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The Dagor Dagorath
Dagor Dagorath is the final battle foretold in The Second Prophecy of Mandos. It is also called Ragnarök and the Last Battle. In The Shaping of Middle Earth we find the final version of this battle:
"After the triumph of the Gods, Eärendel1 sailed still in the seas of heaven, but the Sun scorched him and the Moon hunted him in the sky . . . Then the Valar drew his white ship Wingelot2 over the land of Valinor, and they filled it with radiance and hallowed it, and launched it through the Door of Night. And long Eärendel set sail into the starless vast, Elwing at his side,3 the Silmaril upon his brow, voyaging the Dark behind the world, a glimmering and fugitive star. And ever and anon he returns and shines behind the courses of the Sun and Moon above the ramparts of the Gods, brighter than all other stars, the mariner of the sky, keeping watch against Morgoth upon the confines of the world. Thus shall he sail until he sees the Last Battle fought upon the plains of Valinor.
Thus spake the prophecy of Mandos, which he declared in Valmar at the judgment of the Gods, and the rumour of it was whispered among all the Elves of the West: when the world is old and the Powers grow weary, then Morgoth shall come back through the Door out of the Timeless Night; and he shall destroy the Sun and the Moon, but Eärendel shall come upon him as a white flame and drive him from the airs. Then shall the last battle be gathered on the fields of Valinor. In that day Tulkas shall strive with Melko4, and on his right shall stand Fionwë5 and on his left Túrin Turambar, son of Húrin, Conqueror of Fate; and it shall be the black sword of Túrin that deals unto Melko his death and final end; and so shall the Children of Húrin and all men be avenged.
Thereafter shall the Silmarils be recovered out of sea and earth and air; for Earendil shall descend and yield up that flame that he hath had in keeping. Then Fëanor shall bear the Three and yield their fire to rekindle the Two Trees, and a great light shall come forth; and the Mountains of Valinor shall be levelled, so that the light goes out over all the world. In that light the Gods will again grow young, and the Elves awake and all their dead arise, and the purpose of Ilúvatar be fulfilled concerning them. But of Men in that day the prophecy speaks not, save of Túrin only, and him it names among the Gods."
In no finalized version of Tolkien's, such as the ones used in The Silmarillion is there an account of Dagor Dagorath, so the above cannot be considered purely canonical. Except for slight details, however, it does not contradict what information we have on the Final Days, and glimmerings of the Last Battle can be seen in The Silmarillion, though nothing in detail.
For instance, the Ainulindalë states that after the last days the Ainur and the Children of IIúvatar will make a great music before Eru, and "the themes of IIúvatar will be played aright and take being in the moment of their utterance, for all shall then understand fully his intent in their part, and each shall know the comprehension of each, and IIúvatar will give to their thoughts the secret fire, being well pleased." Then of the Dwarves it is their belief, according to the Chapter Of Aulë and Yavanna that they will aid Aulë "in the remaking of Arda after the Last Battle." The Chapter Of the Silmarils and the Unrest of the Noldor speaks of Fëanor coming back at The End and the sun passing and the moon failing.
Evolution of the Text
Earlier versions of the story do exist. For instance, in The Histories of Middle Earth I, The Book of Lost Tales I it is told that when the Doors of the Night are opened Melkor would contrive a quarrel between the Moon and Sun, and IIinsor, steerman of the Moon6 will seek to follow Urwendi, who guides the sun7, through the gates, and when they are both gone, the Gates of both East and West will be closed and IIinsor and Urwendi will be lost forever. The Fionwë, who loved Urwendi, will become Morgoth's greatest bane and will destroy the world to destory Morgoth. In the end he will slay Morgoth.
Later, in The Histories of Middle Earth II, The Book of Lost Tales II is found another earlier version, part of the myths Tolkien wanted to make for England. In this section, there is a lot of discussion about the fate of the Elves that remain in Middle Earth. As we know, they slowly fade and die out. But there was a part about the "Faring Forth", where the Valinorean Elves would go and try to rescue the Lost Elves. Now when they try, Men shall decide their fate. If Men aid the Elves, then all Men who wish to go to Valinor may. But if Men should aid Morgoth and oppose the Elves, then the Elves shall most certainly die and maybe also the Valar. And that may also mean the end of Arda itself.
Note: A related idea to all of this is the "Relighting of the Magic Sun spoken of in The Book of Lost Tales, which is the relighting of the Two Trees if good wins in the Dagor Dagorath.
