who you are, King Robert would kill you” and [pretending to be a shocked Jon] “I cannot believe that, I cannot believe that”. [Sam again] “And you are the legitimate heir of the Seven Kingdoms, and you are the Kind of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm. Protector of the Realm, you are the bloody King of the Seven Kingdoms [in English]” And you see that Jon thought that Daenerys is the Queen but Sam is telling him that she should not, and instead he should be [the King]. And they leave us there, in the crypts. All this is left hanging there. Well, I am afraid that they must leave something for the second chapter. And this resolution cannot be in the same chapter that Jon learns about his origins. And reacts with negation, he reacts thinking “how is possible that my father, of course my father Ned Stark the most honorable man in all Westeros, has lied to me like that. I knew nothing” Well, well, I tell you that they leave this hanging there. Jon desperate, and Daeneys is not the Queen. And what is left?

[Final scene: Berric, Tormund and Edd are at CB; they discover symbols from the WW on the walls of a building; the NK arrives mounted on Viserion; the CB will fall]

Well, you need to remember the trailer and you need to remember that image of Berric, Tormund and Dolorous Edd in a castle. And which is the castle? And this castle is Castle Black, Castle Black, Castle Black, because, of course you know that Barric and Tormund made it alive from Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, if not they would have not been there [in the trailer] and they head towards Caste Black. People in the Night’s Watch are nervous, they receive them and they have a reunion with Dolorous Edd to communicate what you already know. You know that the Wall has fallen, the Army of the Night King has crossed, and that the Night King has a dragon. Dolorous [Edd] is terrified, is desperate, and suddenly they start to walk in different places of the Castle Black. But there is a surprise! When the Wall fell, something has happened to the Castle Black! Something has changed, something has happened to the Castle Black. When they reach a building, and in this building maybe there are weird symbols on the walls. Maybe there is something, there is a message from the Night King! And they leave us like that with our asses twisted. Because there are mystical drawings. There are things, there are figures, strange figures, cabalistic, those figures that the White Walkers make. And in the Castle Black they are left there, Berric, Dolorous Edd, when they see that they just realize that the Night King has left a mysterious message. Of course, but in the middle of all this intrigue, in the middle of all this intrigue, what is the preoccupation of all these characters? Well, to inform the people at Winterfell, they have to send ravens, they have to inform the people at Winterfell. They do not know that the people of Winterfell, actually, through Bran the people at Winterfell already have all the information. They do not know that even Cersei knows already what happened. But OK, Javi Marcos already told you a spoiler, Javi Marcos already told you a leak, Javi Marcos already told us a revelation. And this revelation is that in the middle of the troops of the Night King there will be many brothers of the Night’s Watch! And how this episode will end? With the arrival of the Night King, mounting Viserion [at CB]. Surely the Castle Black will fall to the Night King. He arrives at the Castle Black with his troops. There you have it, more or less, the first chapter of the eighth season of the Game of Thrones.


Nel frattempo, è sparito anche il video su Facebook.

HBO gli sta mettendo la museruola, e friki non proferisce parola da 24 ore. 

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Inviato il 23 marzo 2019 22:05



Comunque mi immagino i primi meme su Cersei riguardo la mancanza dei suoi elefanti. :blink:

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Inviato il 23 marzo 2019 23:57
Il 21/3/2019 at 11:35, Ancalagon dice:

Bene bene :). Poi se pubblica il video è la Hbo glielo toglie gli si ritorcerebbe contro a loro, creerebbero un putiferio portando la gente che non conosce minimamente friki ad informarsi 


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10191 messaggi
Inviato il 24 marzo 2019 1:16 Autore

Il drama Friki vs HBO è quasi più interessante degli spoiler stessi ^_^

Per esempio, Friki ha spiegato come HBO è riuscita a far cancellare il video su Instagram: HBO usa una società per tenere traccia dei movimenti di Friki, e uno degli impiegati di quella società  ha reclamato i diritti del video, affermando di averlo creato lui.

Ovviamente, chiunque può vedere che nel video è friki che parla, e non l'uomo della Società che opera per conto di HBO, però così HBO ottiene il suo scopo: utilizzare un escamotage burocratico per prendere tempo (secondo friki, per gli accertamenti ci vuole fino a un mese, come nel caso di Youtube).


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