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A di Albert Stark
creato il 02 febbraio 2015

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Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 02 febbraio 2015 19:27 Autore

Ancora manca un po' di tempo al ritorno di questo gioco che ci ha accompagnato per tutta la quarta stagione, un gioco che ci ha visto stentare nella prima parte e volare nella seconda :figo:

In questa quinta stagione sembra che i vantaggi per i lettori saranno ridotti, visto che ci sarà tanta roba nuova. Ma noi saremo li pronti a prenderci tutto!! :dart: :dart: :dart:


Quindi direi di riassumere in questo topic tutte le preview succulente che troveremo, quelle che potrebbero aiutarci ai fini del gioco!! :idea:


Iniziamo, per ora il tempo è dalla nostra parte...fatevi sotto e scrivete :glare:


(Per ora non sappiamo quando apriranno il gioco o che novità ci saranno, per questo dovremo aspettare. Ma intanto facciamoci questo riassunto xD)







-- Episode #41: “The Wars to Come”: Cersei and Jaime adjust to a world without Tywin. Varys reveals a conspiracy to Tyrion. Dany faces a new threat to her rule. Jon is caught between two kings. (Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Michael Slovis.) (TV-MA) [AC, AL, GV, N] ESP Playdates: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 24

-- Episode #42: “The House of Black and White”: Arya arrives in Braavos. Pod and Brienne run into trouble on the road. Cersei fears for her daughter’s safety in Dorne as Ellaria Sand seeks revenge for Oberyn’s death. Stannis tempts Jon. An adviser tempts Dany. (Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Michael Slovis.) (TVMA) [AC, AL, V] ESP Playdates: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25

-- Episode #43: “High Sparrow”: In Braavos, Arya sees the Many-Faced God. In King’s Landing, Queen Margaery enjoys her new husband. Tyrion and Varys walk the Long Bridge of Volantis. (Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Mark Mylod.) (TV-MA) [AC, AL, GV, N] ESP Playdates: 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30


– Episode #44: “The Sons of the Harpy”: Margaery seeks prudent counsel. Jaime struggles in foreign lands. Dany answers the Harpy’s call. (Written by Dave Hill; directed by Mark Mylod.)

— Episode #45: “Kill the Boy”: Cersei plots a dangerous game. Jon swings his sword. Melisandre studies the signs. Tyrion sees the ghosts of the past. (Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Jeremy Podeswa.)

— Episode #46: “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken”: Margaery receives a grim surprise. Jon hears dark tidings. Winterfell prepares for a wedding. Doran Martell speaks his word. (Written by Bryan Cogman; directed by Jeremy Podeswa.)

— Episode #47: “The Gift”: In Meereen, Dany must compromise or flee. Stannis comes into trouble on his way south. Brienne finds shelter in the woods. Arya is faced with her destiny. (Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Miguel Sapochnik.)








5.01 and 5.02: Michael Slovis

Episode number not known:
- The Wall and beyond: Bowen Marsh will feature
- King's Landing: Tywin's Funeral; High Septon appearance
- Essos: Arya will reach Braavos; the two Braavosi street toughs will feature

- The Wall and beyond: Leaf will feature (according to actress' CV)
- The North: the Boltons, including Fat Walda will feature
- King's Landing: Maggie the Frog prophecy - cold open; Cersei and Melara walking through the woods + Cersei cutting her finger to reveal blood
- Essos: Meereen will feature, inluding a noble woman and a peddler

no information available

5.03 and 5.04: Mark Mylod

Episode number not known:

- King's Landing: High Septon appearance
- The North: the Boltons, including Myranda, will feature
- Essos: a Despondent Man will ask for the gift at the House of Black and White.
- unknown: there will be a scene with a corpse in a room (potentially HoBaW or Qyburn's cells)

- Essos: Tyrion and Varys will interact with a brothel guard in Volantis

- Dorne: Jaime and Bronn will arrive and encounter Dornish guards

- Essos: Dany will sentence a slave to death before a mixed audience of masters and slaves. Daario will carry out the order and the masters and slaves will get into a fight. Dany will be escorted away by her Unsullied.

5.05 and 5.06: Jeremy Podeswa

Episode number not known:
- The Wall and beyond: The Wall will feature, including Bowen Marsh
- The North: the Boltons will feature, including Myranda
- Essos: Meereen will feature, including two Masters and the noble woman from episode 5.01/5.02 and the wife of the Peddler from 5.01/5.02

no information available

no information available

~Memorial Day Break~

5.07 and 5.08: Miguel Sapochnik

- Essos: Meereen will feature, including a gladiator

* - The Wall and beyond: Wildlings, Wildling elder and Wights credited (potentially Hardhome); big fight at a Wildling village (we know that Loboda appears in this fight and his actor was credited for this episode)

5.09 and 5.10: David Nutter

Episode number not known:
- The North: the Boltons will feature, including Myranda
- King's Landing: the Walk
- Braavos: Mace Tyrell and Meryn Trant meet with Tycho and will be spotted by Arya, there will be a scene in a brothel (most likely in 5.09 since Sofair was only credited for that episode)

- Meereen: Daznak's pit - Jorah is fighting in the pit and Tyrion is sitting amongst the nobles; later Dany, Tyrion, Missandei and Daario run down to the pit; people are burned
- Jaime is still in Dorne in a scene with Doran, Ellaria, Trystane, Myrcella and and the Sand Snakes.

5.10: David Nutter
no information available





- The Wall and beyond:
-- Jon will have a scene with Stannis and Davos in which he is holding a letter. This could be Stannis' offer from the book, before the election.
-- There will be a pyre in the yard of Castle Black.
-- Melisandre takes off her clothes (again)
-- A boat approaches a Wildling village (potentially Hardhome). Later, some of the villagers walk into the water.
-- Jon and some Wildlings go to that village. They get in a fight with the Wildlings inside.
-- Someone from the water grabs a person in a boat.

- King's Landing:
-- The funeral procession for Tywin Lannister will indeed be Tywin's only appearance this season.
-- Margaery and Tommen will marry in the sept
-- The Faith Militant will cause several disturbances in King's Landing, including a skirmish with Loras Tyrell and breaking open barrels (supporting rumors of a skirmish at an inn)
-- Diana Rigg stated in an interview one of her scenes is set in a trashed brothel.

