Allora un po' di notizie e qualche speculazione sulla Extend del Ritorno del RE.
Dovrebbe durare 4h e 10 minuti stando a quanto detto da Jackson e ve ne riporto la notizia:
Peter Jackson confirms Return of the King Extended Edition running time
by David Haber, Wizard News Editor
In an appearance at a screening of Fellowship of the Ring at the Egyptian Theatre in Hollywood last night, Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson stated that he had just completed cutting the Extended Edition of Return of the King before he left for this current trip to Los Angeles, and that it will be 4 hours and 10 minutes long, with a full fifty minutes of additional scenes.
Regarding extended DVDs in general, Peter Jackson said he didn't know if he'd do one for every movie he does in the future, but that it just felt like it was natural and appropriate to do them for the Lord of the Rings movies. He said as they'd already shot nearly an hour of footage that wasn't used in the theatrical releases of each of the films, and that they were legitimately part of the adaptations of Tolkien's boooks, he felt they should be seen in an extended version, which isn't necessarily better or worse than the theatrical version, just a fuller interpretation of the story.
Published February 7, 2004
Qualche Spoliler di scene tagliate:
Vedremo il capitolo della voce di Saruman che presenterà inoltre la sua 'multicolore' caduta e morte
presta giuramento a Theoden in una scena simile a quella di Pipino e Denethor (del resto questa scena si può vedere nel DVD di National Geographic ed era presente anche nel trailer se non erro)
guarda nel Palantir e si rivela a Sauron, il quale di rimando gli dà una versione avizzita di Arwen. Questa parte sarà collegata alla sequenza del sogno, prima che Elrond arrivi a Dunclivo
e lo Scontro con il Re Stregone è stato vivacemente tagliato (come già si vedeva rispetto al trailer dove il Nazgul si confrontava faccia a faccia con Gandalf sui bastioni di Minas Tirith)
e le case di guarigione, nonchè il diaologo con eowyn e successivo innamoramento
e la morte di Gamling. Scena vista nel trailer e assente nel film
Frodo & Sam
si uniscono ad una colonna marciante di orchi sulla via di Monte Fato. Il loro capo è un feroce capitano orco armato di frusta. Anche durante il film se state attenti subito dopo la sequenza di Cirith Ungol, sentirete il rumore delle frustate su orchi che marciano!
La Bocca di Sauron
Questa scena cambierà l'enfasi di tutta la battaglia finale tra uomini e orchi al Morannon. Nella versione al cinema, Aragorn cavalca impavido verso gli orchi. Nella Versione Estesa, la Bocca di Sauron mostrerà la cotta di Mithril di Frodo (rubata dagli orchi a Cirith Ungol) facendo credere che Frodo è morto e che l'Anello sta andando a Sauron (spiegato anche perkè allora Sauron cerca con il suo faro-occhio fra gli orchi, forse teme che uno di loro si sia impossessato del gingillo...). Aragorn crede alla Bocca di Sauron e vanno alla carica senza più nessuna speranza...
Indiscrezioni e speculazioni sull'Extend del ROTK
The borderline:
A beautiful scene, before the two hobbits, guided by Gollum, walk on… The hobbits catch sight of a huge monument and statues. Up to this scene the sky wasn't edit digitally… from now on it's getting darker and darker … a cursed environment. In this scene you see the title of the movie "The Return of the King"
Saruman's disempowerment:
Saruman's last dialog with Gandalf, Theoden and the others will only be seen on the SEE. Saruman is going to appear on the balcony, trying to bewitch the fellowship one last time by talking to them. But Gandalf breaks Saruman's wand. After that Wormtongue and Saruman appear on the roof of the Orthanc. Saruman treats his servant like a dog and threatens him with a knife. But Wormtongue fights back, grabs the knife and throws Saruman from the Orthanc. His own weapons pierce Saruman and Legolas kills Wormtongue with one of his arrows.
Rumour: Reportedly the finding of the Palantir will be changed a little bit. Wormtongue might throw it from the roof of the Orthanc, aiming at Saruman. I don't think they will change and cut this scene. After Gandalf gets the Palantir from Pippin he turns around - and that's it. I think that's the moment when Saruman will appear on the balcony. But how Saruman really dies is not 100% sure yet. Rumours say they filmed different death scenes, so that they don't give away which one they use. Another possibility: Saruman simply falls into the water. You can tell from the GBA-Screens that Grima killed Theoden's son by poisoning him.
