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3945 messaggi
Inviato il 24 febbraio 2005 18:13 Autore












































Ishar Morrad Chuain

Aginor - Osen'gar


He had helped make the Trollocs, blending human and animal stock

--he was proud of that, of the skill involved, the difficulty--

but these occasional throwback offspring made him uneasy at the best of times.



Allegiance: The Dark One.

Title(s): Osen'gar, Corlan Dashiva, Asha'man.


He dry washes his hands when nervous and is ungainly with a horse and terrible with a sword. He hates exercise and isn't much of a fighter. Almost as strong as Lews Therin, he was the greatest biologist, understanding molecules and atoms better than any other. He was also a teacher, and can take on the tone and stance of a lecturer when speaking. He always wanted to do genetic experiments, but wasn't allowed to by the Hall of Servants, being disciplined many times for experiments on animals. He pledged to the Dark One in the first thirty years of the Collapse.


He was given the freedom and resources to concentrate on genetic engineering - approximately 35 to 55 million men, women and children were used for Aginor's experiments during the ten years of the War of Power. This excludes those given to trollocs for food. He created trollocs, dragkar, darkhounds, gholam and jumara from his experiments. He doesn't like the trolloc throwbacks - Myrddraal. A brilliant mind, but he is a bit mad. He prides himself on his sense of humor.


He was sealed just beneath the surface and was subjected to nightmares. Along with Balthamel, he was the first to be freed from the Dark One's prison. He appeared at the Eye of the World older than old. His skin like thin parchment drawn tight over his skull. Wispy tuffs of hair at odd places on a scabby scalp. His ears were withered bits of ancient leather and had sunken eyes and yellowed teeth. His finger nails had worn away and his knuckles were gnarled and barely human.


He killed Someshta, and in doing so, Someshta killed Balthamel. He was then killed by Rand in a battle for the pure sadin of the Eye of the World.


As Osen'gar, he had a body stolen from the borderlands. In his middle years with a plain face and lank hair. His cover story was that of a former farmer from the Black Hills called Corlan Dashiva. Speaking the old tongue fluently and a hatred of excercise and being out in bad weather was a curiosity.


He made a suggestion to Flinn about healing which led to new methods of Healing. He was at Dumai's Wells, and afterwards became one of Rand's guards. He tried to kill Rand, and only ended up killing maidens. He deserted the Black Tower with Charl, Manel, Paval and Raefar, and later tried to kill Rand while he used the Choeden Kal, but was killed in turn by Elza, ironically of the Black Ajah.



Eval Ramman

Balthamel - Aran'gar


Allegiance: The Dark One.

Title(s): Aran'gar, Halima Saranov.


In the Age of Legends, he was a historian, specialising in vanished cultures. He studied at the institute for higher learning at M'Jinn. However, he was reckless, with a short, wildfire temper that couldn't be controlled. He was almost bound against doing violence. It may be due to this that he never earned a third name. Also, he spent much time in the lowest taverns, fraternising with criminals and footpads.


Good looking, he was also a womaniser. Wanting to look good forever, he pledged himself the the Dark One around the middle of the Collapse. He set up camps to breed humans for trolloc food. He may have run an intelligence network and also may have held a governorship. When the bore was sealed he was trapped closer to the surface than Aginor.


Along with Aginor, he was the first to be freed from the Dark One's prison. Being close to the surface of the prison for three thousand years had whithered his face and tongue away. When confronting the group at the Eye of the World he wore a tight leather black carapace covering his head and face completely, with the front worked into a young laughing man's face. As Aginor killed Someshta, the Green Man killed Balthamel.


As Aran'gar, she has the body of a gorgeous woman stolen from the borderlands, slender and lush. She has green eyes, an ivory oval shaped face and long glossy black hair, calling herself Halima Saranov. She became Delana's Secretary, and then becoming Egwene's maid, putting Egwene firmly under her thumb. She is giving Egwene headaches through a nightly massage as well as torturing her with nightmares.



Duram Laddel Cham



"Do you remember when we took that tame sport called swords

and learned to kill with it, as the old volumes said men once had?"

Allegiance: The Dark One.

Title(s): Be'lal - The Envious, Netweaver, High Lord Samon.