- Braavos:
-- Arya will arrive in Bravos, knock on the doors of the House of Black and White and will assume her fish seller girl persona. There is a scene where she looks contemplatively at Needle.
-- A series of tweets by the actors hints that Lhara, Meryn Trant and Arya might be interacting next season
-- Mark Gatiss (Tycho Nestoris) confirmed that he won't be appearing at the Wall this season.

- Dorne
-- Jaime and Bronn will get into a skirmish with Dornish guards at a beach and they will get into a fight with the Sand Snakes.
-- According to Making Game of Thrones there will be at least one scene involving a scorpion and a scene of a dragon burning carcasses in a grassy area. The scene with the scorpion also involves Nymeria whipping a barrel to reveal someone buried up to his head in sand, with scorpions around him. Ellaria, Tyene and Obara watch on.
-- Ellaria will at some point be confronted by people with spears and will have a confrontation with Areo Hotah.

- Meereen:
-- Missandei will kiss a potentially wounded/dead Grey Worm.
-- Jorah will be fighting inside a fighting pit.
-- Masked people (potentially Sons of the Harpy) will appear marching through the streets and will later confront Dany, Missandei, Jorah, Daario and the Unsullied in Daznak's pit.
-- Rhaegal breaths fire at someone.
-- The statue of the Harpy will be torn down from the pyramid.

- Essos (other than Meereen and Braavos):
-- Tyrion will be having a conversation with Varys in which Varys will explain to him that he should help Dany take the Iron Throne.
-- Jorah will be sold to the slaver Yezzan by Malko. Tyrion, in an attempt to stay with Jorah, will amuse the crowd until Yezzan buys him as well.

- The Vale:
-- Littlefinger and Sansa will be travelling through the Vale. Littlefinger will tell her to take revenge. At some point, Sansa will be in a bathtub, looking troubled.

- somewhere in Westeros:
-- Brienne and Pod will be riding by an inn (which looks a lot like the Inn at the Crossroads).





- The Hollywood Reporter has announced that all actors' contracts have been renegotiated for pay raises and potential season 7 appearances. That does not mean however, that everyone will live to see season 7. The top-ranked actors are said to be Harington (Jon), Dinklage (Tyrion), Headey (Cersei), Clarke (Daenerys) and Coster-Waldau (Lannister), followed by 'mid-carder' Dormer (Margaery), Turner (Sansa) and Williams (Arya). This most likely means that these characters will get the bulk of season 5-7 material. No word on season 8.
- Supposedly, there is a big fight scene that was moved from Iceland to Northern Ireland. No confirmation yet on which factions are involved or whether it has been filmed yet.
- UNCONFIRMED: A user on reddit who very accurately and in detail predicted the scenes with the Night's Watch mutineers at Craster's Keep last year has posted that next season will include a scene in which White Walkers walk off a cliff only to be resurrected by the Night's King. This could potentially be Hardhome. However, there has been no official confirmation of any of this happening from people tied to the production of GoT, so take it with a grain of salt, please.
- Sophie Turner has stated in an interview that she filmed a traumatic scene that made everyone on set feel really uncomfortable, potentially hinting at the inclusion of Sansa's controversial TWOW chapter in season 5. Please take this with a grain of salt, as Sophie is not the most reliable narrator.
- according to Kit Harrington, he filmed a partial scene which took a month to shoot
- Episodes 4.09 and 4.10 will air together in select IMAX theaters across the US, followed by an exclusive trailer, starting on January 29th. This could potentially be the first real trailer to be released this year.
- new shots from the Sight teasers:
-- Arya and the Braavosi captain in a row boat in front of a stony cities - almost definitely Braavos
-- Cersei, peering out from behind a ornate grate
-- Jon looking up at someone with another black brother sitting in the background

- The trailer seems to confirm or at least give more credence to both the reddit poster's spoilers mentioned above and the script that was supposedly leaked on Facebook back in August of 2014. The following link contains major spoilers. Proceed at your own risk:




Leaked script summary for Season 5 Episode 1.
-1)Flashback scene! Maggy the Frog and Cersei's prophesy.
-2) Aftermath of Tywin's death.Over his corpse Cersei asks Jaime if he freed Tyrion, he denies it but she knows he's lying.
-3) Cersei finds her surrouned by Tyrells after she leaves Jaime. Cersei refuses to look Loras in the eye while he gives his condolances. Margaery comforts Tommen.
-4) Cersei bumbs into Pycelle but avoids him.
-5) After that she meets Lancel who is barefoot and has joined the Sparrows ( not warriors sons?)...and Kevan. Lancel looks dreadful.
-6) Later on she sees Lancel again who wants her forgiveness about what happened between them before...and also discusses the nasty business with Roberts "hunting accident".
Cersei pretends she doesn't know what he is talking about.
Lancel is a religious nut now...who knows what he will tell others.
-7)We turn to Meereen where an Unsullied soldier is looking for time with a whore...to cuddle.
It ends in disaster when the man is attacked while with the woman.
-8)The Harpy's sons have become a problem in Meereen and Dany has her men patrol the streets.
-9) Daario and Hizdar come back from being in Yunkai and tell her to attack Yunkai first with her dragons...she must show no weakness.
The Yunkai are eager to attack her.
-10) Dany goes to the dragons in the pit...she will suffer no more "accidents" ,so she can't use the dragons unles she can control them. But havethey have grown and try and attack her.
She realises she will not able to use them or control them...ever.
.-11)Final scene takes place at the Wall where Stannis talks to Jon about attacking Roose Bolton. Melisandre isn't far behind.
Stannis wants Jon to convince Mance to kneel, he needs the wildling army to attack the Boltons.
Jon has until nightfall to accomplish this task.
More of the leaked script ( EP2 or EP3 perhaps):
- 1)A scene takes place between Jaime and Cersei where they receive a box with a dead viper in it, a lion necklace in its jaw. Cersei tells Jaime that there are only two such necklaces in the world – the one she is wearing around her neck, and the one she has gifted to Myrcella. Jaime agrees that this is a threat by the Martells. Cersei is furious that their daughter is in danger.
-2)A short scene where Jon Snow is elected Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. That was expected.
-3)Then another scene with Pod and Brienne where they are chased by Vale guards on Littlefingers orders implies a scene that took place before it. Basically it implies that Brienne was successful in finding Sansa in the Vale, but Sansa refused Brienne’s help and sent her away, deciding to side with Littlefinger. Not sure how I feel about this if true.
-4)Arya arrives in Braavos, no surprises here. What bugs me here is that she doesn’t hide Needle but carries it with her. She asks the Kindly Man for help who refuses her, but a few days later he decides to train her and he puts on Jaqen H'ghar’s face, that should please some fangirls. He tells Arya that he is not Jaqen though, but no one, and that Arya must become no one too.
-5)Barristan finally reveals to Daenerys that her father was in fact the Mad King and cruel and burned people for no reason. With that he stops her from executing a Son of the Harpy.
-6)Biggest disappointment… we get another scene with Tyrion and Varys where Varys urges him to join him on his journey – to Meereen. He tells Tyrion that he still has a part to play in the war of Westeros and that the Seven Kingdoms need a better king than Tommen.
Tyrion tells Varys “good luck finding him” and Varys goes all “who said anything about HIM?” Tyrion then agrees to join Varys on his journey to the young QUEEN as long as he can keep drinking.
They go to Volantis after this. So I guess that place is still in the show, maybe Jorah kidnaps him there
Jaime has been seen with Bronn filming in "sandy" locations.
Brienne and Pod have been seen in the same place as "lords of the Vale" where filming.


