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creato il 15 aprile 2004

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3945 messaggi


3945 messaggi
Inviato il 15 aprile 2004 19:28 Autore

Il Signore Degli Anelli: La Compagnia Dell'anello


Titolo: The Prophecy


The Seer Speaks...


Yénillor morne

tulinte I quettar

tercàno nuruva


Hlasta! Qyetes



The Ringspell...



Titolo: The Council Of Elrond ((Aniron) Enya)


(Theme for Aragorn and Arwen)

Composed and performed by Enya

Lyrics by Roma Ryan


O môr henion i dhu:

Ely siriar, el síla

Ai! Aníron Undómiel


Tiro! El eria e mor.

I 'lir en el luitha 'uren.

Ai! Aniron...





From darkness I understand the night:

dreams flow, a star shines

Ah! I desire Evenstar


Look! A star rises out of the darkness

The song of the star enchants my heart

Ah! I desire...



Titolo: Lothlorien (Elizabeth Frazer (Lament for Gandalf))


(Verse 1: Quenya)


A Olórin i yáresse

Mentaner i Númeherui

Tírien i Rómenóri

Maiaron i Oiosaila

Manan elye etevanne

Nórie i melanelye?


(Verse 2 and 3: Sindarin)


Mithrandir, Mithrandir, A Randir Vithren

ú-reniathach i amar galen

I reniad lín ne môr, nuithannen

In gwidh ristennin, i fae narchannen

I lach Anor ed ardhon gwannen

Calad veleg, ethuiannen.




English Translations:


Olórin, who once was...

Sent by the Lords of the West

To guard the lands of the East

Wisest of all Maiar

What drove you to leave

That which you loved?


Mithrandir, Mithrandir, O Pilgrim Grey

No more will you wander the green fields of this earth

Your journey has ended in darkness.

The bonds but, the spirit broken

The Flame of Anor has left this World

A great light, has gone out.



Titolo: The Breaking Of The Fellowship (Edward Ross (In Dreams))


When the cold of winter comes

Starless night will cover day

In the veiling of the sun

We will walk in bitter rain


But in dreams

I can hear your name

And in dreams

We will meet again


When the seas and mountains fall

And we come, to end of days

In the dark I hear a call

Calling me there,

I will go there

And back again



Titolo: May It Be (Enya)


Composed and performed by Enya

Lyrics by Roma Ryan


May it be an evening star

Shines down upon you

May it be when darkness falls

Your heart will be true

You walk a lonely road

Oh! How far you are from home


Mornie utúlie (darknesss has come)

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)

A promise lives within you now


May it be the shadows call

Will fly away

May it be your journey on

To light the day

When the night is overcome

You may rise to find the sun


Mornie utúlie (darknesss has come)

Believe and you will find your way

Mornie alantie (darknesss has fallen)

A promise lives within you now


A promise lives within you now



Il Signore Degli Anelli II: Le Due Torri


Titolo: Foundations Of Stone (Howard Shore)


(Quenya and Dwarvish)




Irkat-lukhud ma


Ulfat-atam ma

tanakhi uduhu

bin-nât aznân tarsisi


Bazar udu agânî-furkhîn


Ma nîd sakhu!

Ma satf unkhai!

Atkât zatagrafizu

Zatablugi sulluzu(D)




An mauya mahtie.

Mettanna! (Q)






'No shaft of light

Can breach it

No breath of air

Comes from it

Only an endless dark rises


Deep from the beginnings

Of the world.

Have fear.

Do not look down

Nor step too close

The silence will take you.

It will swallow you whole.'




Titolo: The King Of The Golden Hall (Howard Shore)


Of cilde tó menn

Ðæt hé his déað geséo.

[Old English]



Titolo: Evenstar (featuring Isabel Bayrakdarian)


Heo naefre wacode daegred


To bisig daegeweorcum


Ac oft heo wacode sunnanwanung


Thonne nihtciele creap geond moras


And on thaere hwile

Heo dreag tha losinga

Ealra thinga the heo fortas.


Heo swa oft dreag hire sawle sicende


Heo ne cuthre hire hertan lust


She never watched

the morning rising,

Too busy with the

days first chores

But oft she would watch

the sun's fading

As the cold of night swept

across the moors

And in that moment

She felt the loss

Of everything that

Had been missed

So used to feeling

the spirit sink

She had not felt

her own heart's wish.



