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ottava stagione - leaks e speculazioni
M di Metamorfo
creato il 31 luglio 2017

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3662 messaggi


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3662 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 21:49
23 minutes fa, Il Ragno dice:

 e.... varys morto senza che potessimo risolvere il quesito. C'è sempre la 8x06 ma dubito

Non ci sperare. Purtroppo non lo sapremo mai

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

230 messaggi


230 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 21:49

Credo che martin gli abbia soltanto detto che daenerys verrà tradita per amore da Jon Snow e sbroccherà per questo... quello che hanno costruito a partire dalla storiella d’amore, gli screzi con sansa, Jon Snow che sembra lo scemo in mezzo alle due, e che probabilmente, stando ai leaks la uccidera’ convinto da tyrion che è una minaccia per la sua famiglia, per me nn ha ne capo e ne coda

10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 21:56 Autore
11 minutes fa, ziowalter1973 dice:

Il problema è che i dothraki una volta morto il capo se ne vanno con un altro capo ma gli immacolati? Non hanno mai mostrato una propria volontà. L' unica attività al di fuori delle battaglie di dany che mi ricordi erano le serate nei bordelli di mereen. 


"In the epilogue, the unsullied leave to cross the sea and start liberating slave cities on their own, because that's Dany's plan before Jon kills her -- she has this big speech scene, after sacking King's Landing, where she's talking about wrecking the world, liberating all of the slaves from their masters." (leaker affidabile)

10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 21:59 Autore
29 minutes fa, Il Ragno dice:

La storyline di Varys è girata intorno a ciò che sentì nelle fiamme il giorno dell'evirazione, Kinvara glielo ha ripetuto, lui ha raccontato misteriosamente l accaduto a Tyrion e.... varys morto senza che potessimo risolvere il quesito. C'è sempre la 8x06 ma dubito


Nella serie non ce lo diranno mai.

Nel dubbio, io penserò che quello che Varys sente il giorno del taglio non è un demone, è il ruggito di Drogon (connessione magica tra passato e futuro).

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3662 messaggi


Guardiani della Notte

3662 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 22:01
4 minutes fa, Metamorfo dice:


"In the epilogue, the unsullied leave to cross the sea and start liberating slave cities on their own, because that's Dany's plan before Jon kills her -- she has this big speech scene, after sacking King's Landing, where she's talking about wrecking the world, liberating all of the slaves from their masters." (leaker affidabile)

Di Drogon si sa qualcosa?

10191 messaggi


10191 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 22:11 Autore

Questo è il leaker che mi pare più affidabile (throwaway5873421):

Primi spoiler:


u/throwaway5873421 account history now deleted [dated April 28, 2019]

Euron's fleet takes down Rhaegal.

Jaime betrays the North. Missandei is captured.

Dany's army captures Jaime. Brienne tries to talk to him but he refuses.

Sansa tells Tyrion about Jon's lineage. Tyrion tells Varys.

Varys betrays Dany because he thinks Jon would be a better ruler.

Cersei has Missandei executed.

Dany has Varys executed. Dany assaults King's Landing and it's one-sided as hell.

Tyrion begs her to show mercy but she refuses.

Tyrion frees Jaime to try to get Cersei out of the city.

King's Landing gets wrecked in the battle. Drogon burns Euron's fleet.

The Hound fights his brother. They both die.

Jaime fights Euron and kills him, but Jaime is mortally wounded.

Jaime makes it to Cersei and they die together.

Dany is executing everyone in King's Landing. Jon and Tyrion are upset.

Dany has Tyrion arrested to be executed for freeing Jaime.

Tyrion tries to convince Jon that his family will never be safe because his lineage makes him a threat to Dany's rule.

Jon tries to talk to Dany but she justifies her actions.

Jon pledges himself to Dany but then stabs her, then surrenders himself.


A council gets formed to decide who the King should be. Tyrion gives a speech and everyone votes on Bran to become King. The end.

In the epilogue, Jon takes the black again for killing Dany. Arya leaves. Sansa rules the North. Bran oversees his council of Tyrion, Davos, Sam, and Bronn.


E domande con approfondimenti

Q Out of curiosity, in terms of the way you wrote the leaks, is there a specific reason why you put the following four sentences together? E.g., not as say "Jaime betrays the North. Brienne tries to talk to him but he refuses" but as:

Jaime betrays the North. Missandei is captured.

Dany's army captures Jaime. Brienne tries to talk to him but he refuses.