Lady Wylla Manderly
1733 messaggi
Lady Wylla Manderly


1733 messaggi
Inviato il 03 febbraio 2015 8:58

Il trailer per ora è unico e non si capisce molto. >_>

Da quel poco che posso intuire credo che almeno per le prime 5 puntate il personaggio da 100 da comprare sia Jon. Dovrebbe esserci l' elezione a lord comandante più svariate apparizioni e forse combattimenti.

Tyrion non credo che sia molto ultile e Daenerys ancora meno, anzi forse avremo solo "malus" per lei considerato che non dovrebbe passarsela bene a Meereen.


Jaime è un pg da considerare e un pensierino lo farei anche su Bronn.

Sansa è un' incognita :shock:
Tommen lo prenderei in seria considerazione, a sto ragazzino qualcosa dovranno pur far fare (sicuro si sposa) e così anche Margaery.

Arya dovrebbe essere un'investimento quasi sicuro.

Per i personaggi da 25 ho poche idee su chi possa essere inserito. Se Varys dovesse essere considerato da 25 lo comprerei probabilmente. Anche una serpe delle sabbie potrebbe essere da 25 ma non so se ne valga la pena.

Forse Melisandre che potrebbe avere un ruolo importante alla barriera.

Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 03 febbraio 2015 12:21 Autore

Varys se costerà 25 credo sarà un must. Quando sapremo le sinossi sarà più facile fare ipotesi xD


Intanto alcuni possibili spoiler, che sembrano essere stati confermati:



Leaked script summary for Season 5 Episode 1.

-1)Flashback scene! Maggy the Frog and Cersei's prophesy.
-2) Aftermath of Tywin's death.Over his corpse Cersei asks Jaime if he freed Tyrion, he denies it but she knows he's lying.
-3) Cersei finds her surrouned by Tyrells after she leaves Jaime. Cersei refuses to look Loras in the eye while he gives his condolances. Margaery comforts Tommen.
-4) Cersei bumbs into Pycelle but avoids him.
-5) After that she meets Lancel who is barefoot and has joined the Sparrows ( not warriors sons?)...and Kevan. Lancel looks dreadful.
-6) Later on she sees Lancel again who wants her forgiveness about what happened between them before...and also discusses the nasty business with Roberts "hunting accident".
Cersei pretends she doesn't know what he is talking about.
Lancel is a religious nut now...who knows what he will tell others.
-7)We turn to Meereen where an Unsullied soldier is looking for time with a whore...to cuddle.
It ends in disaster when the man is attacked while with the woman.
-8)The Harpy's sons have become a problem in Meereen and Dany has her men patrol the streets.
-9) Daario and Hizdar come back from being in Yunkai and tell her to attack Yunkai first with her dragons...she must show no weakness.
The Yunkai are eager to attack her.
-10) Dany goes to the dragons in the pit...she will suffer no more "accidents" ,so she can't use the dragons unles she can control them. But havethey have grown and try and attack her.
She realises she will not able to use them or control them...ever.
.-11)Final scene takes place at the Wall where Stannis talks to Jon about attacking Roose Bolton. Melisandre isn't far behind.
Stannis wants Jon to convince Mance to kneel, he needs the wildling army to attack the Boltons.
Jon has until nightfall to accomplish this task.
More of the leaked script ( EP2 or EP3 perhaps):
- 1)A scene takes place between Jaime and Cersei where they receive a box with a dead viper in it, a lion necklace in its jaw. Cersei tells Jaime that there are only two such necklaces in the world – the one she is wearing around her neck, and the one she has gifted to Myrcella. Jaime agrees that this is a threat by the Martells. Cersei is furious that their daughter is in danger.
-2)A short scene where Jon Snow is elected Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. That was expected.
-3)Then another scene with Pod and Brienne where they are chased by Vale guards on Littlefingers orders implies a scene that took place before it. Basically it implies that Brienne was successful in finding Sansa in the Vale, but Sansa refused Brienne’s help and sent her away, deciding to side with Littlefinger. Not sure how I feel about this if true.
-4)Arya arrives in Braavos, no surprises here. What bugs me here is that she doesn’t hide Needle but carries it with her. She asks the Kindly Man for help who refuses her, but a few days later he decides to train her and he puts on Jaqen H'ghar’s face, that should please some fangirls. He tells Arya that he is not Jaqen though, but no one, and that Arya must become no one too.
-5)Barristan finally reveals to Daenerys that her father was in fact the Mad King and cruel and burned people for no reason. With that he stops her from executing a Son of the Harpy.
-6)Biggest disappointment… we get another scene with Tyrion and Varys where Varys urges him to join him on his journey – to Meereen. He tells Tyrion that he still has a part to play in the war of Westeros and that the Seven Kingdoms need a better king than Tommen.
Tyrion tells Varys “good luck finding him” and Varys goes all “who said anything about HIM?” Tyrion then agrees to join Varys on his journey to the young QUEEN as long as he can keep drinking.
They go to Volantis after this. So I guess that place is still in the show, maybe Jorah kidnaps him there
Jaime has been seen with Bronn filming in "sandy" locations.
Brienne and Pod have been seen in the same place as "lords of the Vale" where filming.