Edoras: Merry's vow of fidelity:
During the whole movie Merry serves the King, Theoden. But why? Like it was shown in the first teaser of the trilogy: the king dubs Merry knight of Rohan. Merry offers his services and Theoden accepts and hands him a sword.
"I offer you my service, King Theoden" Merry is given a knighthood.
Edoras: Dialogue between Eowyn and Eomer concerning Merry:
Like we have seen in the cinema version, Eomer can't believe that Marry is able to take part in a battle. There will be a typical brother-sister scene on the SEE, concerning this topic. The existence of such a scene is confirmed by a "making off video", because Peter Jackson mentions a "Brother and Sister" moment.
Edoras: A "drinking game" during the celebration:
After the success in Isengard, Aragorn, Merry, Gimli, Theoden and the others go to Edoras. There will be some new elements in the scene were both hobbits dance on the table while Gandalf talks to Aragorn about Frodo... the SEE will show another funny scene (which isn't in the book) . Legolas and Gimli play a drinking game...
Legolas: "So, it's a drinking game?"
Laughing and screaming of the others
Legolas: "What exactly is the point of it?"
Gimli: "Last one standing wins."
Add-on in Edoras: Aragorn & Eowyn:
It's likely that this scene focuses again on Eowyn's anxiety not being able to attend the battle. Officially Aragorn comforts Eowyn, but now it is said, that he only keeps company with her.
Edoras: Extended discussion:
In Edoras Aragorn and Gandalf talk about their proceeding. There will be more dialogues than in the cinema version.
Gandalf: "If the ring is destroyed, Sauron will fall and his fall will be so low that none will see his arising ever again… but if Sauron regains the ring, his victory will be swift and complete. Things are now in motion that cannot be undone. Sauron has looked into the face of young Peregrin Took and mistaken him for the Ringbearer".
Aragorn: "He has gone unchallenged long enough."
Edoras: Changed Farewell
Merry says good bye to Pippin, who seems to be very sad. Merry bolsters Pippin and tells him that they will see each other in the shire. As far as I know, a new scene replaced this one. We won't see this dialogue on the SEE and we won't hear the sentence "We shall see the Shire again."
Edoras: Extended Farewell:
After Gandalf and Pippin left, Aragorn tells Merry, that Pippin will only be save at Minas Tirith, because Saruman thinks he is the ring bearer. That's why Gandalf has to bring him away. In the cinema version, Aragorn doesn't say anything. Before Pippin leaves Edoras, Aragorn gives him back his elven leaf brooch.
Mirror-inverted ride to Gondor:
Gandalf and Pippin ride for 3 days, but the journey is over soon. To soon... Gandalf rides from right to left. But on the RotK- preview he rides from left to right - through the forest and the sky seems to be darker -- it might be possible that the journey is longer on the SEE version - if it's not a joke from the filmmakers and they simply like showing mirror inverted scenes in the trailer.
Extended Dialogue between Eowyn and Aragorn:
While walking to his horse Aragorn asks Eowyn if she is going to ride as well. She tells him something about old customs, how the women say good bye to their men, but he discovers her sword. This scene follows exactly the sequence I just described.
Add-ons in Rivendell:
The scenes between Arwen and Elrond in Rivendell will be longer. As seen on the trailer, Elrond tells his daughter that he is not able to protect her anymore. There is another scene where Arwen falls into her fathers’ arms. Is there a connection between this and the paths of dead she discovers in her book? Arwen will also say some more words in the language of the elves.
Elrond to Arwen on the bridge: "You have given away your life’s grace. I cannot protect you anymore"
These two dialogues are not in the cinema version: Arwen says: "Give him the sword of the King"
Elrond: "The enemy will never let Aragorn come to the throne of Gondor."
Camp: Altered Farewell:
In the cinema version Eowyn asks Aragorn if she knows why she is here. He tells her that he doesn't feel the same for her and then she disappears. Now these scenes show Aragorn how he touches Eowyn. I don't know if they will add this scene or if it was originally filmed like that...