Tall and athletic, with close cropped white hair. He is a patient tactition and cunning planner. A master of manipulation, he has been called the Netweaver. He was also a capable fighter being direct when neccessary. These skills helped him become a brilliant swordsman in a bloodless sport in the Age of Legends.


Originally a good friend of Lews Therin. He was one of the leaders in the fight against the shadow and an outstanding general. But he envied Lews Therin so much that he turned to the Dark One during the Collapse. He also envied Mieran and Elan Morin. He once beat Lews in a game of stones, and bragged about it forever. He was one of the best swordsmen of his time, a true blademaster. He was among those who razed the Hall of the Servants days before the bore was sealed.


Taking up residence in Tear as High Lord Samon after he was freed, he lusted after Callandor. He meant Rand to take Callandor, and then take it from him and kill him. This didn't happen as Moiraine appeared and killed him with balefire.




Mierin Eronaile

Lanfear - Cyndane


"Lews Therin was mine, he is mine, and he will be mine, forever."

Allegiance: The Dark One, Power, Herself.

Title(s): Lanfear - The Daughter of the Night, Cyndane - Last Chance, Moonhunter, Selene, Keille Shaogi.


Creamy, pale, smooth and soft skin. Very dark eyes and raven dark hair. Tall - only a hand shorter than Rand - with a thin waist, she moves with amazing grace. She has flowing black hair and always wears pure white. She hates forests.


The most powerful of the female forsaken, not quite as powerful as Rand . She was doing honest research in the Collam Daan with Beidomon when the team discovered and drilled into the Dark One's Prison, causing the Collapse and later the war of Power. Many people died in the backlash of the drilling.


She always believed she was a power unto herself, with only a passing glance at what the Dark One wanted. She and Lews Therin Telamon were lovers, but he broke it off years before the bore was drilled when he realise she was only interested in power and ambition. Lanfear has continued to love Lews, or at least, she loved her association with him - the path to power - and believed he would still love her if not for Ilyena. She has transfered her love to Rand.


She pledged herself to the Shadow soon after she gate crashed Lews and Ilyena's wedding and chose her own name: The Daughter of the Night. She proclaimed the Dark One in the Hall of Servants. Lanfear considers Tel'aran'roid to be her domain, claiming to own all dreams, even though Moghedian could outstrip her in the Unseen World. She helped many people commit suicide and sent people mad through dream stalking.


When she woke from being sealed in the prison, she immediately sought out Rand , taking on the form of Selene: a young and beautiful woman. Although she pushed Rand towards power, he did not bite.


She later turned up as Keille Shaogi: a Peddler in the Waste. Huskily melodius voice, and a foot shorter than Hadnan Kadere. Rolls of fat all over her body but moves with the lightness of a maiden. Coarse black hair and a huge hatchet nose. She tied Asmodean to Rand so that he could teach him about saidin.


When Hadnan told her that Rand had slept with Aviendha, she removed his skin whole and then confronted Rand with the intention of killing him. Moiraine tackled Lanfear when she was concentrating on Rand pushing them both throught the redstone doorway, which burned to the ground trapping them in the land of the foxes.


She was held by the Aelfinn and Eelfinn, before appearing again in the world as Cyndane. It must be assumed she died in the land of the Eelfinn and was given a new body and a new name. As Cyndane she is young and short, and pretty with long silver hair, bright blue eyes and an impressive bosom. Arrogant and stronger in the One Power than Graendal, but not as strong as she was previously. She is mind-trapped by Moridin, and travelling with Moghedian.



Joar Addam Nessosin



He pulled open a small door, intending to find his way to the pantry. There should be some decent wine. One step, and he stopped, the blood draining from his face. "You? No!"

The word still hung in the air when death took him.

Allegiance: The Dark One, Music.

Title(s): Jasin Natael.


Taller than most in his middle years. Attractive with dark deep set eyes and dark hair. He holds his head tilted when apprehensive.


Born in the port town of Shorelle, he was a child prodigy in composition and performance of musical instruments. However, he never fulfulled the promise he showed - although he did gain a third name.


He pledged himself to the Dark One so that he would have forever to become the composer and performer that his prodigousness showed. He served as governor in many regions and organised for his former rivals to be unable to produce their art via blinding, chopping etc. He had his mother severed and dragged off by Myrddaal.


