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K di Koorlick
creato il 15 agosto 2013

Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri
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25177 messaggi
Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri

Guardiani della Notte

25177 messaggi
Inviato il 03 marzo 2014 17:37

Prendo la Nobile Casa Yronwood, la Nobile Casa Sunderly e Argella Durrendon.






Lord dei Pan di Stelle - Lord Comandante dei Peluche

The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real... for a moment at least... that long magic moment before we wake.
Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab.
Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end.
Reality is the strip malls of Burbank, the smokestacks of Cleveland, a parking garage in Newark. Fantasy is the towers of Minas Tirith, the ancient stones of Gormenghast, the halls of Camelot.
Fantasy flies on the wings of Icarus, reality on Southwest Airlines.
Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?
We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. There is something old and true in fantasy that speaks to something deep within us, to the child who dreamt that one day he would hunt the forests of the night, and feast beneath the hollow hills, and find a love to last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La.
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I'd sooner go to Middle-earth.


[George R. R. Martin]

Assassina al servizio della Barriera
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17764 messaggi
Assassina al servizio della Barriera

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17764 messaggi
Inviato il 04 marzo 2014 22:59

Prenoto Illyrio, Aegon il bambino con la testa sfracellata (ma come chiamiamo la voce?) e Joffrey <img alt=" />

Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri
Guardiani della Notte
25177 messaggi
Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri

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25177 messaggi
Inviato il 05 marzo 2014 20:16

Nobile Casa Dustin, Nobile Casa Westerling, Nobile Casa Stonehouse.


Inoltre, Marwyn è fattibile? Se sì lo prendo. :)






Lord dei Pan di Stelle - Lord Comandante dei Peluche

The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real... for a moment at least... that long magic moment before we wake.
Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab.
Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end.
Reality is the strip malls of Burbank, the smokestacks of Cleveland, a parking garage in Newark. Fantasy is the towers of Minas Tirith, the ancient stones of Gormenghast, the halls of Camelot.
Fantasy flies on the wings of Icarus, reality on Southwest Airlines.
Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?
We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. There is something old and true in fantasy that speaks to something deep within us, to the child who dreamt that one day he would hunt the forests of the night, and feast beneath the hollow hills, and find a love to last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La.
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I'd sooner go to Middle-earth.


[George R. R. Martin]

Bibliotecario della Torre del Re
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11282 messaggi
Bibliotecario della Torre del Re


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11282 messaggi
Inviato il 05 marzo 2014 21:41 Autore

A rigore no, Marwyn non compare nello schedone. Ma dato che in effetti sappiamo che viene nominato in un'unica occasione, in AGoT61, per me fai pure :)

Eddard Greyjoy
1929 messaggi
Eddard Greyjoy


1929 messaggi
Inviato il 06 marzo 2014 14:08

Prenoto Rickard Karstark e Hoster Tully.

Bibliotecario della Torre del Re
Guardiani della Notte
11282 messaggi
Bibliotecario della Torre del Re


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11282 messaggi
Inviato il 06 marzo 2014 16:07 Autore

Prenoto Margaery Tyrell, Ilyn Payne, nonché con più calma Aemon Targaryen (maestro) e Aemon Targaryen (Cavaliere del Drago).

Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri
Guardiani della Notte
25177 messaggi
Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri

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25177 messaggi
Inviato il 10 marzo 2014 23:56

No, dai, aspetto lo schedone per Marwyn. Mi rifaccio con Oberyn Martell, Nobile Casa Wynch e Harlen Tyrell.






Lord dei Pan di Stelle - Lord Comandante dei Peluche

The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real... for a moment at least... that long magic moment before we wake.
Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab.
Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end.
Reality is the strip malls of Burbank, the smokestacks of Cleveland, a parking garage in Newark. Fantasy is the towers of Minas Tirith, the ancient stones of Gormenghast, the halls of Camelot.
Fantasy flies on the wings of Icarus, reality on Southwest Airlines.
Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?
We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. There is something old and true in fantasy that speaks to something deep within us, to the child who dreamt that one day he would hunt the forests of the night, and feast beneath the hollow hills, and find a love to last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La.
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I'd sooner go to Middle-earth.


