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THE WINDS OF WINTER: news e speculazioni
di Lord Beric
creato il 13 luglio 2011

Jacaerys Velaryon
4829 messaggi
Jacaerys Velaryon

4829 messaggi
Inviato il 10 marzo 2025 8:44


"There's always the books, and I'm aware of that people think that— But no, I have to get back. I have to finish the books. That's the one thing I'm completely in control of. There's no budget limitations. There's no other executives on the studio side that I have to please, or other writers with different views. The books are what I'm going to make them. And, I think the one I'm writing is coming pretty well, but I wish it would come faster."

Vogliamo una società socialista che corrisponda alle condizioni del nostro paese, che rispetti tutte le libertà sancite dalla Costituzione, che sia fondata su una pluralità di partiti, sul concorso di diverse forze sociali. Una società che rispetti tutte le libertà, meno una: quella di sfruttare il lavoro di altri esseri umani, perché questa libertà tutte le altre distrugge e rende vane.

Enrico Berlinguer


What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother's smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.

George R. R. Martin (A Game of Thrones)


The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect,

So hard to earn, so easily burned
In the fullness of time,
A garden to nurture and protect
It's a measure of a life
The treasure of a life is a measure of love and respect,
The way you live, the gifts that you give
In the fullness of time,
It's the only return that you expect

Neil Peart (The Garden)


Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.’ I agree with the second part.

Andrew Kevin Walker (Seven)


In this game that we’re playing, we can’t win. Some kinds of failure are better than other kinds, that’s all.

George Orwell (Nineteen Eighty-Four)

Dino Sauro
79 messaggi
Dino Sauro


79 messaggi
Inviato il 10 marzo 2025 9:59

Meglio tardi che mai , finalmente ha capito che la sua legacy sono i libri .

Jacaerys Velaryon
4829 messaggi
Jacaerys Velaryon

4829 messaggi
Inviato il 11 marzo 2025 13:26

GRRM e Robert Redford hanno fatto un'apparizione a sorpresa all'inizio della terza stagione di Dark Winds.

La scena contiene un riferimento alla lunga attesa per TWOW: “George, the whole world's waiting. Make a move!”

Vogliamo una società socialista che corrisponda alle condizioni del nostro paese, che rispetti tutte le libertà sancite dalla Costituzione, che sia fondata su una pluralità di partiti, sul concorso di diverse forze sociali. Una società che rispetti tutte le libertà, meno una: quella di sfruttare il lavoro di altri esseri umani, perché questa libertà tutte le altre distrugge e rende vane.

Enrico Berlinguer


What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother's smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.

George R. R. Martin (A Game of Thrones)


The measure of a life is a measure of love and respect,

So hard to earn, so easily burned
In the fullness of time,
A garden to nurture and protect
It's a measure of a life
The treasure of a life is a measure of love and respect,
The way you live, the gifts that you give
In the fullness of time,
It's the only return that you expect

Neil Peart (The Garden)


Ernest Hemingway once wrote, ‘The world is a fine place, and worth fighting for.’ I agree with the second part.

Andrew Kevin Walker (Seven)


In this game that we’re playing, we can’t win. Some kinds of failure are better than other kinds, that’s all.

George Orwell (Nineteen Eighty-Four)

13 anni fa
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