12774 messaggi


12774 messaggi
Inviato il 03 febbraio 2015 13:32

Su westeros.org c'è un elenco di tutto ciò che sappiamo sulla 5 stagione. Per motivi ignoti non riesco a copiare il pezzo, quindi posto direttamente il link (è il primo post della discussione): http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/123520-season-5-casting-news-and-speculation-v-8-show-spoilers-book-spoilers-past-op/


« I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. »


1882 messaggi


1882 messaggi
Inviato il 03 febbraio 2015 17:12

Ciao volevo solo far notare una cosa tecnica riguardante questa discussione, cioè ci si può entrare conoscendo la password anche se non si é iscritti al forum. Quindi se si potesse fare in modo che solo gli iscritti possano entrare penso che aiuterebbe un po'....


Riguardo ai personaggi, per la prima parte chiunque alla Barriera va bene (esclusi ser Allister e Janos). A king's landing assolutamente Cersei e forse qualche Tyrell, magari Margery e Tommen visto che si sposano. A Meeren penso che fará più punti Missandei di Dany ;) . A Dorne almeno una serpe.

Aspetto comunque gli altri video ancora.


Per la seconda parte aspetto di vedere le puntate!!! :)

Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 03 febbraio 2015 17:17 Autore

Ciao volevo solo far notare una cosa tecnica riguardante questa discussione, cioè ci si può entrare conoscendo la password anche se non si é iscritti al forum. Quindi se si potesse fare in modo che solo gli iscritti possano entrare penso che aiuterebbe un po'....



Non so se è possibile farlo, ma non sarebbe male. Anche se in teoria la password ce l'hanno solo quelli che me l'hanno chiesta :)

Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 03 febbraio 2015 17:44 Autore

Su westeros.org c'è un elenco di tutto ciò che sappiamo sulla 5 stagione. Per motivi ignoti non riesco a copiare il pezzo, quindi posto direttamente il link (è il primo post della discussione): http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/topic/123520-season-5-casting-news-and-speculation-v-8-show-spoilers-book-spoilers-past-op/


Provo io a copiare qualcosa qui, nel remoto caso in cui togliessero quel topic.




Hello everybody and welcome to a book-spoiler-free summary of what we know of season 5 so far!


Since version 7 of this thread was closed (probably for going horribly off-topic), here's version 8. Please stay on topic and be nice to each other, okay? If this thread gets closed for nit-picky infighting again, I am not opening another one and you can all write up your summaries yourself.

Please note that I will not be including speculations in this post, except for the FQA section and no brainers (e. g. nobody has confirmed that Sevilla's Plaza de Toros will be Daznak's pit,but we do know that Dany is there and that there is nothing else in her story that the Plaza could represent).


WARNING ABOUT SPOILERS: While this first post will remain book-spoiler free as much as possible, it will include spoilers from season 1 to 4. Also, I cannot vouch for what follows after the OP. Use caution! For my fellow shookers and book walkers: Please be so kind and hide particularly spoilery content from book 4 onwards under appropriate spoiler tags. Thank you.


I will also update this post as we go along to include new castings and locations.

So grab your drinks and relax - this is going to be a long trip!


[Last Update: 2015/02/02, 11:20 pm Eastern, updates are marked with an asterisk*]




First Teaser: 2014-11-25, showing a recap of Arya's arc in season 4 and the doors to the House of Black and White

First Trailer: 2015-01-29; HQ link: https://www.facebook...933&pnref=story

First Episode: 2015-04-12 (announced on 2015-01-08)



David Benioff

D. B. Weiss



Michael Slovis: episodes 1 and 2

Mark Mylod: episodes 3 and 4

Jeremy Podeswa: episodes 5 and 6

Miguel Sapochnik: episodes 7 and 8

David Nutter: episodes 9 and 10



David Benioff & D.B. Weiss: 7 episodes

Bryan Cogman: 2 episodes (just finished shooting today, so his episodes are most likely done)

Dave Hill: 1 episode

[Note: GRRM has announced that he is not writing anything for season 5 to concentrate on TWOW.]


Shooting is currently taking place in/with:

- as of Dec. 12th 2014, both units (dragon and wolf) have finished shooting. GoT is now in post-production.


Confirmed shooting locations:


Croatia (done):

- Dubrovnik/Lokrum and Villa Sheherezade (King's Landing & Essos and Pentos, respectively)

- Split (Kastel Gomilica, Vila Dalmacija, Diocletian's Palace & Klis Fortress - Bravos, Dorne and Meereen respectively)

- Žrnovnica

- Imotski

- Šibenik (Bravos)


Spain (done):

- Sevilla: Alcázar of Seville (Watergardens)

- Osuna: Plaza de Toros and Las Canters (Daznak's Pit and Dorne, respectively)

- Córdoba: Roman Bridge (Volantis)


Northern Ireland (in full progress):

- Toome (including Jorah and Tyrion, rumored to be the Sorrows)

- Mournes

- Magilligan

- Binevanagh Mountain

- Magheramorne Quarry (the Wall & Castle Black and wildling huts)

- Portstewart (including Jaime, Bronn and Dornish guards)

- Moneyglass (confirmed to be Winterfell)

- Sallagh Braes (Brienne and Pod, Knights of the Vale)

- Shane's Castle

- Banbridge (possibly Linen Mill Studios)

- Lough Shore Park in Antrim (Tyrion and Jorah spotted)

- Murlough Bay in Antrim (covered by Dave Hill on his blog, so most likely part of his episode)

- Leitrim Lodge

- Cushendall (including a set with a forge)

- multiple locations for landscape shots

- filming studios for indoor scenes (confirmed: Titanic Quarter Paint Hall, now including an unidentified castle wall set)

- Sallagh Braes (Brienne and Pod, Knights of the Vale)

- Shane's Castle

- Thome River (rumored to be the Sorrows)

- Banbridge (possibly Linen Mill Studios)

- Gosford Castle (previously used for multiple castles, including Riverrun)

- Quintin's Castle

- Carrickfergus

- Walled Garden at Bangor Castle, located close to the Leisure Centre Complex

- multiple locations for landscape shots

- filming studios for indoor scenes


Returning actors (confirmed total 59):

Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister

Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Ser Jaime Lannister

Lena Headey as Queen Regent Cersei Lannister

Emilia Clarke as Queen Daenerys Targaryen

Kit Harington as Jon Snow

Aidan Gillen as Lord Petyr Baelish

Natalie Dormer as Lady Margaery Tyrell

Liam Cunningham as Ser Davos Seaworth

Stephen Dillane as King Stannis Baratheon

Carice van Houten as Lady Melisandre

Alfie Allen as Reek

Isaac Hempstead-Wright as Bran Stark (most likely not; see FQA for detailed info)

Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark

Maisie Williams as Arya Stark

John Bradley as Samwell Tarly

Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane

Hannah Murray as Gilly

Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth

Iwan Rheon as Ramsay Bolton

Conleth Hill as Varys

Jerome Flynn as Bronn

Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei

Michiel Huisman as Daario Naharis

Tom Wlaschiha as TBA

Iain Glen as Ser Jorah Mormont

Charles Dance as Lord Tywin Lannister's corpse

Diana Rigg as Lady Olenna Tyrell

Ciaran Hinds as Mance Rayder

Indira Varma as Ellaria Sand

Eugene Simon as Lancel Lannister

Michael McElhatton as Lord Roose Bolton

Ian McElhinney as Ser Barristan Selmy

Roger Ashton-Griffiths as Lord Mace Tyrell

Anton Lesser as Qyburn

Julian Glover as Grand Maester Pycelle

Owen Teale as Ser Alliser Thorne

Mark Gatiss as Tycho Nestoris

Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne

Dean-Charles Chapman as King Tommen Baratheon

Ian Beattie as Ser Meryn Trant

Jacob Anderson as Grey Worm

Joel Fry as Hizdahr zo Loraq

Finn Jones as Ser Loras Tyrell

Kerry Ingram as Princess Shireen Baratheon

Ben Crompton as Eddison Tollett

Paul Bentley as the High Septon (episodes 1/2 and 3/4)

Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson as Ser Gregor Clegane

Octavia Alexandru as Leaf

Gary Oliver as Ternesio Terys

Elisabeth Webster as Lady Walda Bolton (definitely in ep. 5.01, possibly in more)

Brian Fortune as Othell Yarwyck

Charlotte Hope as Myranda (will appear in four episodes directed by Mylod, Podeswa and Nutter)

Will Tudor as Olyvar

Brenock O'Connor as Olly

Sarine Sofair as Lhara

Gary Oliver as Ternesio Terys (captain from 4.10)

Gemma Whelan as Yara Greyjoy (will only shoot scenes in Northern Ireland)

Reece Noi as Keyr (the Meereenese slave from season 4 who supported Grey Worm and voted for rebellion)

Lino Facioli as Robin Arryn

* Edward Dogliani as Rattleshirt (Note: We saw Rattleshirt in the trailer. At this point, there is no reason to assume that he will be portrayed by a different actor.)

New major cast - total 13:


Alexander Siddig as Prince Doran Martell.

Toby Sebastian as Prince Trystane Martell.

Nell Tiger Free as Princess Myrcella Baratheon.

DeObia Oparei as Areo Hotah.

Enzo Cilenti as Yezzan zo Qaggaz.

Jessica Henwick as Nymeria Sand.

Rosabell Laurenti Sellers as Tyene Sand.

Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara Sand.

Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow.

J.J. Murphy as Ser Denys Mallister.

Michael Condron as Bowen Marsh (three episodes, directed by Mylod, Slovis and Podeswa)

Hannah Waddingham as Septa Unella.

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Malko, a Meereenese slave seller who

sells Tyrion and Jorah to Yezzan

New minor or - as of yet - unknown cast - total 53:


J. J. Muprhy as Denys Mallister (actor unfortunately deceased after he finished shooting)

Gary Pillai as a merchant captain (in episode 3 and/or 4)

Matt McArdle as TBA.

Derek Lord as a military officer.

Alan McKee as TBA.

Tom Fava as a street tough (in episode 1 and/or two)

Gianpiero Cognoli as Master Eaton (potentially the 'middle-aged master' mentioned in the casting calls, in ep. 5 and/or 6)

Emma Maguire as a Winterfell worker.

Mishael Lopes Cardozo as a brothel guard (will interact with Tyrion and Varys in episode 3)

Meena Rayann as a Meereenese noblewoman (ep. directed by Slovis and Podeswa, i. e. ep. 1/2 and 5/6)

Slavko Sobin as a Meereenese fighter.

Gwyneth Keyworth as Clea (will have a 3-page scene with Tyrion)

Paddy Wallace as a Lead Kingsguard

Peter Silverleaf as Elboneno (possibly the 'fatter, privileged master' mentioned in the casting calls)

Stella McCusker as TBA (in episode 3 and/or 4)

Allon Sylvain as a foreign merchant (in episode 3 and/or 4)

Bobby Asghar as Catacomb Master #1.

Annika Hilbrink as a Wight (sword fighting zombie)

Luc Burns as TBA

Nicholas Boulton as Fighting Pit Announcer

Yare Michael Jegbefume as Slaver

Zoe Smedberg as Wildling Female

Maggie Hayes as TBA.

James McKenzie Robinson as Joss (father of a terminally ill child, who is rumored to come to the House of Black and White)

Lacy Moore as Madam Braavos in a David Nutter episode (509 or 510)

Winston Davis as the other Street Tough

Tristan McConnell as Gordy (shooting scenes for ep. 5.10)

Barrie Martin as Wildling/White (meaning wight, in ep. 5.08)

Grace Hendy as Merry Frey (unconfirmed if this refers to her appearance in 3.09 or to season 5).