He went into the Aiel Waste with Hadnan Kadere and Lanfear posing as a Gleeman. Lanfear then set him up with Rand who beat him in a fight, cutting him off from the Dark One. Lanfear warded him so that he would teach Rand how to use Saidin, under the disguise of Bard to the Dragon Reborn.


He put the dragons onto Couladin's forearms, as a diversion. This caused the spears to split and the Shaido war to occur. When he joined the raiding party to Caemlyn, he was killed afterwards while looking for the pantry.



Tel Janin Aellinsar



He himself had outlived the great Lews Therin Telamon, handing out praise for

victories he could not have won himself and expecting others to lap it up.

His only regret was that the man had not left a grave for him to spit on.

Allegiance: The Dark One.

Title(s): Sammael - The Destoyer of Hope, Lord Brend, Caddar.


He has blue eyes and blond hair with a neat square trimmed beard. Compact, solid and seemingly large he is above average in looks except fo a large poker like scar down his face from hair to jaw. He has a quick stride and an abrupt manner. He likes to dupe his enemies into thinking they can catch him by surprise.


During the Age of Legends, he was a world renowned sportsman, with archery and swords. He was a good friend of Lews Therin, and when the war started, he was found to be one of the best generals - especially when defending.


He loved honours and privileges, but he wanted the command of the forces for the Light. Because Lews Therin became Commander, Sammael hated him. He turned to the Shadow in the forth year of the War of Power so that he could personally destroy Lews. Graendal herself took Sammael to Shayol Ghul.


The provences he governed were ignored while he committed people and resources to grandiose schemes. However, like his sports equipment, he always cared for his soldiers.


Sammael's utter hatred for Lews Therin has been transferred to Rand. However, his hate is a small thing next to Demandred's. He was named the Destoyer of Hope on the day he betrayed the Gates of Hevan, and carryed the Shadow down to the Ron M'doi and into the heart of Satelle.


A very good military man, he prefers to defend his ground rather than attack. If he does attack, he likes to do it with large armies and a certainty of victory. He is stronger in the One Power than Lanfear was, and almost as strong as Rand. He always resented that the Power couldn't make him taller, believing that people judged him on his height instead of his abilities. He finds it difficult to think in other than straight lines.


After being released from the Dark One's prison, he had himself raised to the Council of Nine in Illian, taking on the pseudonym of Lord Brend. He leashed Graendal, and managed to disburse the Shaido from Illian to Ghealdan to crop up and cause damage and headaches for Rand.


During his battle with Rand in Shadar Logoth, he was killed by Mashadar. "Sammael is toast."





Ared Mosinel




Allegiance: The Dark One, Beautiful Women.

Title(s): Lord Gaebril.


Tall dark and as handsome as Lanfear was beautiful with a very deep chest, strong hands and wings of white at his temples and dark eyes.


Incredibly proud, he loves power, and is envious of anyone who has some. Much prefering diplomacy over outright attack using subtle compulsion and manipulation, but he can be very hard. He always chooses his risks with prudence. He is very strong in the One Power, being stronger than Lanfear was, and almost as strong as Rand.


He turned to the Shadow because of his thirst for power. Through his manipulations he had several regions surrender without invasion. He was an efficient Governor, but with a lack of attention to detail. He loves women and being flattered. He rarely had a woman without using compulsion.


Upon his release from the bore, he moved to Caemlyn. When the riots in Caemlyn started (probably by him), he became the leader of the faction supporting Morgase. He put the riots down, and Morgase promoted him to Elaida's old post.


He had much more trouble with Morgase than expected, with her mind trying to find an escape from his compulsion. She finally managed to run away, leading to rumors of her death. Rahvin soon claimed the throne for himself, as well as the throne of Cairhien.


When Rand heard of Morgase's death, he raided Caemlyn intent on revenge for Elayne which he did with the help of Nynaeve. He balefired Rahvin which undid the death of Aviendha and Mat.


In hindsight, Rahvin probably could have chosen a better subject for his manipulations.




Elan Morin Tedronai


Ishamael - Moridin



"Yes, Betrayer of Hope. They gave me the name to revile me,

but I will yet make them kneel and worship it."


"When this man who calls himself Death is in his skin, who is he? What is he?"


Allegiance: The Dark One, Himself.

Title(s): Ishamael - Betrayor of Hope, Ba'alzamon - Heart of the Dark; Soul of the Shadow, Moridin - Death, Nae'blis - The Great Lord's Regent on Earth, Jalwin Moerad, Heartfang, Wanderer.