Extended Paths of the dead:
There is supposed to be a corridor in the cave, full of skulls and bones on the floor and left and right in the walls. At one point Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas will be threatened by an avalanche of skulls. After leaving the cage there has to happen something else, because Aragorn’s sword looks bloody. Legolas is also supposed to have some more sentences.
Legolas will kill Peter Jackson, who supposed to have a cameo appearance as a corsair captain.
In the cinema version you only see a little bit of the paths of the dead, no skulls, no altars, no bloody sword, no corsair ships. I am sure they will be shown here, because Gandalf talks about them twice.
The Corsair Ships
Gandalf talks about them twice, and they are also seen twice: In Edoras Gandalf asks Aragorn to take another way and take the black ships and later, in Minas Tirith, he talks to Pippin about the warlock and mentions mercenary soldiers and the ships.
After the paths of the dead Gimli, Legolas and Aragorn board the ships and conquer the corsairs. But which scenes do we see on these two pictures? Which scenes will be shown on the SEE? Do we see how they board the ships? Yes, but without the ghosts, because they will appear later, as a surprise, on in the Pelennor Fields.
Minas Tirith: Original scene replaced?
This scene isn't in the movie. I think this scene was deleted and another one was shown instead. Gandalf and Pippin are in their quarters and they talk about the warlock, the war and the chances Frodo and Sam have.
Minas Tirith: Denethor’s madness & Palantir:
Denethor knows more than he should know. He knows about Aragorn and the forthcoming attack and he has given up hope. He got his information from a Palantir. One knight also says that Denethor has foreseen this attack. Gandalf is supposed to say that Aragorn will take Denethor's place and there is nothing he can do about it. Denethor calls Gandalf a traitor.
Unfortunately, John Noble (Denethor) said in an interview that these scenes weren't shot, however there is the possibility that we will see a scene where the Palantir is mentioned.
Minas Tirith: Longer dialogue between Faramir and Denethor:
Faramir is supposed to tell his father that he did let Frodo and Sam escape (with the ring) on purpose, breaking his father's rules.
While Pippin talks to Denethor, Faramir stands at his side. Shortly after that Denethir announces that those who break the rules have to be punished. A hint that Faramir really told him about the hobbits? A script section asserts that there will be a flashback, where Faramir tells his father about Boromirs death and hands him the broken horn. In another scene Pippin is going to get an armor from Faramir.
The second photo is a scene where we don't know if it shows the talk with Gandalf or if it is a totally new scene.
Orc Tower: Add-on
We might see a scene where an Orc is able to flee from the tower (you see this Orc in the Video Game holding Frodo’s Mithril chain mail) There are also some scenes where Orcs and Uruks fight with each other because of this alb.
Siege of Minas Tirith: Extended battle scenes
In the cinema version they didn't show how the enemy built up its war machinery. They also don't show how the White City is conquered. The enemy tries to destroy the gates with small battering rams. These weren't shown in the movie, but they will be on the SEE DVD. Soldiers of Gondor try to prevent this with the help of their arrows. They won't show how they draw their bows, but we will see how they shoot their arrows.
Siege of Minas Tirith: Gandalf vs. Witchking
In the movie the witchking said that he would fight the White Wizard … who suddenly doesn't have his wand anymore….
Pippin finally found Gandalf and managed to calm down the mad Denethor. The wizard carries his wand. He puts Pippin on the back of his horse - but when he reaches Denethor he doesn't have his wand anymore and looks like he has just taken part in a fight. In between those scenes it is likely that they meet the Witchking and Gandalf loses the fight, but the Witchking is distracted by something - that's why Gandalf and Pippin are able to flee… he might be distracted by the troops of Rohan (he probably hears the horns) or by something else … who knows… it is likely that he wouldn't stay on his beast during the fight and that Gandalf wouldn't fight on the back of his horse. The scene was filmed with a normal Nazgul first and later with the Witchking.
Battle on the Pelennor Fields: extended battle scenes:
It is said that we will see more digital effects on the SEE DVD, also the sky is supposed to be darkened. There are different possibilities what we will see during these battle scenes: it's possible that we will see more of the Eastlings, a longer dialogue between Eowyn and the Witchking, a scene where Argorn wins the fight against Orc leader and Gimli hits him with his axe. Orcs are also supposed to fight on the dead Olifants and after Theoden's death Eowyn will fight some more Orcs, protecting Pippin, who will find Merry later on.
