Di solito i leak raramente ci azzeccano. O perlomeno, ne sparano talmente tante nel mucchio che per la legge dei grandi numeri uno ci prende e sembra chissà cosa
Insomma... l'anno scorso i leak hanno azzeccato tutto.
Un conto sono le invenzioni e ipotesi un altro gli spoiler praticamente verificati. Questi sono verificati da foto scattate durante le ripreseDi solito i leak raramente ci azzeccano. O perlomeno, ne sparano talmente tante nel mucchio che per la legge dei grandi numeri uno ci prende e sembra chissà cosa
Di solito i leak raramente ci azzeccano. O perlomeno, ne sparano talmente tante nel mucchio che per la legge dei grandi numeri uno ci prende e sembra chissà cosa
Questi azzeccheranno tutto.
Basta vedere ala sezione "principali conferme" del primo post: tutto quello che è stato scritto dal leaker prima ancora dell'inizio delle riprese, e tutto ciò che poteva essere confermato...è stato confermato (da immagini delle riprese, da fonti autorevoli che hanno talpe nella produzione, dal casting dei personaggi, dagli spostamenti degli attori, e da tanti altri particolari).
Sembra che awayfortheladspart2 sia tornato in azione:
Vi posto i suoi post più interessanti degli ultimi due mesi
"Everyone gets on Drogon bar Jon, who is left for dead but escapes on Benjen's horse after he rides in at the last minute"
Not on purpose at all, he just gets left behind due to the overwhelming size of the Wight forces.
Ok, so here's the skinny on this.
Halfway through the first episode Arya meets some Lannister soldiers on the Kingsroad. As the soldiers enter the scene, one of them (Ed) is singing a song for the others.
The lyrics are as follows:
He rode through the streets of the city, Down from his hill on high, O'er the wynds and the steps and the cobbles He rode to a woman's sigh
For she was his secret treasure She was his shame and his bliss And a chain and a keep are nothing Compared to a woman's kiss.
(and the rest of the soldiers join him for the chorus)
For hands of gold are always cold but a woman's hands are warm
So they meet Arya, and we're supposed to think she will kill them, but they invite her to join them for supper, and she shares a meal with them. They talk about recent events, and how they are on their way to help fortify the Twins, and she realises that they have no love for their Lannister masters, and are just a bunch of fishermen who would rather be back at their work. So she sits and enjoys having some pleasant company for the evening"
He has one scene with one of the little girls. He asks her about Qyburn, and she says he gives them sweets and looks after them. "he made xxxxx's father disappear" (I'm ever wary of leak-traps)
Varys says that is good and:
"Do you know what's better than having a good friend?
Two good friends"
Both survive this season.
She's pregnant with Jamie's child.
She says Tommen betrayed her. She doesn't appear too broken up about his death.
Best Sansa moment will be when she sentences Littlefinger to death"
They don't even discuss the Sept. Jaime mentions Tommen, but she says Tommen betrayed her and leaves it at that"
I've read the scripts. You haven't.
Not only is there a sex-scene, but in he next Cersei/Jaime scene following it a maid goes to enter the room while they are still in bed.
Cersei tells her to enter, and Jamie is all like "wtf, everyone will know", but Cersei tells him she literally doesn't care and who is going to stop her doing whatever she wants at this point.
Now, I've paraphrased that A LOT, obviously, but it's all happening pretty much just like that.
Oh, as for the Jaime in Highgarden stuff - you aren't going to see a huge battle at Highgarden - only the immediate aftermath.
Sorry if that disappoints you. When we arrive at that scene it's just as the Lannisters have won, and we'll see Jaime moving through the castle grounds and the castle as around him Highgarden soldiers are being donated off by his troops.
These are all preamble scenes to his meeting with Olenna.
I'd say the entire Highgarden sequence takes about 5 minutes, although that's hard to guess off the page.
Oh, and Jaime being there, the whole battle, is a narrative surprise really. So it's meant to be a bit of a shock that this is even happening, as it occurs DIRECTLY after the Unsullied take a surprisingly under-defended Casterly Rock, and they wonder where the Lannister forces are.
Cut to - Highgarden. Ta da. Does that make sense now?
Yup, in the Dragonpit, to Cersei (and I suppose to everyone else), right after he kills the bisected Wight by stabbing it with Dragonglass.
(Don't bother telling me Dragonglass doesn't kill wights, I'm only relaying what's in the script. )
At the end of Episode 6 she will check on him after the Wight Hunt nearly kills him, and she is also seeking comfort after losing Viserion. They have an intimate moment, but it's not physical so much as emotional - they are vulnerable around each other.
Nothing physical will happen until the end of Ep 7 when Jon goes a knocking on her cabin door… #IfThisBoatsARocking
Gilly has been reading a diary of sorts of the Late High Septon Maynard, and she has been reading portions out to a very uninterested Sam - this is where she says Maynard
"issued an annulment for a Prince… 'Ragger' and remarried him to someone else in a secret ceremony in Dorne"
Obviously she can't read too well yet, hence 'Ragger'. Sam Isn't really paying too much attention, but he does recall this later in the season when talking to Bran.