Favorite Saying: You are a worm.


A little shorter than Lews Therin, he was in the prime of maturity: good looking with fine cut dark clothes. His mouth and eyes sometimes open to endless caverns of flame. He had white teeth, dark eyes, cruel lips and a mellifluous voice.


Orginally a Philosopher he was often too esoteric for popular appeal. He wrote many books including, "Analysis of Perceived Meaning", "Reality and the Absence of Meaning" and "Disassembly of Reason". He believed that the war between the soul of Lews Therin and the Dark One had occured since the beginning of time. He was the Dark One's greatest champion being almost equal in the One Power as Lews Therin. He is a master of sha'rah, which is the ancestor of the game of stones.


Elan Morin was probably the first to pledge himself to the Dark One and acted as peace maker between the forsaken. Although he never held a field command, he was defeated by Lews Therin at the gates of Paaran Disen. He announced his betrayal at a conference of Aes Sedai, informing them of what it was they faced. His announcement sparked massive riots. He was given the name Ishamael by the people: Betrayor of Hope.


When the Dark One's Prison was sealed he was only half sealed behind it, allowing him to touch the world in human form. Aran had a theory based on Ishamael being thrown out and touching the world for specific periods of time. He schemed from the time of the breaking until he died in the stone of Tear.


He told Lews Therin to kill his family. He then gave him the moment of sanity so that he understood what he had done. He started calling himself Ba'alzamon during the breaking of the world and was revered by trollocs, and feared by Myrddraal. He ravaged the world when he sent trollocs forth, causing the trolloc wars.


In FY 973, Ishamael came to Artur Hawkwing's court as Jalwin Moerad. He became Hawkwing's highest counsellor by summer 974, and held that position until Artur's death in FY 994. He set about wrecking that which Hawkwing had built. He had Artur do the following:

Dismiss all Aes Sedai from his service.

Lay seige to Tar Valon.

Send his armies across the Ocean.

Refuse Aes Sedai Healing on his death bed.

As well as others we may not know about.


Jalwin Moerad had a volatile temper, and was half mad. He had frequent long absences and anyone who enquired about him closely died. Takima didn't like him and he was openly contmptuous of Aes Sedai. Days after Artur's death he became the councillor to and then had killed the three closest contenders for the throne, one by one. They were Marithelle Camaelaine, Norodim Nosokawa and then Elfraed Guitama. Jalwin appeared for 40 years, and then disappeared, never aging a day. This lends support to Aran's theories.


Ishamael can, therefore, be credited with the greatest catastrophes of the third age: The Trolloc Wars, and the War of Hundred years. Truly the Dark One's top Captain.


He was killed in the Heart of the Stone by Rand al'Thor with Callandor in his hands. The Great Lord resurrected him into a new body and with a new name, Moridin. He is now very tall and broad shouldered, he has very blue eyes and a deep voice and looks to be in his mid 20's with black hair.


He mostly channels the True Power now, using it to detect both Saidar and Saidin and has the Saa in his eyes. He is now the only person allowed to use the True Power. He also owns a suit of fancloth.


He has two Cour'souvra around his neck. One holds Moghedien, and the other holds Cyndane and he wants Rand dead. Being half trapped has caused him to be half mad and less than half human. He half believes himself to be the Dark One.






Lillen Moiral




"Why do you think your companions look so cheerful? I have taught each of them the same lesson already today. I will not wonder when you must be taught, too. I will be done with you now. Try."

Allegiance: The Dark One.

Title(s): Moghedien - The Spider, Gyldin.


Sturdily handsome with large dark eyes and dark hair to her shoulders. She is stern like a big sister.


Lillen Moiral lived over 200 years before the bore was opened but was considered young for an Aes Sedai. In the age of Legends, a moghedian was a small spider that spun it's web in hidden places. It's bite could kill in seconds.


She was an investment advisor, but was disciplined for violating ethics and laws. She turned to the Shadow in the early part of the Collapse, but kept it secret until the middle of the War of Power.


Lillen held a middle level rank in Lews Therin's command structure during the War of Power, as well as running a secret intelligence network for the Shadow. When she was discovered, she sabotaged a public transport vehicle to help her escape, only just getting away. Thousands died. She is vengeful, never forgetting.