Nigel O'Neill as Baratheon General

Jamie Darlington as TBA (ep. 5.09)

Genita Samarra as Brea (ep. 5.09, shot scenes on Nov. 18th and 19th, same time as Sarine Sofair)

Irma Mali as TBA (shot her scenes together with Genita Samarra)

* Ollie Kram as TBA (Braavosi girl in green from the trailer, shot her scenes together with Genita Samarra and was a last minute cast on Nov. 16th)

Tim Loane as TBA

Christian Vit as Lead Dornish Guard (ep. 5.04)

Jake Abraham as Meereenese Peddler (ep. 5.01)

Markham Pickering as Night's Watchman

[Mary Jordan as TBA (ep. 5.10) - please keep in mind that this has not been officially verified]

Simon Millar as a Wildling (ep. 508)

Murray McArthur as "Wildling Elder" (ep. 508)

Nell Williams as Young Cersei

Hattie Gotobed as Ghita

Oengus Mac Namara as TBA (filmed an episode with Allon Sylvain)

Jack Hickey as Young Bravo (ep. 5.09 or 5.10)

Garry Mountaine as Brusco Bouncer

Aifric O'Donnell as TBA (shot for two days)

Roman Beguns as Gladiator (ep. 4.07)

Fisun Burgess as Peddler's Wife (ep. 5.05 or 5.06)

Isabella Steinbarth (Melara, ep. 5.01)

David Garlick as Despondent Man (ep. 5.03 or 5.04)

Jodhi May as Maggy the Frog

* Zahary Baharov as Loboda (ep. 5.08)

Characters they are supposedly looking to cast, but who have not been confirmed cast yet:

Lollys Stokeworth

The Waif

Varamyr Sixskins

Imogen (suspected to be Young Cersei, aka Nell Williams, s. a.)

A brunette girl (suspected to be Melara Hetherspoon, aka Isabella Steinbarth)

A "Son" (a captured vigilante in Meereen)

A Dornish horse rider

An old woman who befriends Brienne

Stalwart Shield

A Meereenese prostitute

A bearded blacksmith

A man with shrewd financial cunning and a long thin face

A Volantene sellsword

A middle-aged master (potentially: Gianpiero Cognoli)

A fatter, privileged master (potentially: Peter Silverleaf)

Luther (big-bellied head slaver with a penchant for cruelty)


Episode overviews (deduced from casting information and leaks):



5.01 and 5.02: Michael Slovis


Episode number not known:

- The Wall and beyond: Bowen Marsh will feature

- King's Landing: Tywin's Funeral; High Septon appearance

- Essos: Arya will reach Braavos; the two Braavosi street toughs will feature



- The Wall and beyond: Leaf will feature (according to actress' CV)

- The North: the Boltons, including Fat Walda will feature

- King's Landing: Maggie the Frog prophecy - cold open; Cersei and Melara walking through the woods + Cersei cutting her finger to reveal blood

- Essos: Meereen will feature, inluding a noble woman and a peddler



no information available


5.03 and 5.04: Mark Mylod


Episode number not known:


- King's Landing: High Septon appearance

- The North: the Boltons, including Myranda, will feature

- Essos: a Despondent Man will ask for the gift at the House of Black and White.

- unknown: there will be a scene with a corpse in a room (potentially HoBaW or Qyburn's cells)



- Essos: Tyrion and Varys will interact with a brothel guard in Volantis



- Dorne: Jaime and Bronn will arrive and encounter Dornish guards


- Essos: Dany will sentence a slave to death before a mixed audience of masters and slaves. Daario will carry out the order and the masters and slaves will get into a fight. Dany will be escorted away by her Unsullied.


5.05 and 5.06: Jeremy Podeswa


Episode number not known:

- The Wall and beyond: The Wall will feature, including Bowen Marsh

- The North: the Boltons will feature, including Myranda

- Essos: Meereen will feature, including two Masters and the noble woman from episode 5.01/5.02 and the wife of the Peddler from 5.01/5.02



no information available



no information available


~Memorial Day Break~


5.07 and 5.08: Miguel Sapochnik



- Essos: Meereen will feature, including a gladiator



* - The Wall and beyond: Wildlings, Wildling elder and Wights credited (potentially Hardhome); big fight at a Wildling village (we know that Loboda appears in this fight and his actor was credited for this episode)


5.09 and 5.10: David Nutter


Episode number not known:

- The North: the Boltons will feature, including Myranda

- King's Landing: the Walk

- Braavos: Mace Tyrell and Meryn Trant meet with Tycho and will be spotted by Arya, there will be a scene in a brothel (most likely in 5.09 since Sofair was only credited for that episode)



- Meereen: Daznak's pit - Jorah is fighting in the pit and Tyrion is sitting amongst the nobles; later Dany, Tyrion, Missandei and Daario run down to the pit; people are burned

- Jaime is still in Dorne in a scene with Doran, Ellaria, Trystane, Myrcella and and the Sand Snakes.


5.10: David Nutter

no information available


Other story events deduced from interviews and leaked set photos (WARNING! HERE THERE BE SPOILERS!):

- The Wall and beyond:

-- Jon will have a scene with Stannis and Davos in which he is holding a letter. This could be Stannis' offer from the book, before the election.

-- There will be a pyre in the yard of Castle Black.

-- Melisandre takes off her clothes (again)

-- A boat approaches a Wildling village (potentially Hardhome). Later, some of the villagers walk into the water.

-- Jon and some Wildlings go to that village. They get in a fight with the Wildlings inside.

-- Someone from the water grabs a person in a boat.

- King's Landing:

-- The funeral procession for Tywin Lannister will indeed be Tywin's only appearance this season.

-- Margaery and Tommen will marry in the sept

-- The Faith Militant will cause several disturbances in King's Landing, including a skirmish with Loras Tyrell and breaking open barrels (supporting rumors of a skirmish at an inn)

-- Diana Rigg stated in an interview one of her scenes is set in a trashed brothel.

- Braavos:

-- Arya will arrive in Bravos, knock on the doors of the House of Black and White and will assume her fish seller girl persona. There is a scene where she looks contemplatively at Needle.

-- A series of tweets by the actors hints that Lhara, Meryn Trant and Arya might be interacting next season

-- Mark Gatiss (Tycho Nestoris) confirmed that he won't be appearing at the Wall this season.

- Dorne

-- Jaime and Bronn will get into a skirmish with Dornish guards at a beach and they will get into a fight with the Sand Snakes.

-- According to Making Game of Thrones there will be at least one scene involving a scorpion and a scene of a dragon burning carcasses in a grassy area. The scene with the scorpion also involves Nymeria whipping a barrel to reveal someone buried up to his head in sand, with scorpions around him. Ellaria, Tyene and Obara watch on.

-- Ellaria will at some point be confronted by people with spears and will have a confrontation with Areo Hotah.

- Meereen:

-- Missandei will kiss a potentially wounded/dead Grey Worm.

