The Evil Criminal Test
Congratulations, you're Elizabeth Bathory!
Hailing from sunny Transylvania, your first blood-related incident was when you stabbed a servant girl in the face with a pair of scissors for underperforming. Some of the red spray landed on your hands, and as you washed it off, you noticed that it left your skin fresh and young looking. From then on you were convinced that the blood of young girls was the secret to eternal youth.
Rather than killing girls outright by stabbing them or slitting their throats, you enjoy torturing them for weeks on end by pricking them with needles or prodding with sharp spikes - all to bathe in their blood. You've killed over six hundred women, all without raising a peep from the authorities.
If you wish, you can proudly tell the world that you bathe in virgin juice with the following fine graphic:
pazzesco.......ce n'casino bestiale in quella pagina...cose ke nn c'entrano un fico secco...cmq ho fatto il test di david bowie e nn ci ho capito nulla, quello dello jedi mi vengono fuori pubblicita porno, e infine !!! quello del criminale mi è venuto JACK THE RIPPER ..........che dire..???....WOW !!!
mh, ho sbagliato link, volevo mettere quello diretto al test... oh beh, sbizzarritevi!
cmq io sono il David Bowie anni '90.. mah
Congratulations, you're Charles Manson!
Mad as a hatter and friend of Beach Boy Dennis Wilson, you believe that the Beatles song Helter Skelter is indicative of a coming race war, where the "blackies" will win. You also consider yourself a talented folksinger.
You have amassed a group of female followers known as The Family, who perform killings for you and look upon you as if you were Jesus Christ. You have sex with each and every one of them, and encourage them to have sex with each other, but they're most famous for killing pregnant actress Sharon Tate.
If you wish, you can proudly tell the world that you wrote a Beach Boys song and killed Roman Polanski's wife with the following fine graphic:
If you wish, you can proudly tell the world that you wrote a Beach Boys song
mmm..beach boys...BALORDI !!!???!!!
Non avrei mai immaginato:
Congratulations, you're Imelda Marcos!
You're famous for your shoes (enough that you eventually opened an entire museum of them), and sometimes lauded as a celebrity. But underneath, you're still the woman who spent billions of dollars of money stolen from the Filipino population; theft that lead to extreme poverty.
Your husband, Ferdinand Marco, stole well over $5 billion, and plunged the entire country into heavier and heavier debt. Your response? Spend it. Spend it all.
Even when you claim to have reformed, sources estimate that you illegally hold $12 billion worth of shares. I guess luxury's just your style.
Waymar Royce
Pare che anch'io sia Jack lo Squartatore, the most famous killer
Come diavolo hai trovato 'sti test???
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The Evil Criminal Test
Congratulations, you're Elizabeth Bathory!
Hailing from sunny Transylvania, your first blood-related incident was when you stabbed a servant girl in the face with a pair of scissors for underperforming. Some of the red spray landed on your hands, and as you washed it off, you noticed that it left your skin fresh and young looking. From then on you were convinced that the blood of young girls was the secret to eternal youth.
Rather than killing girls outright by stabbing them or slitting their throats, you enjoy torturing them for weeks on end by pricking them with needles or prodding with sharp spikes - all to bathe in their blood. You've killed over six hundred women, all without raising a peep from the authorities.
If you wish, you can proudly tell the world that you bathe in virgin juice with the following fine graphic:
Cavolo una donna sono uscito
Storia sto test
Cavolo una donna sono uscito
Per Loras Tyrell, che altro doveva uscire se non una donna?
Su dai non prendertela scherzo!!!
Per Loras Tyrell, che altro doveva uscire se non una donna?
Su da non prendertela scherzo!!!
WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!Tranquillo non ti preoccupare ...era un assist
Jack the Ripper pure io!!!
Io sono Jack the Ripper... che bello, è il mio serial killer preferito.
Charles Manson...
Congratulations, you're President Harry S. Truman!
Due to the death of President Roosevelt, you became President of the United States of America on April 12th, 1945 - just at the tail end of World War Two. Japan had offered a surrender in January, and once you were in power, attempted again in May. In July, they offered surrender at least six times.
In August, against Roosevelt's known wishes and the wishes of many of your advisors, you dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city Hiroshima, and another one on Nagasaki. Literally hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians died; many, many more suffered horrible sicknesses from the radiation. As Eisenhower put it: "the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing."
Mmmmhhh... beh, in effetti quando mi ci metto ci do dentro...!
Allora, a me sono uscite un po' di cose interessanti:
Me la spasserei volentieri con Angelina Jolie (mica sono fesso!), mentre sono vestito come Jack lo Squartatore, e per questo finirei nel girone dei lussuriosi (a parimerito con quello degli eretici)...
Ed io che credevo di essere una cattiva persona!!!
Quasi dimenticavo... Sono un potenziale Agente Smith!!!
Questo è il suono dell'inevitabilità, signor Anderson