Pelennor-Fields: Locating Eowyn and Merry
Eowyn was brave, defeated the witchking and was injured. We didn't see what happened afterwards. But somehow they must have found her, mourned and acclaimed her. On this picture we see how Eomer finds his sister on the battlefield.
When Pippin finds Merry on the Pelennor, he tucks him in and that's it … but it looks like Merry's injuries are worse, probably because of his attack on the witchking.
Pelennor-Fields: After the battle
In the cinema we didn't see how the wounded soldiers were saved and we didn't see Theoden’s last journey. A lot of people think that this photo is part of the scene where the dead king is brought back to Minas Tirith. It might also show obsequies later on. Or is it simply a battle scene?
Minas Tirith: After the battle
After the battle on the fields Aragorn is the only one who can help the wounded Faramir, Eowyn and Merry and save their lives. Only the healing hands of the king can save them. Afterwards Faramir and Eowyn get closer.
Minas Tirith: Aragorn as king
After healing Faramir, Eowyn and Merry, Aragorn is already accepted as king. After that he takes up his role as king and only during the next day they discuss the next proceedings. Gandalf at the meeting in Minas Tirith: "Either Frodo destroys the ring, or we face Sauron’s victory."
Minas Tirith: Aragorn looks into the Palantir
After some discussions Aragorn decides to look into the Palantir, to show Sauron that Isildur's heir is found. King Elessar could bring together mankind. That's what Sauron fears and that's what should distract him from Frodo and Sam. Sauron and his army wait for Elessar at the gate….
To the Black Gate:
This journey wasn't over in 5 minutes … So I think we will see some additional scenes on the SEE DVD.
At the Black Gate: Sauron's Mouth
One of the most dreadful myrmidon in the book. A scene a lot of book fans hoped to see in the movie: cruel, full of emotions, and ingenious. The Mouth Saurons, Saurons negotiator. There is a slight chance that we see this horrible creature on the SEE DVD. Probably in the last fight with Aragorn. Some people say you can see Frodo’s Mithril chain mail lying on the floor in the cinema version.. another hint, that we might see such a scene…
The Mouth of Sauron shows this chain mail to Gandalf and Aragorn, as a proof, that Frodo is dead. After that we will see a long dialogue between Gandalf, Aragorn and Saurons Mouth.. after that the black rider disappears and the Black Gate is opened, the enemy starts to march. We will see some scenes of Frodo and Sam before we return to the Black Gate, where the enemies surround Aragron and his troops. The Mouth of Sauron reappears and starts an attack.. Aragorn fights against him and wins but loses his horse to the Eastlings. Another cut to Sam, this time he fights against Gollum and tells him to beat it. Back at the Black Gate the Eastlings are beaten. Aragorn forms up his troops and then we hear the famous sentence: "For Frodo!"
Nobody knows if this is correct, because you don't see the body of Saurons Mouth, Aragorn’s dead horse or the bodies of the Eastlings … besides when Aragorn and his troops approach the Black Gate, his sword is in his scabbard. As he rides back, his bloody sword is in his hand and his face is full of mud. A hint that Saurons Mouth is killed at the beginning and the fact of the missing horses is just a blooper? However the book "Lord of the rings - Weapons and Warfare" hints at Saurons Mouth death (or defeat).
However, it's pretty sure that we will see some enhancements here. Ex. in a making off video you see that Gandalf is talking to Aragorn before they ride towards the Black Gate: "We are being watched". It's possible that is a scene from the SEE DVD … or that we won't see this at all?
At the Black Gate: The new formation
If theory No. 1 is correct, Aragorn forms up his troops at the Black Gate. These pictures show how he does it.
At the Black Gate: Pippin holds Merry
But why? Perhaps this picture shows Merry after he was brought back to Minas Tirith and Pippin is helping him. It can't be a scene from the Pelennor fields, because the hobbits don't wear their helmets in that battle. There are rumours that this photo is from the battle at the Black Gate….. One theory says that Merry breaks down when he hears that Frodo is dead. But this is not possible … there are not so many people in the background during that scene… is Merry wounded?
At the Black Gate: Changed battle?
In the cinema version Aragorn kills the troll, however it is said that in another scene it's Pippin who kills him (like in the book) Perhaps we see this scene on the DVD, who knows? In the video game you see, that Legolas save Gimli's life again… possible that we see that as well on the DVD.