-- Jorah will be fighting inside a fighting pit.

-- Masked people (potentially Sons of the Harpy) will appear marching through the streets and will later confront Dany, Missandei, Jorah, Daario and the Unsullied in Daznak's pit.

-- Rhaegal breaths fire at someone.

-- The statue of the Harpy will be torn down from the pyramid.

- Essos (other than Meereen and Braavos):

-- Tyrion will be having a conversation with Varys in which Varys will explain to him that he should help Dany take the Iron Throne.

-- Jorah will be sold to the slaver Yezzan by Malko. Tyrion, in an attempt to stay with Jorah, will amuse the crowd until Yezzan buys him as well.

- The Vale:

-- Littlefinger and Sansa will be travelling through the Vale. Littlefinger will tell her to take revenge. At some point, Sansa will be in a bathtub, looking troubled.

- somewhere in Westeros:

-- Brienne and Pod will be riding by an inn (which looks a lot like the Inn at the Crossroads).


Other potentially spoilery information:


- The Hollywood Reporter has announced that all actors' contracts have been renegotiated for pay raises and potential season 7 appearances. That does not mean however, that everyone will live to see season 7. The top-ranked actors are said to be Harington (Jon), Dinklage (Tyrion), Headey (Cersei), Clarke (Daenerys) and Coster-Waldau (Lannister), followed by 'mid-carder' Dormer (Margaery), Turner (Sansa) and Williams (Arya). This most likely means that these characters will get the bulk of season 5-7 material. No word on season 8.

- Supposedly, there is a big fight scene that was moved from Iceland to Northern Ireland. No confirmation yet on which factions are involved or whether it has been filmed yet.

- UNCONFIRMED: A user on reddit who very accurately and in detail predicted the scenes with the Night's Watch mutineers at Craster's Keep last year has posted that next season will include a scene in which White Walkers walk off a cliff only to be resurrected by the Night's King. This could potentially be Hardhome. However, there has been no official confirmation of any of this happening from people tied to the production of GoT, so take it with a grain of salt, please.

- Sophie Turner has stated in an interview that she filmed a traumatic scene that made everyone on set feel really uncomfortable, potentially hinting at the inclusion of Sansa's controversial TWOW chapter in season 5. Please take this with a grain of salt, as Sophie is not the most reliable narrator.

- according to Kit Harrington, he filmed a partial scene which took a month to shoot

- Episodes 4.09 and 4.10 will air together in select IMAX theaters across the US, followed by an exclusive trailer, starting on January 29th. This could potentially be the first real trailer to be released this year.

- new shots from the Sight teasers:

-- Arya and the Braavosi captain in a row boat in front of a stony cities - almost definitely Braavos

-- Cersei, peering out from behind a ornate grate

-- Jon looking up at someone with another black brother sitting in the background

- The trailer seems to confirm or at least give more credence to both the reddit poster's spoilers mentioned above and the script that was supposedly leaked on Facebook back in August of 2014. The following link contains major spoilers. Proceed at your own risk:


Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: Is the extended Greyjoy family in?

A: We don't know for sure. However, Entertainment Weekly, which usually gives reliable news, has announced that the Greyjoy storyline from book 4 and 5 will not feature as such.


Q: Are the Griffs in?

A: We don't know yet.


Q: Are the Manderly's in?

A: We don't know yet.


Q: Are Arianne and Quentyn in?

A: They have not been cast yet and since casting for Dorne seems to be finished otherwise, most likely not.


Q: Is Lady Stoneheart in?

A: As of yet, there is no hard evidence that she will be.


Q: Will Bran & Co. be in?

A: David Benioff has confirmed that Bran & Co. will not be in season 5. This clashes with information from the CV of Leaf's actress, which states that she will be in episode 5.01. It is possible that scenes were shot in season 4 that have been moved to 5.01, but it is now official that no new material was shot for Bran.

Source: http://insidetv.ew.c...-bran-season-5/


Q: Will The Three-Eyed Raven be in?

A: Struan Rodgers has not been confirmed as returning, but Leaf has. For more information, please see "Will Bran & Co. be in?" above.


Q: Will Illyrio be in?

A: Roger Allam has not been confirmed as returning yet, but there have been boxes reading "Illyrio's manse" in front of Villa Sherezade.


Q: Will Rickon and Osha be in?

A: No reliable information yet.


Q: Will there be spoilers from TWoW?

A: Most likely, as some characters have already gone through all their published material. Liam Cunningham (Davos) recently confirmed in an interview that some characters (possibly Davos and his surrounding characters Stannis, Melisandre and Co.) will be surpassing their book material.






about 1000 pages of speculation on this forum (yes, I read EVERY post in the threads I visit)




Mettiamo anche qualcosina nel primo topic :) (ora lo faccio)

12774 messaggi


12774 messaggi
Inviato il 03 febbraio 2015 22:10

A questo link i migliori pg dell'anno scorso e quelli più convenienti.


Qualche riflessione:


E' comunque meglio avere pg che "fanno cose". Tra bonus e malus l'impatto dei primi è nettamente superiore a quello dei secondo, quindi è bene prendere pg che sono comunque più presenti di altri e che fanno cose importanti. Stando in quest'ottica io prenderò sicuramente Jon e probabilmente Cersei.


E' necessario prendere pg che partecipano a sconti/battaglie/combattimenti. Da quel che ne sappiamo per quest'anno dovrebbe essere messo bene Jon e in parte Stannis.


Se c'è ancora la finestra di mercato alla fine del 5 ep., è bene ragionare tenendo conto di questa cosa. Es.: io so che Tizio farà bene negli ep. finali ma che sarà marginale nei primi, allora all'inizio non lo piglio ma lo acquisto nella finestra di mercato(questa fattispecie potrebbe andar bene per Stannis).


Altra buona strategia sarebbe quella di prendere pg per specifici ep. dove già sappiamo che faranno faville, cosa più difficile quest'anno perchè ci sono meno "grandi momenti" e questi interessano quasi solo pg di alto livello.


Ovviamente ci serve anche una buona massa di iscritti, quindi è bene stare subito all'erta per il reclutamento.


« I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. »


Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 03 febbraio 2015 22:12 Autore

L'anno scorso partimmo tardi per il reclutamento, speriamo quest'anno andrà meglio.

Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 08 marzo 2015 21:27 Autore

Sinossi primi 3 episodi:


-- Episode #41: “The Wars to Come”: Cersei and Jaime adjust to a world without Tywin. Varys reveals a conspiracy to Tyrion. Dany faces a new threat to her rule. Jon is caught between two kings. (Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Michael Slovis.) (TV-MA) [AC, AL, GV, N] ESP Playdates: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 24

-- Episode #42: “The House of Black and White”: Arya arrives in Braavos. Pod and Brienne run into trouble on the road. Cersei fears for her daughter’s safety in Dorne as Ellaria Sand seeks revenge for Oberyn’s death. Stannis tempts Jon. An adviser tempts Dany. (Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Michael Slovis.) (TVMA) [AC, AL, V] ESP Playdates: 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25

-- Episode #43: “High Sparrow”: In Braavos, Arya sees the Many-Faced God. In King’s Landing, Queen Margaery enjoys her new husband. Tyrion and Varys walk the Long Bridge of Volantis. (Written by David Benioff & D. B. Weiss; directed by Mark Mylod.) (TV-MA) [AC, AL, GV, N] ESP Playdates: 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30


1882 messaggi


1882 messaggi
Inviato il 10 marzo 2015 16:44

Vedevo che il matrimonio tra Margery e Tommen viene celebrato dall'Alto Septon precedente l'Alto Passero, che quindi il matrimonio avvenga nel primo o secondo episodio? nel terzo sappiamo che Cersei incontra tra i poveri l'Alto Passero...

Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 10 marzo 2015 16:49 Autore

Anche per me sarà in uno dei primi 2 episodi il matrimonio.

Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 20 marzo 2015 14:23 Autore

Episodio 1



First Scene: Cersei and girl walk into Maggys hut. (Young Cersei is brilliant btw). After Cersei demands her to, Maggy answers her 3 questions. She says that Cersei will be queen (until one younger and more beautiful replaces her), that she will have no children with the king but that he’ll have 20, and that her children will die (The scene uses the line about shrouds from the books)
Transition to: Current Cersei. She walks up the steps, after dissing the High Septon. Tywin is laid out in the Sept of Baelor. No mention of Shae. Her and Jaime talk about Tywin. She says Jaime killed him accidentally through his own stupidity, and at least Tyrion did it on purpose.

Next scene: POV of Tyrion looking through crate. Crate is unloaded, Tyrion and Varys talk. Tyrion is shaken, and starts drinking. Varys speaks about his and Illyrio;s allegiances, since he remarks they are at his home. Tyrion throws up his wine, then drinks some more

After this the order get’s real hazy for me, can’t quite remember since I didn’t take any notes. I’ll go story line by story line.

THE WALL. First Scene: Jon practices with Olly in the yard. Sam chats with Gilly about Stannis, then a weakened Thorne comes out complaining about the weakness of the recruits. Melisandre comes down and tells Jon to meet Stannis on the Wall. On the way up, Jon asks Melisandre about the cold. She says she doesn’t feel it. She then asks him if he’s a virgin. When he says no, she says “good”. Cue heroic shot of Stannis and Davos looking out over the Wall. Stannis says he wants the Wildlings to help him take back the North, and that Jon has till nightfall to persuade Mance to bend the knee, or he will be burnt.
Second Scene. Jon pleads with Mance to consider bending the knee, but Mance refuses on the grounds that none of the Wildlings will respect him, and that it is against all he believes in. Mance says that Stannis would be a good King in this scene.
Third Scene. Mance is led out. He tells Stannis “good luck in the Wars to Come”. He is burnt. Jon shoots him with an arrow before he starts screaming. I believe this is the final scene of the episode.

THE VALE. First scene. LF, Sansa and Royce watch Robyn train, remarking how pathetic he is. LF thanks Royce for keeping Robyn.
Second Scene. Brienne is cleaning her sword. She get’s mad at Pod for his questions, says she isn’t a knight, and that their are no Lords worth protecting anymore.
Third Scene. A convoy of Vale Knights with a carriage passes Brienne and Pod. Within, Petyr says they are going far away from Cersei Lannister and her grasp.

MEEREEN. First sequence. The statue of the Harpy is toppled. At the foot, an Unsullied takes of his helmet and smiles. We then see him going into a brothel. He pays a woman, who then lies next to him, caressing him and singing him a lullaby. His throat is then cut, and we see the whore and a man in a golden mask standing over him. Learning of this, Dany tells the Unsullied to patrol the street. Missendei goes to Grey Worm and asks why an Unsullied would go to a brothel. He hesitates and then says that he doesn’t know.
Second Sequence. Hizdahr and Daario return. Hizdahr tells Dany to reopen the fighting pits, she refuses. He remarks that Yunkai gave into all their demands and installed a sort of democratic council. In bed together. Daario tells her she should open the fighting pits, and talks about how he used to fight in them after being sold to them as a child. He also tells her to reunite with her Children. Dany goes into the vault, but Viserys and Rhaegal snap and shoot fire at her. She runs away.

KINGS LANDING. Scene 2. Loras tries to give a eulogy for Tywin to Cersei, but she leaves him. She notices Lancel, who now has short hair and is wearing robes. She speaks to Kevan about Tywin, and he apologises for Lancel’s newfound piety. Lancel comes to Cersei later and apologises for tempting her sexually, and offers to pray for Tywins soul. He also pointedly apologises for his role in Robert’s death.

PENTOS. Scene 2. This is the scene from the trailer. Varys tells Tyrion to join him in his quest to help Daenerys rather then killing himself with drink. Tyrion agrees.


Lady Wylla Manderly
1733 messaggi
Lady Wylla Manderly


1733 messaggi
Inviato il 20 marzo 2015 18:33

Quest'anno gli spoiler giungono copiosi... pure troppo >_>


Eviterei come la peste di comprare Dany, almeno nella prima parte di stagione, Continuo a pensare che Jon ora come ora sia la scelta migliore nei personaggi da 100 punti.

Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco
Guardiani della Notte
8773 messaggi
Albert Stark
Alchimista del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco


Guardiani della Notte

8773 messaggi
Inviato il 20 marzo 2015 19:18 Autore

Dany rischi diversi malus coi draghi, Tyrion non so, con Jon non si sbaglia credo.

9 anni fa
Ultima Risposta
8 anni fa