È un po' strana come faccenda... non ci sono anche dei poteri magici a proteggere la Barriera?
Non sarà mica che crolla proprio perché Ghiaccio e Fuoco si danno da fare mentre non dovevano venire in contatto! XD
Sarebbe tropp trash anche per D&D
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
Secondo un utente che mesi fa riportò le parole di Awayforthelads, è la fiamma blu di Viserion ad aprire uno squarcio nella Barriera:
The NK gets Viserion to breathe fire on the wall. The flame the dragon now produces since it is a wight dragon is blue. It takes down a part of the wall. very last scene at the end of the season.
Il che non significa che è grazie a Viserion undead che è possibile superare la Barriera: magari la magia è stata annullata da qualcos'altro (per esempio, il marchio di Bran), e Viserion è semplicemente un mezzo (come un altro) per aprire materialmente una breccia.
[Ziowalter: se apri una discussione/sondaggio "no spoiler" e poi metti tra le possibilità che la Barriera crolli per Viserion non-morto...di fatto spoileri cosa succederà a Viserion.]
In effetti mi faccio prendere dall' entusiasmo.. Però penso che siano pochi quelli che evitano come la morte i leaks.. ;) La soluzione sarebbe spostarlo all' interno di questo topic ma non so se sia possibile.
Metamorfo mi ha anticipato con la risposta. Secondo me, infatti, è Bran a causare l'annullamento della magia della Barriera, come per la caverna di Bloodraven, e gli Estranei se non usassero ZombieViserion, troverebbero un altro modo per passare attraverso, non escluderei cose come ZombieGiganti o ZombieMammuth.
inviato tramite corvo da Tapatalk
"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle"
- Jon Snow
"It may be that we shall lose this battle," the king said grimly. "In Braavos you may hear that I am dead. It may even be true. You shall find my sellswords nonetheless."
The knight hesitated. "Your Grace, if you are dead..."
"... you will avenge my death, and seat my daughter on the Iron Throne. Or die in the attempt."
- Stannis Baratheon
Fondatrice di T+S: Tyrion+Sansa (possibilmente a regnare su Castel Granito)
Fondatrice del Comitato Pro Shireen: perché noi la vogliamo mora
G.E.P.M.D.: Grenn e Pyp mai dimenticati
Comitato Pro Draghi
C.K.P.K.: Comitato Kitters per Kit: perché a noi ci piace
Membro sbavante del CP Jon Snow
G.M.S.S.: Giù le Mani da Sansa Stark, in difesa della giovane lupa
I.S.C.O.M.: Io sto con Oberyn Martell
H.H.H.: Hodor Hodor Hodor
C.A.P.R.: Comitato di Accoglienza per Personaggi Rovinati da D&D
C.P.S.: Comitato Pro Stannis, the One True King
Ma secondo voi il fatto che il non morto venga ucciso con un pugnale di vetro è una svista di D&D o un errore di awayforthelads?
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
Però penso che siano pochi quelli che evitano come la morte i leaks.. ;)
Io penso ce ne siano parecchi: molti degli utenti (anche molto attivi) di questo forum non sono mai comparsi in questa discussione, probabilmente perchè non vogliono spoilerarsi la serie.
Ma secondo voi il fatto che il non morto venga ucciso con un pugnale di vetro è una svista di D&D o un errore di awayforthelads?
Quel passaggio è controverso. Quello che riporta le parole del leaker dice: Jon demonstrates with dragon glass and fire how to kill it.
Il fuoco sappiamo che uccide i non-morti, quindi va bene. Il vetro di drago potrebbe essere stata un'aggiunta apposita di D&D, non una loro svista: Jon deve far sapere ai westerosi che serve l'ossidiana, ma a Jon & Co. han fatto catturare uno zombie e non un WW, quindi han fatto in modo che Jon mostrasse la necessità del materiale sullo zombie.
Ma secondo voi il fatto che il non morto venga ucciso con un pugnale di vetro è una svista di D&D o un errore di awayforthelads?
