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FantaGOT 07x05
di Lady Monica
creato il 07 agosto 2017

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Lady Monica
Pasticcera Reale della Barriera
Guardiani della Notte
12541 messaggi
Lady Monica
Pasticcera Reale della Barriera

Guardiani della Notte

12541 messaggi
Inviato il 07 agosto 2017 15:48 Autore

Superato lo scoglio di metà stagione, ecco il trailer. Occhio al mercato riparatore.



È Frittella il nostro Re

Fa i pasticci, fa i bignè 

Io ne mangio pure tre

È Frittella il nostro Re!!! 



You're mine. Mine, as I'm yours. And if we die, we die. All men must die, Jon Snow. But first we'll live.




La cosa bella di essere guardiani? l'affetto con cui veniamo ripagati, ma anche il rispetto, la riconoscenza. E' un impegno che dà molto onore e tanta gloria (Cit @Maya )

12774 messaggi


12774 messaggi
Inviato il 07 agosto 2017 19:25

Riassunto ep. 5:




The Episode starts off with the aftermath of the battle of the field of fire http://bit.ly/2uSUmY7 where the Lannisters and Tarlys got their asses kicked. Bronn, after saving Jamie’s life asks him what’s wrong with him and why on earth would he do something as crazy as charging towards a dragon. Jamie starts to wonder how he’s going to tell Cersei that their forces took a massive loss and how the plunder from high garden is now lost and now have no way to pay the Iron Bank. The scene cuts to Dany’s army also facing the aftermath of the battle (handling prisoners and so on) but also the judgment of Randyll and Dickon Tarly, Dany tells the Tarlys to bend the knee and serve her but Randyll who already swore an oath of Cersei and that she is his queen, Dickon also follows in his father’s example and denies Dany as well which is when Dany orders Drogon to roast them which horrifies Tyrion who says its unnecessary and brutal (never explained how he gets to the field of fire) Friki then discusses that it’ll be interesting to see what the soldiers and other minor houses who might have seen these events decide to do after the show of power by Dany, weather some bend the knee or not isn’t stated.

Scene at Dragonstone is next where Dany returns with Drogon (doesn’t mention what the Dothraki do when she leaves or if they return with her) When she arrives at Dragonstone Jon Snow is there waiting for her, Drogon lands in front of Jon which is this scene http://bit.ly/2uLvodF and when she does Dany uses it as a show of power and Jon is a little taken back at first since well it’s a dragon but when Drogon (the most ferocious of the three) gets close, Jon pets him a bit and Drogon allows it which leaves Dany in shock and continues her Intrigue for Jon. After she gets down Friki says they talk about her dragons and how they aren’t beast to her but her children. At this point Jorah Mormont arrives at Dragonstone http://bit.ly/2uTjtdk Friki then jokes how now that he’s been cured of dragon scale and now that Dario is back in Essos that Jorah will have a clear path to Dany but then he sees Jon and is automatically friend zoned… again… (not that he was ever out but w/e) Dany is very happy that Jorah is back and healthy but Jorah is skeptical of Jon Snow (whether Jorah knows who Jon is from the start is not mentioned) there is a point where Jon figures out who Jorah is (son of Jeor, Jon’s mentor at castle black) they end up warming up to each other Friki states that being both of the north and both having daddy issues pretty much brings them together (Friki shows a screen shot of a leak where it also states that Jon offers Long claw back to Jorah since it’s his house’s sword but Jorah turns him down saying his father gave it to Jon for a reason…. Whether this happens this episode or later on isn’t mentioned but I’m pretty sure it’s later on)

Winterfell is next where Bran has warged into a flock of ravens http://bit.ly/2utnkge beyond the wall to see what the Night King is up to but the NK senses it and whether bran is forced out of his vision or leaves out of fear is unknown but the NK does indeed sense him. Friki goes on to ask why bran would warg an entire flock and not just one since it would be a little stealthier (even though the NK would’ve sensed his presence either way) and Friki says that he does so because he will send these ravens to send messages across Westeros (doesn’t state how they get these messages or if they already had them tied to their feet)