Mordor: Add-ons
After Frodo’s pretended death we will see some more things. Sam is going to hold Stich, both hobbits will take off their armors….and Sam leaves behind his pans. At the end both hobbits meet an Orc army, but because they don't have the armors anymore they are not recognized.
Minas Tirith: Marriages and the new tree
Gandalf shows Pippin the tree in Minas Tirith who starts to bloom again. And we might see the wedding between Arwen and Aragorn and Faramir and Eowyn - I don't believe it - however both scenes were filmed. We might also see how Eomer is crowned king of Rohan. Only after that scene the characters will say good bye to each other.
End: Epilogue
Galadriel is supposed to hold an epilogue at the end, in which she explains what happens to the characters, because they don't want to show all the scenes in the movie… it's possible, because she also holds an epilogue at the beginning of the first movie.
Back in the Shire:
I am sure we will see more scenes when the hobbits return to the Shire …. because New Line Cinema wanted to keep these photos secret and the scene isn't in the cinema version. Perhaps we get to know why Frodo decides to leave the Shire and sail away with the ring bearers.
Gil Galad - Stella di radianza
Se queste ipotesi verranno confermate l'Extended Version sarà formidabile.
Grazie Gil
grazie mille gil, è hai risolto un po dei miei dubbi
grazie ancora
non vedo l'ora di possedere l'extended version!!!
la voglio
grazie gil...non fai altro che aumentare la mia voglia
Anch'io adesso voglio assolutamente averlo!!!!!!
Sai quando uscirà???
Sapete se faranno uscire i tre film in un unico blocco?
specialmente per la parte della voce di Saruman...
Sapete se faranno uscire i tre film in un unico blocco?
Per ora hanno annunciato il cofanetto delle versioni "normali" a 2 DVD.
Ancora nulla sul cofanetto per le edizioni extended anche se arriverà di sicuro, probabilmente con qualche altro DVD aggiuntivo, per gustificarne un eventuale acquisto da parte di chi ha già le extended dei film separatamente.
Mitico Gil!!!
Alla tua!!!
Per ora hanno annunciato il cofanetto delle versioni "normali" a 2 DVD.
Ancora nulla sul cofanetto per le edizioni extended anche se arriverà di sicuro, probabilmente con qualche altro DVD aggiuntivo, per gustificarne un eventuale acquisto da parte di chi ha già le extended dei film separatamente.
Infatti avevo sentito voci (non confermate) di una Extended Version dell'Extended Version ma credo sia una battuta (spero )
Per ora hanno annunciato il cofanetto delle versioni "normali" a 2 DVD.
Ancora nulla sul cofanetto per le edizioni extended anche se arriverà di sicuro, probabilmente con qualche altro DVD aggiuntivo, per gustificarne un eventuale acquisto da parte di chi ha già le extended dei film separatamente.
Infatti avevo sentito voci (non confermate) di una Extended Version dell'Extended Version ma credo sia una battuta (spero )
Mmmm, temo invece che la fantomatica super-extended version arriverà... per ora ci sono 9 DVD disponibili (4 per "la compagnia dell'anello", 5 per "le due torri", incluso quello dell'edizione con la miniatura di gollum). Aggiungiamone almeno altri 4 (o 5) per l'extended de "il ritorno del re" arriviamo a 13/14... vuoi che il buon Jackson non abbia qualche altra chicca da parte? Ecco un bel cofanetto di 15/16 DVD con tutto ma proprio tutto lo scibile Tolkien/Jacksoniano!
P.S.: Per quanto mi riguarda prenderò la extended del ritorno del re e li mi fermerò
P.S.: Per quanto mi riguarda prenderò la extended del ritorno del re e li mi fermerò
Propendo anche io per questa ipotesi, a meno che la famigerata Extended dell'Extended non contengo un prolungamento consistente del film
P.S.: Per quanto mi riguarda prenderò la extended del ritorno del re e li mi fermeròPropendo anche io per questa ipotesi, a meno che la famigerata Extended dell'Extended non contengo un prolungamento consistente del film
francamente da quello che ho letto e sentito non credo ci saranno altre parti nonostante ci speri molto
Quando esce l'extended? qualcuno ha notizie?