Quel passaggio è controverso. Quello che riporta le parole del leaker dice: Jon demonstrates with dragon glass and fire how to kill it.
Il fuoco sappiamo che uccide i non-morti, quindi va bene. Il vetro di drago potrebbe essere stata un'aggiunta apposita di D&D, non una loro svista: Jon deve far sapere ai westerosi che serve l'ossidiana, ma a Jon & Co. han fatto catturare uno zombie e non un WW, quindi han fatto in modo che Jon mostrasse la necessità del materiale sullo zombie.
Ah ok quindi Jon si riferiva ai WW non ai non morti quando parlava del vetro di drago/ossidiana
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
Metamorfo mi ha anticipato con la risposta. Secondo me, infatti, è Bran a causare l'annullamento della magia della Barriera, come per la caverna di Bloodraven, e gli Estranei se non usassero ZombieViserion, troverebbero un altro modo per passare attraverso, non escluderei cose come ZombieGiganti o ZombieMammuth.
Non so se sarebbe meglio o peggio: significherebbe che se Bran fosse rimasto a casa gli Other non sarebbero mai riusciti a passare la barriera. Complimentoni a Bloodraven, in quel caso.
Ma si chiama Bloodraven nella serie ?
No, si chiama Corvo a Tre Occhi nella serie se non erro.
inviato tramite corvo da Tapatalk
"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle"
- Jon Snow
"It may be that we shall lose this battle," the king said grimly. "In Braavos you may hear that I am dead. It may even be true. You shall find my sellswords nonetheless."
The knight hesitated. "Your Grace, if you are dead..."
"... you will avenge my death, and seat my daughter on the Iron Throne. Or die in the attempt."
- Stannis Baratheon
Fondatrice di T+S: Tyrion+Sansa (possibilmente a regnare su Castel Granito)
Fondatrice del Comitato Pro Shireen: perché noi la vogliamo mora
G.E.P.M.D.: Grenn e Pyp mai dimenticati
Comitato Pro Draghi
C.K.P.K.: Comitato Kitters per Kit: perché a noi ci piace
Membro sbavante del CP Jon Snow
G.M.S.S.: Giù le Mani da Sansa Stark, in difesa della giovane lupa
I.S.C.O.M.: Io sto con Oberyn Martell
H.H.H.: Hodor Hodor Hodor
C.A.P.R.: Comitato di Accoglienza per Personaggi Rovinati da D&D
C.P.S.: Comitato Pro Stannis, the One True King
Questi sono gli spoiler ordinati del supposto awayforthelads tornato a mesi di distanza. Lo stesso che ha postato le presunte pagine di script.
Si parla anche di una scena di Hot Pie (un eventuale ritorno del personaggio sarebbe una conferma - bisognerebbe tracciare l'attore -).
Unsullied and Casterly Rock
Yes. The Unsullied attack it with a large force, while a small force led by Grey Worm sneaks in via Tyrion's secret whore entrance and slays the garrison force that's there.
Greyworm leads the attack on Casterly Rock as per Tyrion's plan. Casterly Rock is taken quite easily, as the Lannister's essentially have abandoned it, rationalising that once Dany's forces take it they will be cut off from the Sea by Euron's forces, and the Lannister forces will cut them off by land - they won't be able to hold the Rock for a significant time. Eventually (and pretty sure this isn't on screen) they abandon CR and Grey Worm rejoins Dany's forces, and will be in the Dragonpit scene
He tells Jaime that he plans to wed his sister, then quietly asks him exactly what way she enjoys being fucked. Even asks if she likes a cheeky finger up the arse.
Euron wants power. And a Queen. He has a huge Navy, she doesn't. THat's a pretty simple arrangement. He is determined that he'll marry her, and she allows him to believe its a possibility for as long as he's useful. This is Cersei after all.