Back to Dragonstone where Jon gets a raven stating that Arya and Bran have arrived back at Winterfell which makes Jon happy but doesn’t have the time to think about it. Jon doesn’t see bran or Arya this season (fml) Friki also says that the raven should also include information about what he (Bran) saw while warged into the ravens to let him know they (the great other) are coming close. Tyrion and varys talk how Tyrion wonders if Dany will be as brutal as her father and how Dany did things that were unnecessary (burning the Tarlys) and what they should do about it. They then decide to plead to Cersei about the great other and to join them to pause or end the war since every man in Westeros will be needed to fight the great other. Cersei being the hard headed bitch that she is would not listen to Tyrion (especially since she hates him) so they get in contact with Bronn (who after witnessing what the war will be like decided to help set the meeting up) to trick Jamie to meet with them since Jamie might not be willing to talk to Tyrion since he killed their father.

Tyrion use Ser Davos’s smuggling talents to sneak past Kings Landing’s defenses to meet with Jamie. Bronn leads Jamie to a sort of catacombs where Tyrion is at (Friki states that Jamie won’t harm Tyrion since Jamie now knows for certain that Tyrion didn’t kill Joffrey and that their dad just wanted to kill Tyrion and then goes on to say how Tyrion might be a secret Targaryen but it’s not related to this episode just back story from Friki) So Tyrion tries to convince Jamie to tell Cersei to surrender but that she should join them to fight the great other. While they talk, Ser Davos is walking through kings landing through the armorers and blacksmiths when he runs into Gendry working as a blacksmith making swords and such. Davos jokes that he left him rowing and Gendry sees him and is happy to see him but also admits he’s tired of making swords specially since he’s making them for the Lannisters (those who killed his father) Davos invites him to come with him to which Gendry agrees, this is when he takes out a weapon he forged for himself, a Warhammer with a Stag carved into it (the sigil of House Baratheon and weapon of choice of his father) Tyrion, Davos and Gendry meet back where their boat was (a row boat that takes them to their ship) to go back to Dragonstone when two gold cloaks (the city watch aka police) stops them to ask questions (during a time of war no one can come and go as they please) Davos being the smuggler he is tells them they are traders to which the gold cloaks ask them what they trade to which Davos says they trade aphrodisiac crabs (aphrodisiac is a food that stimulates sexual desire.. westerosi Viagra?) and offers these crabs to them as a form of bribery to let them go, while Davos is working his smuggler magic, Gendry is getting a little nervous and has his hammer hidden in the boat trying not to raise suspicion but then Tyrion “the most famous dwarf in the world” Lannister is seen trying to sneak pass by the gold cloaks which automatically makes them see through Davos’s deception, this is when Gendry takes his war hammer out and kicks absolute ass, hitting one on the head and the other on the chest http://bit.ly/2uTb6hN (the leaked scene doesn’t make it look like the guy got hit in the chest but it may not be the final take they used in the episode) Friki then goes on to say but doesn’t make it clear if this does or doesn’t happen in THIS episode about how Jamie tells Cersei about him meeting with Tyrion (but from how he is telling it I think it’s his opinion but won’t happen this episode)

The three (Tyrion, Davos and Gendry) make it back to Dragonstone where Jon and Gendry meet for the first time, both being bastards and both meeting each other’s fathers makes them relate and become friends (Gendry doesn’t mention anything about Arya) another reunion that takes place in Dragonstone is between Jorah and Tyrion. Tyrion says that the Lannisters will not join because they don’t believe in the great other and think it’s a trap, Jon decides he must bring proof about the great other to the south so that all the kingdoms will join and fight as one. So Jon, Jorah, Davos (although a leak says Davos only goes to the wall and no further because of this age) and Gendry which is when we see the scene where Dany and Jon say goodbye to each other http://bit.ly/2vFkC5I which is when Jon tell Dany somewhere along the lines of “well if I don’t return you won’t have to deal with the king of the north anymore” to which Dany responds somewhere along the lines of “I’ve gotten used to him” (ohhhh shiiiiitttttt).