1Later changed to Eärendil.
2Later changed to Vingelot.
3In The Silmarillion a change was made, in that Elwing did not accompany him on his journeys through the pathless voids, not being able to endure the colds and loving rather the earth and the sweet winds that blow on sea and hill.
4Later changed to Melkor.
5Later changed to Eonwë
6Later became Tilion
7 Later became Arien
The Last Battle
What do we know of the Last Battle called Dagor Dagorath?
It is referred to in the Silmarillion.
"Of Aule and Yavanna", Silmarillion: In telling of the beliefs of the dwarves concerning their afterlife, it says that in the End, they will have a place among the Children. "Then their part shall be to serve Aule and to aid him in the remaking of Arda after the Last Battle."
In the "Akallabeth" of the Silmarillion, it says, "But Ar-Pharazon the King and the mortal warriors that had set foot upon the land of Aman were buried under falling hills: there it is said that they lie imprisoned in the Caves of the Forgotten, until the Last Battle and the Day of Doom."
"Of the Coming of the Elves and the Captivity of Melkor" in the Silmarillion tells that Varda set the constellation, Menelmacar, "with his shining belt, that forbodes the Last Battle that shall be at the end of days."
A poem concerning Manwe also mentions the Last Battle, wherever that is.
In Unfinished Tales:
"The Istari".
Quote p 413:
Manwe will not descend from the Mountain until the Dagor Dagorath, and the coming of the End, when Melkor returns. To the overthrow of Morgoth he sent his herald Eonwe. To the defeat of Sauron would he not then send some lesser (but mighty) spirit of the angelic people, one coeval and equal, doubtless, with Sauron in their beginnings, but not more? Olorin was his name. But of Olorin we shall never know more than he revealed in Gandalf.
Below that is a poem including the subtle actions of Manwe, the Elder King:
Wilt thou learn the lore
that was long secret
of the Five that came
from a far country?
One only returned.
Others never again
under Men's dominion
Middle-earth shall seek
until Dagor Dagorath
and the Doom cometh.
How hast thou heard it:
the hidden counsel
of the Lords of the West
in the land of Aman?
The long roads are lost
that led thither,
and to mortal Men
Manwe speaks not.
From the West-that-was
a wind bore it
to the sleeper's ear,
in the silences
under night-shadow
when news is brought
from lands forgotten
and lost ages
over seas of years
to the searching thought.
Not all are forgotten
by the Elder King.
Sauron he saw
as a slow menace....
What can we speculate about the Last Battle?
We know The Last Battle is referred to along with "the Day of Doom", the Doom, and "end of days". The Last Battle is also called the Dagor Dagorath.
It is suggested that the Valar communicate with men by dreams. Manwe's wind/voice is sent to the sleeper's ear, as in dreaming, probably using Irmo's ability to send dreams.
We know Ar-Pharazon and his men who were buried under falling hills in Aman after their attack will no longer be lying imprisoned in the Caves of the Forgotten. Will they come out to fight for Melkor or to redeem themselves with the Valar and Eru?
We know "Manwe will not descend from the Mountain until the Dagor Dagorath, and the coming of the End, when Melkor returns". This means Melkor will leave the Void and come back to Middle-earth. This means Manwe himself will come down from Mount Taniquetil. These two super opposing forces will surely make a titanic battle and their followers would join them.
Varda set the constellation, Menelmacar, "with his shining belt, that forbodes the Last Battle that shall be at the end of days." The belt would be a sword belt warning that the Valar will fight. The name Menel "the heavens" + Macar like the Vala of fighting in the Book of Lost Tales suggests the warrior heavens. Stars fighting? We can be sure that Earendil, who became the star, would fight. Varda, the star queen, fighting?
We know Arda will be remade after the Last Battle at least partly by Aule with the help of the dwarves.
References: Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales
Gil Galad - Stella di radianza
Nell'edizione illustrata, le pagine da 169 a 184 sono piú piccole anche a voi? Ho notato che sul lato basso rientrano... " />
Ora mi guarderò anche il sito indicato da Eldalië.it, grazie " />
Ho preso il calendario! 17.50 euro.
L'ho trovato alle Librerie Feltrinelli a Bologna.
E' basato sul 50° anniversario di The Lord of the Rings.
Ci sono tutti disegni fatti dallo stesso Tolkien sulla Terra di Mezzo! Molto bello!