A So the reasons for my interpretation mistakes there:

-- I didn't have dialogue in any Jaime scenes except the last one, which made it confusing

-- I saw Jaime's scenes out of order

-- Jaime's ending didn't make a lot of sense to me with everything that came before it, which is just because of bad writing, so it was pretty difficult to make sense of everything I'd seen. I figured the scene with Brienne must have involved more of a betrayal considering her reaction, him getting captured, and the tone of his ending scene. It seems now that he just kinda meanders his way to Cersei and dies.

You'll see a lot of the Jaime stuff, like him getting captured on the way to KL, happen next episode... well, actually, all the Jaime stuff, since he dies


Q Do we see the Lannisters getting burned alive or it's just another off screen death?

A The room/building they're in collapses on them.


Q What Episode does jon kill Dany?

A The last one, I think. I don't know how the episodes are divided but there's way too much stuff left to get through for that to happen in the fifth episode.


Q Is this at least like a drawn out death scene? Or is it as underwhelming as it sounds?

A Well, it's dramatic. King's Landing is on fire, getting sacked, so the building is collapsing around them. They're both distraught and emotional. But it's still pretty lame, IMO.


Q Can you tell me Cersei’s “story” in the episode? Apparently she surrenders? Can you tell me how that goes down? And how does she react to Jaime coming back?

A Honestly not sure, the Cersei scenes seemed to be heavy on dialogue and I couldn't hear it in most of them. She kinda just retreats to where Jaime finds her, which I guess makes sense since there's not really much she can do with the scorpions taken out, the iron fleet scorched, and the Golden Company slaughtered.


Q Do you know why Jaime and Euron fight? Is it just out of sexual jealous because Euron fucked her or is it more than that?

A Euron initiates the fight but I have no idea why.


Q I was wondering if you could describe how the Jon killing Daenerys scene will play out? Does he do it in cold blood?

A The tone of it is very tragic. It's kind of like she's completely consumed by madness and he's saying how much he loves her and he's loyal to her, then he stabs her when he gets close enough. It's obviously traumatizing for him to do because he does love her. This is actually the one thing I hope they keep in the books, and it wouldn't surprise me if that's where they got it from. Obviously, the show didn't do a good job of getting to this endpoint in a way that makes sense for the characters, so it feels sudden and unearned, but I could see the books pulling it off.


Q He does it to save millions of people right?

A Yeah, at that point Jon is horrified by what Dany has done to King's Landing, and she gives speeches about how she'll keep doing it to free slaves from their chains. He's also convinced by Tyrion that his family will never be safe because he presents a threat to her rule, so he's motivated by that as well, I'm sure.


Q When you say post-King’s landing stuff, how does that work? is Dany actually on the throne for a bit before he kills her then? He doesn’t kill her in the heat of her madness in the battle?

A Yeah, there's stuff after King's Landing is sacked. Dany gives a speech about freeing slaves across the world, etc. Some scenes where characters are reflecting on the devastation she's caused. Some scenes where they're deciding how to handle Tyrion, who's a prisoner. If it does happen in episode 6, there's probably 40-50 minutes of buildup before Jon actually commits to killing Dany.


Q Any idea what was filmed at the Italica (The Dragon Pit).

A Not sure, sorry. I didn't follow this kind of stuff before so I wasn't thinking about it. Locations just look like locations to me.


Q How does Dany come to learn about Varys’s plotted betrayal? Do you have any more context on Tyrion being arrested? Is it because he tries to stop her?

A Most of the Varys stuff happens in dialogue/off-screen so I really don't know. I'm catching up on other "leaks" right now and it seems like everyone disagrees on how this goes down, which makes sense to me, because it seems like it'll happen quickly based off some minor, short scene.

Tyrion gets arrested because he frees Jaime to try to save Cersei, I think. His arrest definitely happens after that and there's no way that it's not a factor in it.


Q Did you say before that Tyrion lives tho?

A Unless they filmed alternate scenes where Tyrion dies and invested in post-production to polish those scenes with ADR, CGI, editing, etc for some inexplicable reason to throw off a tiny minority of the viewer base, Tyrion lives and will be on Bran's small council.


A Jon and Greyworm fight the Golden Company together, and Jon surrenders to the Unsullied after killing Dany, but I don't recall any big fight scene between them. I haven't seen Every Single Scene, but I can't think of where one would fit, either. Maybe if Jon prevents Greyworm from killing someone during the sack, but I didn't watch anything like that myself.