The following scene is at Eastwatch by the Sea, where those traveling from Dragonstone (yes there is a time machine let it go) meet Tormund where he and other wildlings have been manning the wall. When he’s there we are surprised when Tormund takes Jon to the ice cells where he has put the brotherhood without banners + the hound. Jon then offers them a chance to go beyond the wall with him after they tell him the red god wants them to go beyond the wall, Gendry doesn’t trust them however since they sold him to Stannis to get his blood sucked and who can blame him. Also, Jorah is recognized by Tormund (somehow) who knows his father was Jeor the lord commander who made their life hell for a long time fighting the free folk, then Jon sees the hound who knows what the he has done for Joffrey and some stuff that Sansa has told him he’d done so he doesn’t trust him either. But either way they decide to go together under Jon’s leadership and start to range beyond the wall to try to capture a wight to bring as proof.

In Winterfell little finger is trying to do little finger shit by stirring things up with the lords of the north saying TKITN has abandoned them and Sansa is trying to keep shit together but Arya sees that Sansa might want the North for herself and doesn’t exactly back Jon (who Arya loves most) Arya doesn’t trust Little Finger (especially since she was the cup bearer for Tywin at Harrenhal http://bit.ly/2eKCOH2 when little finger visited Tywin, she saw them together listening to their schemes but LF never recognizes her)… Arya starts to spy on him which LF being the cunning guy he is recognizes, LF also sees that she doesn’t have an agenda which he admits is dangerous since it’s hard to manipulate someone like that but he can try to deceive her… he pulls the letter Sansa had been made to sign in season two asking Robb to bend the knee and how Ned was a traitor and stuff and makes sure Arya sees him hiding it which Arya decides to look for it http://bit.ly/2tGEAQ6 .... LF knows that if Arya was to find this letter Arya will have even more suspicion that Sansa will want to overthrow Jon… When Arya Finds it LF is watching her find the letter http://bit.ly/2v41iSO and he believes everything is going to plan…

Old Town is last and we see Sam grow tired of the way the maesters are handling the great other and blinded by their knowledge he knows he must leave to Winterfell. Friki believes the catalyst that makes him leave is one of the ravens that bran sends about the army of the dead to which the maesters brush off as BS. Also we see Gilly continuing to learn how to read, she has been reading a diary or record of events by the now dead High Septon Maynard and she’s reading them to a uninterested or just busy Sam, she reads a piece that says Maynard “issued an annulment for a prince ‘ragger’ and remarried him to someone else in a secret ceremony in Dorne” (oohhhhh shiiiiittttttt) since Gilly is just now learning to read she mispronounces Rhaegar’s name which is why same doesn’t catch it (also Friki says that Sam doesn’t pay attention and doesn’t really make him think of anything but that it does come up later in the season when he speaks to Bran in Winterfell) during this time Sam decides to leave the Citadel knowing that no one there will help him achieve or help him with things happening in the north since there is only one person that believes what he says and even then it is dismissed. He, Gilly and baby Sam board a cart http://bit.ly/2tA1GE9 and leave oldtown with heartsbane and books he might have taken and head to Winterfell.




« I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. »


459 messaggi


459 messaggi
Inviato il 07 agosto 2017 22:34

Forse i draghi e Dany non convengono, se si parla tanto di eccesso di crudeltà da parte sua.....

Ad occhio mi sembra che i puntoni possa farli Bran. Tra i migliori pure Jon, Davos e forse Tyrion. Bene pure Tormund. Da valutare Sam e Gilly (che dai primi leaks sembrava potesse far meglio i questo frangente, invece mi sa sarà una mezza sòla...). Arya sembra maluccio. 