And yes, the revisited Tower of Joy scene where we hear what Lyanna says will be part of the same scene where Sam and Bran together piece together Jon's heritage.It mentions NO other characters. Rhaegar, Lyanna and the High Septon. That's it.
Probably how it's remained a secret.They get married in front of High Septon Maynard. Just recites his marriage vows along with Lyanna.
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
A small garrison force is left behind, but most of the troops are taken to Highgarden.
It puzzles the Unsullied that the Rock is so easily taken.
Euron's and Jaime have one of the funniest exchanges in the script (that made me laugh anyway, not Jaime).
He tells Jaime that he plans to wed his sister, then quietly asks him exactly what way she enjoys being fucked. Even asks if she likes a cheeky finger up the arse.
I KNOW that looks like something I've made up, but it's not. Euron's is kind of a riot this season, and he goes out of his way to be obnoxious when he gets the chance. Jaime is obviously livid at this, but can't do anything about it at that moment.
1) don't forget Jorah is from the North himself, and he's a few unresolved issues about his father that chatting to Jon could maybe help address.
2) Yeah - they have a quick fun scene about how their fathers were friends. "The bastard of Winterfell and the bastard of King's Landing". Gendry seems to enjoy meeting again someone his father had some connection with. Doesn't mention Arya though, which is a bit odd. Maybe that gets covered in a rewrite.
Yes. Jon says he's glad that Ned never caught and killed Jorah.
Jorah says he's pretty glad about that too
Yeah, Tyrion comments on it to her, and Jorah is a bit grumpy about it when he first returns to her. He doesn't say anything out loud, but I predict lots of reaction shots of him watching them flirt with each other.
Yeah, it's a Naval battle. The Iron Fleet attack Yara's fleet. It's be pretty spectacular.
The Sand Snakes are on Yara's ship. Euron's ship SIlence sails alongside and his tongueless sailors board, as does he.
Nymeria and Obara attack him and he personally kills them both using their own weapons - impales one and strangled the other with her whip.
Ellaria and Tyene are taken back to Kings Landing as gifts for Cersei, along with Yara.
He vocally pledges to her in the Dragonpit. This catches everyone off guard, including Dany, who wasn't expecting him to do that. (Also no-one thinks it was wise, as this really winds up Cersei).
Yeah - Pod and Brienne arrive at the castle gates on horseback.
Jon et al arrive by sea, and Dany shows up after everyone else arrives on Drogon either Rhaegal flying around.
Only Cersei notices that she only has 2 dragons in tow, and in the scene after with Jamie she points out that Dany brought 2 dragons to impress Cersei with her power, but everyone has heard she has 3. She surmises from this that the third must be injured or dead, and that means the dragons aren't invincible after all.
Probably more than you were asking, but there you have it.
He didn't ask about Ebrose, who Anyway has been mentioned on WOTW literally months ago as Broadbents character.
Ebrose doesn't talk to Sam about the Targaryens. In fact most of the time he's just telling him off and admonishing him for things like trying to cure Jorah, or trying to read books he's not allowed to.
If this is what Faraday was getting at he didn't make it clear. But anyway, I mentioned Ebrose last time I was here.
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
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"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
Ovviamente la parte più interessante rimane tutto l'intrigo Rhaegar-Lyanna. Comunque ancora non è chiaro perché servisse così tanto un loro matrimonio ai fini della trama.
« I did what I thought was right. » Jon Snow
« There are no men like me. Only me. » - Jaime Lannister
« No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone. It's true, I am a slow learner, but I learn. Winterfell is Our Home, we have to fight for it. » - Sansa Stark
« Leave one wolf alive and the sheep will never be safe. » - Arya Stark
« A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. » - Stannis Baratheon
Take my Heart when You go _ Take Mine in It's Place.
Ti proteggerò dalle paure delle ipocondrie, dai turbamenti che da oggi incontrerai per la tua via, dalle ingiustizie e dagli inganni del tuo tempo, dai fallimenti che per tua natura normalmente attirerai. Ti salverò da ogni malinconia, perché sei un essere speciale. Ed io avrò cura di te.
Risposta semplice
perché deve essere l'erede legittimo al trono e credo che il suo inginocchiarsi alla biondina implichi che lui e' il vero re..perché antepone il bene del popolo a ogni Cosa a differenza della biondina e di Cersei
Ringrazio il mio caro amico JonSnow; per aver ideato e creato le immagini dei miei bellissimi ed elegantissimi avatar e firma
« I am a wolf and I fear nobody. »
''They were insulting Jon and you sat there and listened.''
''Offend them and Jon loses his army.''
''Not if they lose their heads first.''
« Leave just ONE wolf alive and sheeps will NEVER be safe. »
« When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. »
''I lupi sani e le donne sane hanno in comune talune caratteristiche psichiche: sensibilità acuta, spirito giocoso, e grande devozione. Lupi e donne sono affini per natura, sono curiosi di sapere e possiedono grande forza e resistenza. Sono profondamente intuitivi e si occupano intensamente dei loro piccoli, del compagno, del gruppo. Sono esperti nell'arte di adattarsi a circostanze sempre mutevoli; sono fieramente gagliardi e molto coraggiosi. Eppure le due specie sono state entrambe perseguitate''.