Q What about Ghost? Can you describe Jon’s final scene? Does it show him arrive at Castle Black or anything and reunite with Ghost?

A I'm sorta mum on this because the epilogue scenes were very WIP when I saw them and I'm anxious about revealing the precise amount of information I know about them, haha. Let's just say I didn't see a whole lot of specifics and what I saw might not even be in the final episode, besides what I already mentioned. Sorry dude, hopefully it turns out to be a good little ending montage. People seemed pretty pissed about Ghost.


Q Is there any way that what you saw was also a misdirection? I'm curious about the inner workings of these final episodes. Especially after hearing about the fake scenes and alternate scripts.

A It's relatively inexpensive to film alternate scenes/endings, particularly when you're not sure which direction you're going to take a story or you're misleading paparazzi, but when it comes to post-production... no one's sending off fake scenes to be fully completed, you know? It's just expensive and a bad use of budget. At the end of the day, I doubt 99.9% of the people watching the show read these obscure leaks, so why spend the money? Fans get so pissed off about them that they only usually acknowledge them as true in retrospect, anyway.


Q Do you any details on what happens after dany dies. All the leaks say Drogon just carries off her body? That true and to where?

A Can't say, I didn't see those scenes. Sorry. Just speculating, but it doesn't sound unrealistic to me... I didn't see Drogon die and they need him to go off somewhere, so...


Q do you know if we'll see all four Stark kids together before the end of the series?

And also, does the voting for a new leader council scenes take place in Seville? Cause that's been the speculation for a long time now.

A Re: all the Starks being together, I didn't see anything like that.

Seville? As in Dorne? No, it didn't look like it.


Q The iron throne is destroyed right?

A Don't know. I don't recall seeing it after Jon kills Dany, though, but I could be mistaken.


Q Have you seen the infamous bell scene everyone’s discussing?

A Just read up on it now. Not really sure because I didn't have audio for a lot of those scenes... if there's bells, I doubt the "bells" themselves made Dany go crazy. That feels like a misinterpretation, to me, especially since I misinterpreted some scenes myself. Seems more likely, based off what I've seen, that she's not willing to entertain the idea of surrender, not that the bells in particular triggered something in her. But I'm just speculating since I didn't hear that. I could be wrong.


Q So as far as you’ve seen there’s not actually anything that makes her snap particularly? She just goes 0-100 just like that?

A I think the writers/show runners see it as like... Missandei died, she lost two dragons (her children), she executes Varys in the next episode by fire and everyone is betraying her, she's had several moments in the show where she acts on impulse and exerts power over others. And then you have stuff like Olenna telling her she needs to be a dragon, not a sheep. I think the writers probably think it was built up to sufficiently. But I don't really think so... it's not like she goes from 0-100, it's more like she goes from 40-100.


Q So Jon doesn't kill Daenerys when she's in the moment of madness?

A It's more like she becomes hellbent on a particular mode of justice that Jon realizes he will not be able to discourage.


Q This is what I like about it. The walls are closing in because nothing has gone her way in Westeros since arriving. Two dead dragons, Jorah dead, Missendai dead. I agree it should have been flushed out over a season & a half or so, & not 6 episodes.

A I don't like the ending, but there's a lot of folks having strong reactions to it who aren't considering that these last two episodes are really long. They're basically each, in themselves, their own feature length movie. That's a hell of a lot of screen time. I'm very curious if casual viewers will dislike it, too.


Q Do you know if there’s any wildfire involved in the destruction of King’s Landing?

A I didn't see any wildfire, but it's possible that I wouldn't have, or maybe I did and just conflated it with all the dragon fire. Didn't seem like anything like Battle of the Blackwater, at least... Definitely lots of dragon fire to go around, though. Drogon goes HAM on King's Landing.


Q Is Drogon on the loose or do they portray it as Dany not giving a fuck about who she kills?

A Both, Dany definitely gives orders that make the situation much worse than it needs to be. Drogon is pretty much a nuke who follows her every order (which is why it's so weird and frustrating that his sibling got so easily killed an episode before...)


Q Are many innocent people hurt and killed as a direct result of Dany's actions?

A Yes, many


Q Do you have any other information you can share?

A Hmm. Nothing major that I haven't mentioned.