Hiding and taking no risks, she believes in waiting until others fall before striking. She always waits in the shadows until weaknesses show before stiking, mostly because she is a coward. As strong as Nynaeve in the One Power, although Nynaeve may be getting stronger.


In Tanchico, she hid herself as a servant of a Darkfriend merchant keeping an eye on Liandrin and company. Whilst there, she had a battle with Nynaeve which Nynaeve won. Later she arrived in Amadicia and took control of Liandrin's group.


She went on a search for Nynaeve, and found her and Birgitte. She tore Birgitte out of Tel'aran'rhoid, but not before Birgitte put an arrow in her.


Moghedien decided to go under cover becoming Marigan in Samara, Ghealdan and sailing with Nynaeve and Elayne to Salidar. As Marigan, she had a blunt face with a wary look a few years older than Nynaeve. She procured two boys, Jaril and Seve, and claimed them as her sons with a husband who had died 5 years earlier. She claimed to have dealt in herbs in Samara but wanted to escape the mobs.


But she got sloppy, and Nynaeve captured her in Tel'aran'rhiod, the very domain she considers herself master of. Elayne made an a'dam that looks like a necklace and bracelet and "Marigan" became the personal maid of Elayne and Nynaeve, with the both of them renching secrets from the Age of Legends out of her.


Halima finally freed her, and she was immediately summoned to Shayol Ghul. There she was imprisoned in a Cour'souvra, a Mind Trap, and is now the property of Moridin.




Barid Bel Medar



Demandred despised the Dragon, and now that the Dragon had been Reborn,

he had transferred that contempt whole.

Allegiance: The Dark One.


Almost handsome and reaonably tall with a hawk nose. Almost as strong as Lews in the One Power and almost as honored and influencial. He was born one day after Lews Therin Telemon, and was the second most acclaimed man of the Age of Legends behind Lews. He held high offices, and wrote books, not quite as high or successful as Lews Therin. Because of all this, he hates Lews Therin with every ounce of himself - more than Sammael - thinking him a lucky fool. He also once desired Ilyena.


Demandred was one of the great generals for the Light. A gambler, he played the odds with strategic vision and tactical flare. When Lews became Commander of the Light, Demandred's hatred grew. He turned to the shadow in the third year of the War of Power.


Adapting well, he became one the Dark One's best Generals. He punished everyone who had dishonored him or slighted him. Even to the point of killing the entire population of two cities.


Since his escape from the bore, he has been scheming with Mesaana, and has at least once ordered Rand to be killed, and been unsuccessful in the attempt himself. Otherwise his movements are not yet known. He is not Mazrim Taim.


Reason? Winter's Heart Ch. 35, Demandred's POV: "That tottering old man was an Asha'man!" The old man was Damer Flinn. Mazrim Taim knows Damer well, obviously Demandred has never seen him before.





Kamarile Maradim Nindar



"Have you murdered children? Graendal did. She called it kindness so they

would not suffer after she enslaved their parents and carried them away."

Allegiance: The Dark One.

Title(s): Chosen, Lady Basene, Maisia.


Stunningly beautiful, (although Nynaeve thinks her merely plumply pretty) she is buxom and voluptuous with fair skin. She has long red-blond hair and wears lots of jewelery, indulging herself to the extreme. The only people she won't flirt with are Chosen who are above her.


Kamarile Maradim Nindar was a famous dedicated ascetic in the Age of Legends. She was brilliant at treating people with disturbed minds - the best at brain manipulations - being honoured for her work. However she was hard and cutting towards those who didn't live up to her standards. She was approximately 400 years old when the bore was opened.


Ten years after the bore was drilled she became the complete opposite of what she had been, with a total fixation on sexuality and sensuality. Within 25 years of the Collapse beginning, she was the second person to commit to the Shadow. The day she announced her allegiance, the War of Power began. During the war, she helped riots occur, suicides and others behave to help the Dark One without their knowledge.


She used compulsion to gain servants who were beautiful and powerful, killing all of their children. Although the level of compulsion she uses leaves them useful for little more than decoration. She doesn't think of much beyond sensual pleasure. On the surface anyway.


Delving a bit deeper would discover a desire to pull down anyone with power - which explains her need for powerful servants - and deepest of all is the thirst for her own power. Soon after her transition she made the journey to Shayol Ghul and pleged her soul to the Shadow. She accompanied Sammael to Shayol Ghul when he turned to the shadow also.