Titolo: The White Rider (Howard Shore)


Metanna! [0:04]

Lim-strang wæs geboren [0:12]

Bearn léod-cyninga [0:24]

Magorinc [0:33]



Titolo: Helm's Deep (Howard Shore)


Hwær cwóm helm? Hwaer cwóm byrne?

Hwær cwóm feax flówende? HD

Hwær cwóm hand on hearpestrenge?

Hwær cwóm scir fýr scinende?


Héo dréag ðá losinga.

Earla ðinga ðe héo forléas.



Titolo: Breath Of Life (featuring Sheila Chandra)


Uich gwennen na 'wanath ah na dhín.

An uich gwennen na ringyrn ambar hen.

Boe naid bain gwannathar,

Boe cuil ban firitha.

Boe naer gwannathach, [...]



You are not bound to loss and silence.

For you are not bound to the circles of this world.

All things must pass away,

All life is doomed to fade…

Sorrowing you must go, [and yet you are not without hope].



Titolo: Forth Earlingas (Howard Shore featuring Ben Del Maestro)


Hwær cwóm helm? Hwaer cwóm byrne?

Hwær cwóm héah corn weaxende?[Passim]



Titolo: Isengard Unleashed (The Ents) (featuring Elizabeth Fraser & Ben Del Maestro)


(Sindarian Elvish)

rithannen i geven

thangen i harn

na fennas i daur

ol dûr ristannen

Eryn echuiannen

i ngelaidh dagrar

ristar thyn, cúa tawar

Dambedir enyd i ganed

Si linna i waew trin ylf

Isto i dur i chuiyl

i ngelaidh dagrar



Earth shakes,

Stone breaks

The forst is at your door

The dark sleep is broken

The woods have awoken

The trees have gone to war

Roots rend, wood bends

The Ents have answered the call

Through branches now the wind sings

Feel the power of living things

The trees have gone to war




Titolo: Gollum's Song (performed by Emiliana Torrini)


Where once was light

Now darkness falls

Where once was love

Love is no more

Don't say goodbye

Don't say I didn't try


These tears we cry

Are falling rain

For all the lies you told us

The hurt, the blame!

And we will weep to be so alone

We are lost

We can never go home


So in the end

I'll be what I will be

No loyal friend

Was ever there for me


Now we say goodbye

We say you didn't try


These tears you cry

Have come too late

Take back the lies

The hurt, the blame!


And you will weep

When you face the end alone

You are lost

You can never go home

You are lost

You can never go home



Titolo: Entmoot


Words by Philippa Boyens,

translated into Sindarin by David Salo,

music by Howard Shore




Naur vi eryn,

lanc i dalaf.

Mathach vi geven?

Nostach vi 'wilith?

Mâb le i nagor,

Bâd gurth vi ngalad firiel.

Dorthach vi mar han?

Dagrathach go hain?



'The woods are burning,

the ground lies bare.

Do you feel it in the earth?

Can you smell it in the air?

The war is upon you,

Death moves in the fading light.

Are you part of this world?

Will you join their fight?'




Titolo: The Fallen (Theoden Grives for his Son)


Words by Philipa Boyens,

translated into Old English (Rohirric) by David Salo,

music by Howard Shore


Old English (Rohirric)


Hé laered hine rídan

And wealdan méce

And standan fæst

And féond ne forhtian.

Nú hé sceal leornian

Ðæt hearde sóð:

Hé raerede his cnapa

Of cilde tó menn

Ðæt hé his déað geséo.


Sé féond wæs simble mid heom.

Sé féond ne reccede ege.

'He taught him to ride,

To wield a sword.

To stand strong


And show his enemy no fear.

Now he must learn

The hard truth:

That he had brought his boy

From childhood.

So that he might face his death

Like a man.



The enemy was always with them.

The enemy did not care about fear.



Titolo: The Call (Theoden Dresses For Battle)

translated into Old English (Rohirric) by David Salo,

music by Howard Shore.


Old English (Rohirric)

Hwær cwóm helm? Hwaer cwóm byrne?

Hwær cwóm feax flówende?

Hwær cwóm hand on hearpestrenge?

Hwær cwóm scir fýr scinende?

Hwær cwóm lencten and hærfest?

Hwær cwóm héah corn weaxende?

Hwá gegaderath wuduréc of

wealdholte byrnende?