In the epilogue, the unsullied leave to cross the sea and start liberating slave cities on their own, because that's Dany's plan before Jon kills her -- she has this big speech scene, after sacking King's Landing, where she's talking about wrecking the world, liberating all of the slaves from their masters.

When they're deciding who to elect as king, Sam suggests holding a democratic election and the other nobles laugh at him. That's before they vote on Bran.

The Golden Company gets absolutely wrecked by the Unsullied. Arya tries to save civilians while KL is being sacked but fails, and leaves. Dany's whole plan for every combat situation is "let Drogon handle it," including the scorpions, which works fine for some reason even though she lost a dragon to one last episode.

All of that's out of order, obviously, but yeah.


Q Can you see the cleganebowl leaks pinned as top comment? Are they accurate to your knowledge?

A Yeah all that stuff about the Clegane fight is accurate, I think. I didn't see any eye gouging but that doesn't mean it isn't in there. They both topple into the fire together, and you do see him without his helmet.


Q do you have any context on Jon taking the black again? Is he forced to do it? Is there some sort of trial? Or is it entirely voluntary because he wants to give up his claim to the throne forever?

A 'm really unclear about why Jon takes the black, but it seems more like he makes the decision himself, or that he makes the decision in conjunction with other people. It doesn't seem like he's forced to do it, or at least not that he's doing it against his will. He's pretty defeated after killing Dany.


Q Is there any chance he's just walking to live with the free folk?

A I don't know 100% about Jon's epilogue but he's not just going north to just retire out in the wild, it's definitely related to the Night's Watch. Taking the black is what makes him no longer a legitimate heir to the throne.



Di drogon parla un altro, afraidpart, il leaker più antico (10 mesi fa) che però non segue la serie, quindi non è molto preciso nel riportare le cose: " the dragon flies away with her body but doesn't kill Snow".


Il terzo affidabile è gotit1111


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3662 messaggi


Guardiani della Notte

3662 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 22:26


ah ecco, mi ricordavo qualcosa del genere. Certo che Drogon che se ne vola via con la mamma senza uccidere Jon... messa così non ha senso

127 messaggi


127 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 23:38

No vabbè, Bran sul trono..cioè questo non vuole diventare Lord di Grande Inverno perchè "E' il corvo a tre occhi" e poi diventa re? Ma poi Jon che prende il nero? Ma quale nero visto che i guardiani della notte non esistono più? Otto stagioni per rivelarci che Jon è l'erede al trono e poi se ne va così? Non è servito a niente rivelarci che in realtà è Aegon Targaryen? A questo punto la sua storyline si chiuderebbe senza il minimo senso, tanto valeva lasciarlo come bastardo di grande inverno e ciao, a che accidenti è servito tutto ciò? Io spero vivamente che non si concluderà così perchè non ce la faccio, sono due imbecilli.

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

1856 messaggi

1856 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 23:40

Jon Snow che fa da tappezzeria per tutta l'ottava stagione 


Inutile e dannoso

"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."

127 messaggi


127 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 23:44

Ma anche la morte di Varys, cioè già è stata ridicola perchè si fa beccare in modo realmente indegno per il suo personaggio..ma almeno sembra che prima di crepare sia riuscito a inviare un bel pò di messaggi per rivelare al continente la vera identità di Jon. Se alla fine mi dicono pure che non è riuscito a inviare nulla perchè è morto prima..non ce la faccio, almeno fatemelo morire dopo essersi comunque reso utile.

326 messaggi


326 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 23:45

Io sono ancora sopraffatto dall'episodio di stanotte. La cosa che mi fa incavolare anche di più è la realizzaziione tecnica dello stesso (i lunghi piano sequenza finali di Arya intervallati da brevi fotogrammi del Mastino a formare un'unica narrazione, son da brividi) veramente sprecati a questo punto. Ma mi chiedevo: Friki ha commentato? Che dice lui?

King Glice
3849 messaggi
King Glice


3849 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 23:46

A me pare giusto che Jon non diventi re e che alla fin trovi la sua dimensione ideale nel vero Nord e lontano dalla politica di Westeros.

1856 messaggi

1856 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 23:46

Mi pare che sia rimasto deluso....

"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."

326 messaggi


326 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 23:47

@jonsnow1992 lo immaginavo. Anche perchè ora la scena del processo non so come diavolo si incastra con tutto il resto.

1856 messaggi

1856 messaggi
Inviato il 13 maggio 2019 23:50

Magari gli hanno detto una cavolata e non ci sarà nessun processo


"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."

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