[George R. R. Martin]

Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri
Guardiani della Notte
25177 messaggi
Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri

Guardiani della Notte

25177 messaggi
Inviato il 13 marzo 2014 18:54

Avendo sbloccato tutti i fiumi tutti i luoghi e tutti i laghi, prendo Occhio degli Dei e Coltello Bianco! <img alt=" />






Lord dei Pan di Stelle - Lord Comandante dei Peluche

The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real... for a moment at least... that long magic moment before we wake.
Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab.
Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end.
Reality is the strip malls of Burbank, the smokestacks of Cleveland, a parking garage in Newark. Fantasy is the towers of Minas Tirith, the ancient stones of Gormenghast, the halls of Camelot.
Fantasy flies on the wings of Icarus, reality on Southwest Airlines.
Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?
We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. There is something old and true in fantasy that speaks to something deep within us, to the child who dreamt that one day he would hunt the forests of the night, and feast beneath the hollow hills, and find a love to last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La.
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I'd sooner go to Middle-earth.


[George R. R. Martin]

3743 messaggi


3743 messaggi
Inviato il 14 marzo 2014 17:04

ciao, come dicevo a Koorlick mi piacerebbe occuparmi di qualche Casa della Terra dei Fiumi. Magari i Bracken e i Mallister.

Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri
Guardiani della Notte
25177 messaggi
Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri

Guardiani della Notte

25177 messaggi
Inviato il 16 marzo 2014 23:17

Grande! <img alt=" />


Io prendo Drogon, Rhaegal e Viserion.






Lord dei Pan di Stelle - Lord Comandante dei Peluche

The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real... for a moment at least... that long magic moment before we wake.
Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab.
Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end.
Reality is the strip malls of Burbank, the smokestacks of Cleveland, a parking garage in Newark. Fantasy is the towers of Minas Tirith, the ancient stones of Gormenghast, the halls of Camelot.
Fantasy flies on the wings of Icarus, reality on Southwest Airlines.
Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?
We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. There is something old and true in fantasy that speaks to something deep within us, to the child who dreamt that one day he would hunt the forests of the night, and feast beneath the hollow hills, and find a love to last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La.
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I'd sooner go to Middle-earth.


[George R. R. Martin]

3743 messaggi


3743 messaggi
Inviato il 17 marzo 2014 0:35

Mi piacerebbe fare la voce di Galbart Glover e della sua nobile casa.


Ci ho preso gusto... <img alt=" />

Modificato il 05 July 2024 17:07

Assassina al servizio della Barriera
Guardiani della Notte
17764 messaggi
Assassina al servizio della Barriera

Guardiani della Notte

17764 messaggi
Inviato il 17 marzo 2014 0:37

Bravo <img alt=" />

Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri
Guardiani della Notte
25177 messaggi
Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri

Guardiani della Notte

25177 messaggi
Inviato il 17 marzo 2014 12:11

Prendo Nobile Casa Trant e Nobile Casa Lorch.


Inoltre i barbari delle montagne sono sbloccati? Se sì inizio con Jaggot.






Lord dei Pan di Stelle - Lord Comandante dei Peluche

The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real... for a moment at least... that long magic moment before we wake.
Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab.
Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end.
Reality is the strip malls of Burbank, the smokestacks of Cleveland, a parking garage in Newark. Fantasy is the towers of Minas Tirith, the ancient stones of Gormenghast, the halls of Camelot.
Fantasy flies on the wings of Icarus, reality on Southwest Airlines.
Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?
We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. There is something old and true in fantasy that speaks to something deep within us, to the child who dreamt that one day he would hunt the forests of the night, and feast beneath the hollow hills, and find a love to last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La.
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I'd sooner go to Middle-earth.


[George R. R. Martin]

Assassina al servizio della Barriera
Guardiani della Notte
17764 messaggi
Assassina al servizio della Barriera

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17764 messaggi
Inviato il 17 marzo 2014 12:20

Direi proprio di sì. E' sbloccato tutto ciò che non è contenuto nei capitoli di Dany.

Assassina al servizio della Barriera
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17764 messaggi
Assassina al servizio della Barriera

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17764 messaggi
Inviato il 19 marzo 2014 9:09

Oggi penso di riuscire a finire Joffrey. Insieme a lui faccio al volo anche Addam Marbrand e Aethelmure. Poi prendo qualche personaggio più importante...

11 anni fa
Ultima Risposta
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Lord Beric
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Erin la Spezzata
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