Oððe gesiehth of gársecge

ðá géar gewendende?



'Where is the helm and the hauberk,

and the bright hair flowing?

Where is the hand on the harp string,

and the red fire glowing?

Where is the spring and the harvest

and the tall corn growing?

Who shall gather the smoke of

the dead wood burning?

Or behold the flowing years

from the Sea returning?




Titolo: The King (Theoden is Transformed by Gandalf)


Words by Philipa Boyens,

translated into Old English (Rohirric) by David Salo,

music by Howard Shore


Lim-strang wæs geboren

Bearn léod-cyninga

Magorinc Mearces.

Bunden in byrde tó laedenne

Bunden in lufe tó ðegnunge

Lang beadugear cýðað

Lic onginneð búgan.

Swift déadlic géar Stieppað geond willan.

Ac éagan gíet lóciað Beorhtre gesihðe;

Heorte gíet béateð.



'Strong-limbed he was born

This son of Kings;

This warrior of Rohan.

Bound by birth to lead.

Bound by love to serve.

Long years of war begin to show.

The body has begun to bend.

Swift mortal years outpace the will.

But the eyes still watch clear-sighted.

The great heart is beating still.




Titolo: The Missing


Words by Philippa Boyens,

translated into Old English (Rohirric) by David Salo,

music by Howard Shore


Old English (Rohirric)

Héo naefre wacode dægréd

Tó bisig mid dægeweorcum


Ac oft héo wacode sunnanwanung

Ðonne nihtciele créap geond móras

And on ðaere hwile

Héo dréag ðá losinga

Earla ðinga ðe héo forléas.

Héo swá oft dréag hire sáwle sincende

Héo ne cúðe hire heortan lust.



'She never watched the morning rising,

Too busy with the day's first chores,

But oft she would watch the sun's fading,

As the cold of night crept across the moors.

And in that moment

She felt the loss

Of everything that had been missed.

So used to feeling the spirit sink,

She had not felt her own heart's wish.



Titolo: The Abyss (Gandalf’s fight with the Balrog): featured in Foundations of Stone


Words by Philippa Boyens,

translated into Khuzdul by David Salo,

music by Howard Shore




Irkat-lukhud ma


Ulfat-atam ma

tanakhi uduhu

bin-nât aznân tarsisi


Bazar udu agânî-furkhîn


Ma nîd sakhu!

Ma satf unkhai!

Atkât zatagrafizu

Zatablugi sulluzu


'No shaft of light

Can breach it

No breath of air

Comes from it

Only an endless dark rises


Deep from the beginnings

Of the world.

Have fear.

Do not look down

Nor step too close

The silence will take you.

It will swallow you whole.



Titolo: Aragorn (featured in Breath of Life)


This Sindarin text is by Fran Walsh. It is performed by Sheila Chandra


Solo [by Sheila Chandra] in Sindarin




Uich gwennen na 'wanath ah na dhin. [0.11]


An uich gwennen na ringyrn ambar hen.


Boe naid bain gwannathar,


Boe cuil ban firitha.




Boe naer gwannathach, [...] [1.33]




'You are not bound to loss and silence.


For you are not bound to the circles of this world.


All things must pass away,


All life is doomed to fade…




Sorrowing you must go, [and yet you are not without hope].





Titolo: The Fight: featured in Foundations of Stone


Words by Philippa Boyens,

translated into Quenya by David Salo,

music by Howard Shore



Cuiva Olórin


Tira nottolya

Tulta tuolya

An mauya mahtie

Ter oiomornie

Ter ondicilyar.




'Awake Olórin

Servant of fire

Face your foe

Summon forth your strength

For you must fight

Through endless dark

Through chasms of stone.


To the end.

To the death!




Titolo: Haldir's Lament (featured in Isengard Unleashed)


This verse is a fragment of the Galadriel's Lament (The Fellowship of the Ring book). This Quenya text is by J.R.R. Tolkien. For its analysis see J.R.R. Tolkien The Road Goes Ever On. It is performed by Elizabeth Fraser.


Solo [by Elisabeth Fraser] in Quenya




Ar sindarnoriello caita mornie,


Ar ilye tier undulave lumbule...




'And grey-country-from lies darkness,


And all roads down-licked [the] clouds...