When they arrive at Eastwatch Tormund takes them to the cells - he has captured Thoros, Beric and The Hound just South of the Wall heading North and isn't sure what to do with them.
Jon offers to let them come with them after they tell him the Red God wants them to go beyond the wall. Gendry isn't too keen on this though, he hasn't forgiven them for shipping him off with Melisandre.
Golden company
In the last episode Cersei reveals to Jaime she's just bought their services. 20,000 soldiers.
In pretty much the next scene when Cersei and Jaime are alone he asks her about Euron, and she laughs and says Euron hasn't really turned tail - rather he's gone on her orders to use the Iron Fleet to ferry the Gold Company to Westeros - she's just got a brand new line of credit with the Iron Bank, and she's decided to buy an army of mercenaries with it.
She plunders Highgarden to pay the Iron Bank. They're pretty happy at the fast payment, and then Cersei pushes it further.
She tells Tycho that Westoros needs a stable ruler, and that Targaryen's rule is unpredictable both politically and financially. She essentially persuades him to authorise a line of credit for her to buy more warriors, which pays off in the last episode when it turns out she's hired The Gold Company to join her side in the coming conflict.
Jon says he's glad that Ned never caught and killed Jorah.
Jorah says he's pretty glad about that too!
they have a quick fun scene about how their fathers were friends. "The bastard of Winterfell and the bastard of King's Landing". Gendry seems to enjoy meeting again someone his father had some connection with.
Naval battle/Ellaria/Yara
We don't see her [Ellaria] again but it's implied she's left to starve to death in the dungeon.
The Sand Snakes are on Yara's ship. Euron's ship SIlence sails alongside and his tongueless sailors board, as does he.
Nymeria and Obara attack him and he personally kills them both using their own weapons - impales one and strangled the other with her whip.
Ellaria and Tyene are taken back to Kings Landing as gifts for Cersei, along with Yara.
We don't see her again after she's left to watch Tyene die, but it's heavily implied she's dead.
Ellaria is made to watch her youngest (I cannnever remember their name. Bad pussy one, yes?) die from a poison kiss delivered by Cersei herself - she wants to make her suffer the way she suffered for Myrcella.
Yara is taken prisoner and treated badly, but we don't see her die this season, so there's still hope Theon may rescue her.
He vocally pledges to her in the Dragonpit. This catches everyone off guard, including Dany, who wasn't expecting him to do that. (Also no-one thinks it was wise, as this really winds up Cersei)
Pod and Brienne arrive at the castle gates on horseback.
Brienne leaves Winterfell to travel to Kings Landing to represent Sansa at the Dragonpit meeting. (this happens after Sansa gets a Raven from Kings Landing asking her to join the meeting requested by Dany and Jon)
Jon et al arrive by sea, and Dany shows up after everyone else arrives on Drogon either Rhaegal flying around.
Only Cersei notices that she only has 2 dragons in tow, and in the scene after with Jamie she points out that Dany brought 2 dragons to impress Cersei with her power, but everyone has heard she has 3. She surmises from this that the third must be injured or dead, and that means the dragons aren't invincible after all.
No, which is a bit of an oversight. In the Dragonpit though Brienne and The Hound meet again, and Arya is mentioned then. The Hound asks her if she shouldn't be taking care of Arya, and Brienne replies that 'The only person needing protecting is the one who gets in her (Arya's) way' and this makes The Hound smile, and say that he doesn't plan to be the one to do that.
She's only at Dragonstone, and then she leaves just before Jon arrives.
Mellisandre suggests she will leave Westoros for a while. Varys tells her that she might not be safe if she ever returns.
It is Varys Melisandre is talking to when she says at least she brought ice and fire together
Wight Hunt
[how dead Viserion is retrieved from the water]Big heavy chains. Literally, that's pretty much what the script says.
Jon falls when trying to climb onto Drogon and appears to sink under the lake, so it looks like he's a goner.
Polar Bear is before wight army attack. Thoros dies overnight and is just left behind.