12774 messaggi


12774 messaggi
Inviato il 08 agosto 2017 10:23

Secondo me Dany non prende il malus crudeltà. Infatti il regolamento dice:



Il personaggio commette o ordina delle violenze (percosse, torture, ferimenti, mutilazioni) che non hanno un motivo preciso e vengono commesse su persone innocenti (gratuite), che risultano eccessive in relazione alla situazione (ferire gravemente qualcuno per un piccolo sgarro o errore ad esempio) o che risultano alla fine controproducenti o dannose per il personaggio. Questo punteggio viene assegnato una sola volta ad episodio, indipendentemente dal numero di questo tipo di azioni e dallo loro gravità. Per quanto riguarda uccisioni di questo tipo, c'è un punteggio a parte.


Lei invece uccide dei nemici ai quali ha offerto la possibilità di arrendersi. Se non ricordo male non le diedero il malus nemmeno nella stagione in cui bruciò vivi gli schiavisti. Se la prendo io credo che la metterò in questa puntata.


« I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. »


Hobb 3 Dita
Guardiani della Notte
1079 messaggi
Hobb 3 Dita


Guardiani della Notte

1079 messaggi
Inviato il 09 agosto 2017 11:56

Per questo episodio con la squadra Lannister ho Gilly come obbligo... Per il resto sto rifacendo la squadra ma dovrei mettere Jon Daenerys e Bran.


Con l'altra squadra mi sa che metto Davos.

Lyra Stark
14108 messaggi
Lyra Stark


14108 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 17:57

Tento con

Jon, Dany, Bran,  WW (dovrebbero essere avvistati da bran)


Jon, Dany, WW, Draghi

Incerta se inserire bran

E' sempre un dispiacere che quando tutti i lupi dovrebbero sollevarsi, un posto possa rimanere vuoto.


A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.


When the snows fall and the white winds blow,

the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives


Stark è grigio e Greyjoy è nero

Ma sembra che il vento sia in entrambi

What do they say of Robb Stark in the North?
They call him The Young Wolf
They say he can't be killed...
A thousand years before the Conquest, a promise was made, and oaths were sworn in the Wolf's Den before the old gods and the new. When we were sore beset and friendless, hounded from our homes and in peril of our lives, the wolves took us in and nourished us and protected us against our enemies. The city is built upon the land they gave us. In return we swore that we should always be their men. Stark men!


1752 messaggi


1752 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 18:14

Nella squadra Targaryen gioco: Dany, Jon, Davos e WW


Nella squadra Lannister: Dany, Jon, WW e Gilly (ultimo obbligo)


Nella squadra Stark che mi va meglio: Jon, Bran, WW e Gilly (ultimo obbligo)


Nella squadra Stark che mi va peggio: Jon, Dany, WW e Bronn



"And now at last it comes. You will give me the Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!”


She lifted up her hand and from the ring that she wore there issued a great light that illuminated her alone and left all else dark. She stood before Frodo seeming now tall beyond measurement, and beautiful beyond enduring, terrible and worshipful. Then she let her hand fall, and the light faded, and suddenly she laughed again, and lo! she was shrunken: a slender elf-woman, clad in simple white, whose gentle voice was soft and sad.


“I pass the test”, she said. “I will diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel.”




"A ruler needs a good head and a true heart," she famously told the king. "A cock is not essential. If your Grace truly believes that women lack the wit to rule, plainly you have no further need of me." And thus Queen Alysanne departed King's Landing and flew to Dragonstone on her dragon Silverwing. [...] The queen died of a wasting illness in 100 AC, at the age of four-and-sixty, still insisting that her granddaughter Rhaenys and her children had been unfairly cheated of their rights. "The boy in the belly," the unborn child who had been the subject of so much debate, proved to be a girl when born in 93 AC. Her mother named her Laena. The next year, Rhaenys gave her a brother Laenor. 



Hobb 3 Dita
Guardiani della Notte
1079 messaggi
Hobb 3 Dita


Guardiani della Notte

1079 messaggi
Inviato il 12 agosto 2017 19:11

Squadra Lannister: Jon Daenerys White Walkers Gilly (obbligo)


Altra squadra: Jon Daenerys White Walkers Bran

7 anni fa
Ultima Risposta
7 anni fa