Titolo: The Mearas (featured in Forth Eorlingas)


Text based on the poem The Mearas by Philippa Boyens, translated into Old English (Rohirric) by David Salo, music by Howard Shore


Solo in Old English (Rohirric)




for ?on he w?s scea he f?x w?s ford ealra me du and he f?x hla [2.14]


Chorus in Old English (Rohirric) (simultaneous with above):



for ?on he waes Sceaduf?x [2.14]

hlaford ealra meara



'For he was Shadow...., he, ...fax, was ...lord of all hor..., ...dow..., and he, ...fax, lord...'




'For he was Shadowfax,

Lord of all Horses.'




It is a fragment of The Mearas by Philippa Boyens:


'In the distance they saw him,

White sun caught in his mane.

Logn they called him,

But he would not come.

for he was Shadowfax,

Lord of all Horses.

And he answered only to one.



Il Signore Degli Anelli III: Il Ritorno Del Re


Titolo: Minas Tirith (Ben Del Maestro)


Revail vyrn dan minuial

u galad, u vin anor hen

Cano an dregad

u natha ored

Gwanwen ost in giliath

Dannen Osgiliath


Black wings against a pale morning

There is no more light, not in this sun

Call the retreat

There will be no warning

The citadel of the stars is gone

Osgiliath is fallen



Titolo: The Steward Of Gondor (Billy Boyd)


Boe le henio

E si car athad iyn

Ane ah a phen

I u athelitha.


You must understand.

He does the duty of two sons now.

For himself; and for the one

who will not return.




Home is behind

The world ahead.

And there are many paths to tread.

Through shadow,

To the edge of night

Until the stars are all alight


Mist and shadow

Cloud and shade

All shall fade

All shall...fade



Titolo: Twilight And Shadow (Renee Fleming)


Hollen i ven

In gyrth han agorer

a han beriar in gyrth

Hollen i ven.


The way is shut.

It was made by those who are dead

and the Dead keep it.

The way is shut



Titolo: Anduril


Elo! Anduril;

Lach en Annun

I chatho asgannen,

Ad echannen!


Behold! Anduril;

Flame of the West

The blade [that was] broken,

[has been] remade!



Titolo: The Black Gate Opens (James Galway)


Caedo, losto. U-erin davo.

Amman harthach? Anim unad.

Le tug nach. O hon u-wannathon.

U-moe le anno nad. Onen a hon beth nin.

Gurth han ristatha. Ta han narcho Gurth.

Gar vethed e-chunen, go hon bedithon na meth.


Lie down, sleep. / I cannot yield.

Why do you still hope? / I have nothing else.

You are a fool. / stlyrics / I will not leave him.

You owe him nothing / I gave him my word.

Death will break it. / Then let death break it.

He has the last of my heart. / I will go with him to the end



Titolo: The End Of All Things (Renee Fleming)


The Destruction of the Ring


Mi naurath Orodruin

Boe hedi i Vin.

Han i vangad i moe ben bango.

Sin eriol natha tur in ugarnen

Sin eriol um beleg ugannen

U cilith 'war

U men 'war

Boe vin mebi

Boe vin bango


Into the fires of Orodruin

The One must be cast.

This [is] the price that must be paid.

Only thus its power will be undone,

Only thus a great evil unmade.

There is no other choice,

There is no other way.

One of you must take it,

One of you must pay.




Not Once, Not Ever


Dannen le

A u-erin le regi

Rang ail le iestannen

Lu ail le tegin na hen.

Gwannach o innen ului

U lu erui, ului.


You have fallen.

And I cannot reach you.

Ever step I willed you on,

Every moment I lead you to this.

You never left my mind,

Not once, not ever.




Don't Let Go


Anirach unad

Egor gurth hen

Han cenin vi chen lin

Egor u-erin le devi

Tellin men achae

Brennin men anann

Rago! U-erich leithio,

U-erich o nin gwanno.


You want nothing more

Than this death.

I see it in your eye.

But I cannot let you

We have come too far

We have held on too long.

Reach! You cannot let go,

You cannot leave me.




The Mountain of Fire


Nu dalav

Urui tuiannen na ruith

Leithia Orodruin oe in phan.

Ristannen i geven,

Danna eliad morn.

Si, na vethed

Meth i naid bain

I wilith uria

I ardhon ban lacha!


Beneath the ground

Swollen hot with anger

Orodruin releases all its ruin.

Earth rips asunder

Black rain falls.