Dany only goes North out of concern for Jon (and Jorah obv). After the bear attack Jon gets Gendry to run back to Eastwatch and send a Raven to Dany to let her know what's happened. After she receives it she leaves impulsively to go find them. Tyrion thinks this is a bad idea, but she doesn't listenScript also mentions a WILDLING TRACKER at the front of the party so there's your other person. And he gets killed by the bear (you need a red shirt, otherwise how will we know there's a threat, right?)”
Brienne and Jaime
It'll be a fun scene. She tries to persuade him that he has to bring the army north to support Jon, and he says he admires her loyalty to the Starks. To which Brienne says "FUCK LOYALTY!" - she's just flat out terrified by the Wight demo, and she sees the threat for what it is - a matter of pure survival, and it won't matter what house you stand for. It's going to be a good character moment for her.
Cersei and Jaime
He walks out on her, while she is threatening to have The Mountain kill him. Jaime calls her bluff however, and the Mountain stands aside and lets him leave her chambers. Next we see him he's on his horse heading north. That's all we see of him.
Jaime rides alone north.
The timeline [when Jaime and Cerse have sex] is a bit fuzzy as usual on the show. Needless to say they don't specify which time Jaime did the business, but it's implied that their relationship has been sexual ever since he returned from Dorne.
Gendry and Davos
Gendry goes to Dragonstone because Davos seeks him out and brings him there during Tyrion's secret visit to meet Jaime.
Davos wants to give Gendry a purpose in life, rather than being someone's mistake.
There's no mention of Storm's End.
There's also no mention of Edmure in my scripts, but I wouldn't rule out that a scene was added later when they remembered he was still imprisoned there. Makes sense
Jon and Sansa wil have a few scenes together discussing how the North should be ruled at the start of the season. They disagree - Sansa is definitely the harder of the two.
Jon leaves at the end of Episode 2, leaving her in charge of Winterfell.
The reunions on paper don't read particularly emotional, but add some decent acting and some great GoT music and I reckon they might draw a tear or two out.
Not really. Bran isn't interested in ruling [Lord of Winterfell] at all. Or talking to anyone much.
The season for the girls ends with Sansa sentencing LF to death and Arya slicing his throat, then the two of them talking about missing Ned and their mother.
And it's mentioned by Hot Pie in episode 2 that he heard she blew up the Great Sept, so it's pretty common knowledge across Westeros
He gets a scene in Episode 2, yes, on Arya's journey back to Winterfell.(hotpie) the same place Hot Pie has worked for a while now. The tavern.
The fight he has on the beach with the Iron Born is him trying to persuade them to join him to rescue Yara, but they aren't interested until he keeps getting back up after they knock him down, and eventually bests the dude (who makes the mistake of trying to put Theon down by kicking him in the balls, which is where he gains the upper hand).
Dany and Jon
It's Jon. He goes to her cabin while they're sailing north after the Dragonpit meeting.
Note: there's NO dialogue in this sequence as it's cross cut with Bran and Sam discussing Jon's past
He's recovering from the Wight attack and being submerged in an icy lake. She's come in to where he is convalescing [refers to the scene where Jon is naked and says he would bend the knee but he is naked. Not the sex scene.]
In episode 4 just before she leaves for the ambush he takes her down to the caves below Dragonstone where they are mining Dragonglass.
He shows her some cave paintings on the walls that look like the spiral things we've seen earlier in the series - they are the work of the Children of the Forest a very long time ago, from long before there were Targaryens or Starks or Lannisters.
Dany says maybe they are from before there were even men, but Jon shows her a picture that has 5 small figures with 3 larger ones - the Children of the Forest and the First Men fighting a common enemy - the White Walkers - there will be another painting of them too, with the Night King.
Jon says that this shows that despite the people of Westeros differences, this shows that there has always been a need for them to bad together against this enemy.
Dany says she believes him, and that she will help him. IF he bends the knee.