Sì ma quello che intendo è che se i piani sono:
Jon Re a fine GoT, la legittimazione è relativa perché sarebbe potuto ascendervi allo stesso modo della 6 e cioè per acclamazione post-battaglia finale.
Se invece è per dare un erede a Daenerys post morte di Jon, credo che quest'ultima da Regina potesse benissimo legittimare il proprio erede.
E' più probabile che il motivo sia per scatenare una guerra di rumors, sensazioni ecc. su un eventuale Danza dei Draghi e su come reagiranno i due, se lotteranno per il trono ecc. Un po' come da due anni giocano sul ''Sansa e Jon si scontreranno per WF?''
« I did what I thought was right. » Jon Snow
« There are no men like me. Only me. » - Jaime Lannister
« No one can protect me. No one can protect anyone. It's true, I am a slow learner, but I learn. Winterfell is Our Home, we have to fight for it. » - Sansa Stark
« Leave one wolf alive and the sheep will never be safe. » - Arya Stark
« A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. » - Stannis Baratheon
Take my Heart when You go _ Take Mine in It's Place.
Ti proteggerò dalle paure delle ipocondrie, dai turbamenti che da oggi incontrerai per la tua via, dalle ingiustizie e dagli inganni del tuo tempo, dai fallimenti che per tua natura normalmente attirerai. Ti salverò da ogni malinconia, perché sei un essere speciale. Ed io avrò cura di te.
A proposito
Sì ma quello che intendo è che se i piani sono:
Jon Re a fine GoT, la legittimazione è relativa perché sarebbe potuto ascendervi allo stesso modo della 6 e cioè per acclamazione post-battaglia finale.
Se invece è per dare un erede a Daenerys post morte di Jon, credo che quest'ultima da Regina potesse benissimo legittimare il proprio erede.
E' più probabile che il motivo sia per scatenare una guerra di rumors, sensazioni ecc. su un eventuale Danza dei Draghi e su come reagiranno i due, se lotteranno per il trono ecc. Un po' come da due anni giocano sul ''Sansa e Jon si scontreranno per WF?''
A proposito di Jon e Sansa sempre da awayfortheladspart2 ma credo che sia stato già postato a Gennaio in ogni caso:
Jon is determined to rule the North differently than Ned, that's all. If you think that's ME making him out to be a softie, then I can't help you. I'm only telling you what's in the scripts. I DIDN'T WRITE THE SCRIPTS. Just in case that wasn't clear.Well, funny thing is I've rewatched the show since October. I'm halfway though the 5th season at this point, but it's my first time watching the show since original air dates.
So yeah, that's definitely my interpretation, you're right. But Jon and Sansa have very different ideas about how the children of the traitors should be treated, and shes the one who is for harsh treatment, whereas Jon doesn't believe anyone should suffer for the sins of their father. It's pointed out that this isn't the Northern way, and he says he doesn't care, it's his way.
Premesso che a me awayfortheladspart2 non convince e lo ritengo un troll, Ned non avrebbe mai punito dei bambini/adolescenti per le colpe dei padri. Basti pensare al disgusto che provava Ned per l'infanticidio dei due bambini di Elia Martell e Rhaegar Targaryen ordinato da Tywin Lannister che a distanza di anni rimane inalterato. Quindi o sto redditor è un troll o D&D non hanno mai letto i libri. O più semplicemente hanno deciso di proseguire sulla strada da loro tracciata nelle ultime due stagioni abbandonando il background di GRRM.. A loro rischio ovviamente
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
Su Cersei e sulla strategia militare dei Lannister
She doesn't address it at all. I don't think she feels the need to - she's Queen now, and everyone pretty much does what she says. And it's mentioned by Hot Pie in episode 2 that he heard she blew up the Great Sept, so it's pretty common knowledge across Westeros.The thinking is that rather than sacrifice a bunch of resources defending Casterly Rock, use them to take Highgarden and then recapture the Rock at a later stage, as they can cut it off from supplies in the meantime.
Cersei and Jaime's plan, and it pays off.
It'll be a fun scene. She tries to persuade him that he has to bring the army north to support Jon, and he says he admires her loyalty to the Starks.
To which Brienne says "FUCK LOYALTY!" - she's just flat out terrified by the Wight demo, and she sees the threat for what it is - a matter of pure survival, and it won't matter what house you stand for. It's going to be a good character moment for her.
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
Jamie zerbino era e zerbino rimane...
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
mi sa che regar rischia ( almeno fino alla stagione 8) di sembrare ancora piu pirla di robb. Sulle strategie militari dei lannister proprio nn ho parole
mi sa che regar rischia ( almeno fino alla stagione 8) di sembrare ancora piu pirla di robb. Sulle strategie militari dei lannister proprio nn ho parole
Forse volevi dire Ragger
"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."