Here at the end;

The end of all things.

The air is aflame,

All the world is on fire!




The Eagles


Orthannen im vi ol

Coll e du

Or hiriath naur

Na rovail mae sui 'waew

Man prestant i ardhon?

Cerithar aen illiad dim uthenin?


In a dream I was lifted up.

Borne from the darkness

Above the rivers of fire.

On wings doft as the wind.

What's happened to the world?

Is everything sad going to come untrue?



Titolo: The Return Of The King (Viggo Mortensen)


Aragorn's Coronation


Et Earello Endorenna utulien

Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta


Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come.

In this place I will abide, and my heirs, unto the ending of the world




Song to Tinuviel


Tinuviel elvanui

Elleth alfirin edhelhael

O hon ring finnil fuinui

A renc gelebrin thiliol...


Tinuviel [the] elven-fair,

Immortal maiden elven-wise,

About him cast [her] night-dark hair,

And arms [like] silver glimmering...



Titolo: The Grey Havens (James Galway)


Dartha o nas a thar emyn

Men 'wain egor annon thurin

Ah ae anann erphennin hain

Na vedui cenithon aur wain

I badathon raid yriel

Amrun n'Anor, Annun n'Ithil.


Still round a corner there may wait

A new road or a secret gate;

And though I oft have passed them by,

A day will come at last when I

Shall take the hidden paths that run

West of the Moon, East of the Sun




Titolo: Into The West (Annie Lennox)


Lay down

Your sweet and weary head

The night is falling

You have come to journey's end

Sleep now

And dream of the ones who came before

They are calling

From across the distant shore


Why do you weep?

What are these tears upon your face?

Soon you will see

All of your fears will pass away

Safe in my arms

You're only sleeping


What can you see

On the horizon?

Why do the white gulls call?

Across the sea

A pale moon rises

The ships have come to carry you home


And all will turn

To silver glass

A light on the water

All Souls pass


Hope fades

Into the world of night

Through shadows falling

Out of memory and time

Don't say

We have come now to the end

White shores are calling

You and I will meet again

And you'll be here in my arms

Just sleeping




And all will turn

To silver glass

A light on the water

Grey ships pass

Into the West



Titolo: The Song Of The Green Dragon (Merry & Pippin)


Oh you can search far and wide,

You can drink the whole town dry.

You'll never find a beer so brown

But you'll never find a beer so brown

As the one we're drinking in our town.

You can kick your fancy ales.

You can drink em by the flagon.

But the only brew for the brave and true . . .

Comes from the Green Dragon!

Gil Galad - Stella di radianza


326 messaggi


326 messaggi
Inviato il 15 aprile 2004 23:55

belli...e le canzoni sono splendide!mi manca solo l'ultima colonna sonora e le ho tutte!!mi sa che ora andrò a *ehm* comprarla subito!!



757 messaggi


757 messaggi
Inviato il 16 aprile 2004 16:59

si penso di sca...comprare anche io...

Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri
Guardiani della Notte
25168 messaggi
Lord Beric
Custode dei Corvi Messaggeri

Guardiani della Notte

25168 messaggi
Inviato il 28 aprile 2004 13:06

Comprare per compare, segnalerei la versione DVD della colonna sonora del Ritorno del Re, abbastanza zeppa di speciali...


Non ce l'ho di persona, ma me ne hanno parlato davvero bene!






Lord dei Pan di Stelle - Lord Comandante dei Peluche

The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real... for a moment at least... that long magic moment before we wake.
Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab.
Fantasy tastes of habaneros and honey, cinnamon and cloves, rare red meat and wines as sweet as summer. Reality is beans and tofu, and ashes at the end.
Reality is the strip malls of Burbank, the smokestacks of Cleveland, a parking garage in Newark. Fantasy is the towers of Minas Tirith, the ancient stones of Gormenghast, the halls of Camelot.
Fantasy flies on the wings of Icarus, reality on Southwest Airlines.
Why do our dreams become so much smaller when they finally come true?
We read fantasy to find the colors again, I think. To taste strong spices and hear the songs the sirens sang. There is something old and true in fantasy that speaks to something deep within us, to the child who dreamt that one day he would hunt the forests of the night, and feast beneath the hollow hills, and find a love to last forever somewhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La.
They can keep their heaven. When I die, I'd sooner go to Middle-earth.


[George R. R. Martin]

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