It's directly after this that she gets the news that while they may have taken Casterly Rock, it hasn't exactly been a victory and their troops are now cut off.
Lyanna and Rhaegar's wedding
The only people speaking in the vision are Lyanna and Rhaegar reciting their vows and the High Septon conducting the ceremony. It's in a forest clearing, and the description says it should look similar to Robb and Talisa's wedding. Nothing happens in the short scene bar us seeing them reciting their vows and it being clear they are very much in love.
When he has this vision he's in his bedroom, and Samwell is with him
During Dany's absence Jon and Davos have a conversation with Missandei and Theon arrives back at Dragonstone. This is the first time Jon and Theon have seen each other since he left for the Wall. Jon looks like he's going to beat the shit out of Theon, but he tells him the only reason he doesn't is because of what he did for Sansa
In the script it's definitely Drogon [who Jon pets]. Maybe they've changed it, but the Dragon he's petting is the one Dany is riding, and she only rides Drogon, right?
Sam and Jorah
Maester Ebrose tells Sam not to waste time trying to cure it, and mentions that an old Maester had done some reading into it but forbids Sam to take it further.
Sam steals a key for the restricted library and find the book detailing how to cut off the scales and treat it with a special ointment (that Sam prepares himself from the instructions)
We see him start the operation on Jorah, and it's clearly incredibly painful and takes all night. We don't get much more of a description of the process than that though. It's a bit underwhelming for what everyone seems to think is an irreversible condition.
Missandei and Greyworm
[this passage is in my own words not lads]
Missandei comes to see Greyworm in episode 3 just before he leaves for Casterly Rock to say goodbye. They have a conversation about how Greyworm now has one fear and that is not seeing Missandei again. Greyworm talks about how they do not belong in Westeros after Dany takes the throne and asks Missandei if she would like to see Naath again. She says her people are peaceful and cannot protect themselves. Greyworm responds by saying the Unsullied are not peaceful and can protect Missandei’s people.
They end up kissing and Missandei removes her clothes. She removes Greyworms top but when she tries to remove his lower clothing he grabs her on the wrist gently to stop her. She says she wants to see all of him. He objects but then nods and she removes his clothes. They go to the bed where Greyworm kisses her face, neck and breasts. He moves downwards but the camera remains focused on Missandei’s face as she receives pleasure.
In episode 4 Missandei and Dany are having a female bonding session and Dany tells missandei not to worry Greyworm will return to her. Dany asks what happened between them and Missandei answers “many things”. Dany realises they have had sex and asks “the pillar?” and Missandei answers “yes”.
Misc. Tormund/Beric/Hound/Gendry
We won’t see Beric and Gendry after that episode (6), or at least they aren’t mentioned.
The script says at the end of that episode The Hound heads south with the captive Wight in a box, and Beric follows him. Beric isn’t in Episode 7 though.
Tormund will reappear in the very last scene of Ep 7 - he’s manning the Wall when the army of the dead attack and Viserion burns it. We don’t see him die or anything, just running for safety once the dragon attacks.
Ambush Scene
[asked whether Drogon gets hit with the ballista at the ambush scene]
He does. It puts him down, and while Dany is on the ground with him that's when Jaime makes a mad dash of an attack to try and kill her - Drogon turns at the last minute and blasts flame at him, and Bronn pushes Jaime off his horse (which is toast) and into the river beside him, where they see the flames burst over the surface. That's the end of Episode 4.
Ma si chiama Bloodraven nella serie ?
No, o almeno non credo, lo chiamo così per comodità.
Edit: letti ora gli spoiler. Di male in peggio. Il dito di Euron, la Golden Company e la scena di sesso (!) fra Missandei e Grey Worm se la giocano per peggior schifezza.
Grazie Metamorfo per aver postato i leaks. Comunque secondo me awayforthelads 2 che ha postato questi nuovi leaks e le sei pagine di script è un gigantesco troll
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
la banca di ferro che diventa fan numero uno di cersei e' il massimo