Nell'edizione illustrata, le pagine da 169 a 184 sono piú piccole anche a voi? Ho notato che sul lato basso rientrano...
Bene per il calendario, almeno esiste ed è rintracciabile " />
Di che libro?
Gli elfi di Lorien parteciparono alla battaglia dell'ultima alleanza? Se sì, chi li guidò? Celeborn e Galadriel? O qualcun'altro? " />
:?: è una domanda che non mi sono mai posto Oo
ma mi pare di ricordare che fossero andanti, guidati non mi ricordo da chi, ma che fossero...ehm... skiattati xD nelle paludi morte... qualcosa del genere... poi di sicuro qualcuno ti saprà dire meglio " />
ah, a proposito della parte mancante nella nuova edizione del SdA, riveduta dalla STI, ecco cosa dice la bompiani
trovate il testo originale qua mancante
Nelle nuove edizioni del Signore degli Anelli, quelle "riviste e aggiornate dalla STI", mancano una ventina di righe alla fine del capitolo I del libro secondo ("Molti Incontri").
Gentile lettore, approfittiamo della tua segnalazione per rispondere anche a Gandalf e agli altri tolkeniani che incapperanno nel medesimo problema...Purtroppo Bompiani fa un mea risultano in effetti in commercio alcune poche copie difettose, mancanti delle suddette pagine. Dovete rivolgervi al libraio dove avete acquistato la copia, chiedendone la sostituzione con una corretta e riferendovi al vostro accordo diretto con l'editore. In caso di rifiuto, segnalateci il libraio. Ancora scusandoci, buone letture...
" />
Da notare come, nonostante le "poche copie difettose", non ne sia ancora saltata fuori una corretta... " />
Si, l'ho notato anch'io.
Tu, Mornon, non sai rispondermi alla domanda che ho fatto sopra?
non sai rispondermi alla domanda che ho fatto sopra?
Mi era passato di mente nello scrivere l'altra risposta " />
Che mi ricordi non ci sono attestazioni in merito a una partecipazione di Lórien; comunque vedo se trovo qualcos'altro in merito " />
In realtà si parla nei racconti che gli elfi dei boschi di Lorien parteciparono alla battaglia sotto il comando del padre (Non ricordo il nome... dovrei andare a vedere...) di Amroth, Re di Lorien. Inizialmente Amroth era il figlio di Galadriel, poi è passato ad essere figlio di questo "tipo"... La cosa mi è un po' confusa... " />" />
Ricollegato " />
Parteciparono, sono gli stessi guerrieri che Frodo vede nelle Paludi Morte. Al seguito di Malgalad di Lórien (identificabile anche con Amdír, padre di Amroth), si unirono alle schiere dei Silvani guidate da Oropher, ma durante la Dagorlad furono spinti verso le Paludi Morte, dove oltre la metà di loro morí, Malgalad compreso.
Il nostro gandalf ha notato una leggerissima cosa:
Il messaggio (e annessa risposta) sulle venti righe mancanti è stato cancellato " />
Si concretizza sempre piu' la mia opinione sulla Bompiani, e cioé che hanno fatto una ca..... grande come un melone super maturo pronto ad esplodere ed ora cercano di cancellare tutte le possibili tracce, in modo che le migliaia di copie errate che si trovano ancora in circolazione non debbano essere ritirate con conseguente danno economico. Per non parlare delle richieste di cambiare i volumi già acquistati..... Propongo azioni di protesta come una campagna di sciopero contro l'acquisto di ogni novità su Tolkien pubblicata nel 2005 fino a quando non opteranno per una seria iniziativa di "risarcimento" dall'errore commesso. Quindi rinnovo con maggiore vigore il mio VERGOGNA BOMPIANI!!!!
Gil Galad - Stella di radianza
ora cercano di cancellare tutte le possibili tracce
Possibile, ma considerando la mole di copie errate - che in nessun modo potranno eliminare - non sarebbe comunque molto...
Propongo azioni di protesta come una campagna di sciopero contro l'acquisto di ogni novità su Tolkien pubblicata nel 2005
Si potrebbe provare a organizzare qualcosa di simile, ma sarebbe utile? Anche se tutti quelli di Eldalië e de La Barriera lo facessero (dubito), saremmo in numero tale da far almeno sentire il danno? Anche visto che le opere costose - quelle illustrate - sono già uscite e da molti acquistate...
Vi segnalo una serie di incontri tematici nel bolognese: " />