She is very good at hiding, being the best ever at compulsion. After being freed from the bore she took a palace in Arad Doman, throwing out a family and their servants to do so. She pretends to be a dying old woman - the Lady Basene - who seems to support all sides in the local troubles.


Sammael managed to fool her into helping him scatter the Shaido all around to cause Rand headaches. When Sammael disappeared, she scavanged as much as possible from his apartments. She was last seen being led away by Shaidar Haran.




Nemene Damendar Boann



Given time she could break the strongest man, the proudest woman, mold them exactly as she wanted them. The process might be slower than Compulsion, but it was infinately more enjoyable...

Allegiance: The Dark One, Sadism.


Taller than most men and well proportioned with long slender fingers. She is graceful and calm with dark eyes and a dark face. She enjoys the simple pleasure of needle work. Because Lanfear wears white, Semirhage wore black.


Nemene Damendar Boann was the best Restorer ever, being called from anywhere at an instant to Heal the impossible. However once she had Healed her patients, she like to extract some pain from them. Most were too happy to be alive to worry about a bit of torture, although if she thought they didn't deserve to live, she would kill them. When the Hall of Servants found out, she was given the choice of being bound from sadism, or severing. She chose Shayol Ghul instead and was one of the first to become Chosen.


She hates Aes Sedai totally, and exacted revenge on members of the Hall of Servants, by breaking them and having them proclaim publicly for the Dark One. She Governed many times with cruelty and violence that stands out among the chosen. She discovered how to turn a channeler to the shadow with a circle of thirteen channelers and thirteen Myrddraal.


Semirhage takes enormous pleasure in cruelty and anguish. She once tortured an entire city with everyone breaking each other slowly until they all died. Loved ones and friends breaking the spirit of each other, just to show she could. She also once made a man scream every waking moment for five years, and kept him sane. His heart finally failed. A prisoner being told they were being handed to Semirhage would try to commit suicide. She considers death as an escape.


Some believe that Semirhage is posing as Anath. There is evidence for this, but make your own mind up.




Saine Tarasind





"Mesaana set up schools in the territory she controlled,

schools where children and young people were taught the glories of the Dark One,

taught to kill their friends who didn't learn well enough or fast enough."

Allegiance: The Dark One.


Of average height and appearance. She is hard headed, practical, intelligent and introspective. Just into her middle years, she was over 300 years old when the bore was sealed. She likes real power.


Wanting to be a successful researcher, she applied to the Collam Daan. She was denied a place and instead was given the job of a teacher. So she pledged to the Dark One.


She was an orderly and efficiently brutal administrator, settng up education systems in the conquered territories. The children were taught to spy on each other and parents. Mobs tore down anything that detracted from the Dark One - museums, libraries and research facilities. Teachers, scientists and parents were tried in courts entirely of children, and executed.


These children, called Mesaana's Children, looted, burned and killed with wilful disregard during the Breaking.


When she was freed from the bore, she set up shop in the White Tower, and now has the Black Ajah under her, ordering Alviarin directly. She helped Be'lal set up the trap to capture Rand in Tear, but has otherwise kept a low profile.

Gil Galad - Stella di radianza


Fede Stark
2318 messaggi
Fede Stark


2318 messaggi
Inviato il 24 febbraio 2005 18:57

thks gil! :unsure:

1911 messaggi


1911 messaggi
Inviato il 24 febbraio 2005 20:38

Stai cercando di farmi restare sempre più indietro con le traduzioni? Ho terminato anche l'Ajah Gialla, il che significa che mi rimangono quelle Marrone, Bianca, Grigia, e parte della Nera. Comunque io so una cosa che tu ancora non sai... cosa sarà pubblicato a maggio. :unsure:

Aegon Targaryen
3418 messaggi
Aegon Targaryen


3418 messaggi
Inviato il 24 febbraio 2005 20:43

Mitico Gil....




Kindra, rendici partecipi di cosa uscirà a maggio... :unsure:

3945 messaggi


3945 messaggi
Inviato il 27 febbraio 2005 23:51 Autore

Kindra non tenerti il segreto....................

Gil Galad - Stella di radianza


19 anni fa
Ultima Risposta
19 anni fa