Sharingan sei davvero il maestro delle spie! Le sai tutte!
Urge trovare un posto per Brienne... Bran è un peccato mollarlo... dove la piazzo??!! Che valga più lei di un Tormund? Forse sì, almeno è sicura...
E' sempre un dispiacere che quando tutti i lupi dovrebbero sollevarsi, un posto possa rimanere vuoto.
A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.
When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives
Stark è grigio e Greyjoy è nero
Ma sembra che il vento sia in entrambi
Dopo aver preso Ellaria le mie due formazioni diventano queste:
sharingan: Jon, Brienne, Davos, Ellaria
Prof. Saimon: Jon, Melisandre, Davos, Brienne
Qualche altra info presa dai leak:
si vede Meereen in fiamme con Tyrion e Varys che guardano da vicino. Tyrion quindi potrebbe prendere dei malus per questa situazione (se è opera dell'Arpia e lui si comporta da leader ne è indirettamente colpevole).
Il primo ad apparire è Jon, l'ultimo Melisandre.
« I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. »
Anche alla luce di queste preziosissime informazioni ho deciso di schierare Jon, Brienne, Davos e Metalupi!
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Mi sa che dopo le ultime info di Sharingan, maestro delle spie , faccio dei cambi.
Albert Stark: Jon (Tyrion), Brienne, Davos, Ellaria
Albert Targ: Jon (Tyrion), Brienne, Davos, Ellaria
Team Schiappe: Davos (Jon), Brienne, Ellaria, Jaqen
Quelli tra parentesi sono i dubbi!!
Io alla fine ho cambiato
SheWolfMM: Jon, Brienne, Davos ed Ellaria (presa al posto dei lupi)
Ok mollo subito tyrion e metto brienne!
Nella squadra due potrei forse mettere ellaria al posto di yara...
E' sempre un dispiacere che quando tutti i lupi dovrebbero sollevarsi, un posto possa rimanere vuoto.
A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.
When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives
Stark è grigio e Greyjoy è nero
Ma sembra che il vento sia in entrambi
Un resoconto abbastanza dettagliato della premiere, dal quale possiamo ricavare utili info (tenete presente che l'autore del post prende in giro D&D taroccando i nomi, comunque abbastanza riconoscibili):
Faullaria and the Sand Fakes murder Hotah, Doran, and Trystane. Apparently, Trys was on a separate boat from Larry and Myrcella (??). First they stab Hotah in the back:
Then Faullaria kills Doran:
As he’s dying Doran asks what will become of his son. Faullaria tells him he’s a WEAK man and so is Trystane and a WEAK men will never rule Dorne again. There’s 6-8 guards in the room with Doran and Faullaria and they do nothing, so I guess they agree with her toxic masculinity-based assessment.
As Faullaria is talking, we cut to Trys’s boat, where 2 Sand Fakes pop out (shockingly the viewer had trouble differentiating them) and do this:
Okay! Elsewhere, Larry gets back and Carol runs down to meet them at the docks and cries when she sees it’s only Larry.
Later, Larry comforts Carol, tells her that they’re the only two people who matter, and they’re going to get back everything that was taken from themand more. He also didn’t bother to ask about her haircut. Maybe he knows what happened by telepathy.
Sansa and Theon escape Winterhell, and Brienne magically knows it, because she shows up in the nick of time to save them from Ramsay’s men. Theon saves Pod? Sansa then forgets the words to accept Brienne into her service (the “official words”) so Pod has to remind her.
Tyrion’s having a grand old time being Dany in ADWD. He and Varys stroll around the city and exposit on how things are. Then we learn that Deadpan’s magically acquired fleet is burned. Remind me why anyone claims D&D plan more than one season in advance? Good thing there’s probably a swashbuckling lesbian who will be on her way later (seven save me).
Speaking of Deadpan, the Dothraki who have her all keep making jokes about her pubic hair and raping her in her ass. She’s brought to the Khal and the Khal’s wife says they should behead her. The Khal (might be blind?) says “oh it’s cause she’s hot”) and says he’s going to lie with Deadpan. Deadpan then reveals that she is Drogo’s wife, and the Khal is like, “well okay, you’re protected and we won’t touch you. But you gotta go to the dosh khaleen.”
Jorah and Faabio find the leaf of Lothlórien.
In Braavos, Arya is blind and begging, and The Asshole comes and smacks her with a stick. They fight, Asshole wins and says something to the effect of “smell ya later.”
Ramsay Sue mourns Myranda, talks about how much he loves her, and then when asked if he wants to bury her, orders his men to give her “good meat” to the dogs. Idk if this is before or after, but Roose has a convo with Ramsay Sue that defeating Stannis is one thing given how beat up his team was, the Lannisters will be another. He reiterates how they went against the crown in the Sansa marriage, despite the fact that this actually neutralized the Stark threat for them. But if they keep saying it, it must be true, so…
Up at the Wall, Thorne admits to killing Jon. Says he forced them into a tough decision. Blames Jon for letting the wildlings through the Wall even though he was literally the one who let them in. We saw it. Remember when D&D ripped off Schindler’s list? Then idk what happens, but Jon’s like, 4 friends and Davos end up holed in a room together with Jon’s corpse and Ghost. Thorne says they have til nightfall to surrender or he’s gonna shitkick the door down. For some reason.
Finally, Mel has a small crisis of faith, disrobes, takes of her necklace, and despite us seeing her without it before in S4 or w/e, she becomes:
No Bran, no Sam.
« I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. »
Wow... sono senza parole. Il peggio del peggio del peggio...
A questo punto non schiero Bran.
E' sempre un dispiacere che quando tutti i lupi dovrebbero sollevarsi, un posto possa rimanere vuoto.
A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.
When the snows fall and the white winds blow,
the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives
Stark è grigio e Greyjoy è nero
Ma sembra che il vento sia in entrambi
Metterò sicuramente Jon, Melisandre e Ellaria.
Il quarto non saprei...
Pod? Rischia qualche malus, ma almeno sono sicuro che appare.
Daario? Qualche punto dovrebbe farlo, ma potrebbe anche avere episodi migliori.
I metalupi? Spettro appare di certo...
Oppure vado sul sicuro con Tyrion? Non porterà a casa millemila punti in questo episodio, ma qualche sorsata di vino la farà di certo...
Alla faccia degli spoiler
Meglio Cersei o i Metalupi?
A questo punto evidentemente
dany non se la passerà tanto male?
Wow, mitico Sharingan per tutte queste info!
Quindi nella prima squadra devo togliere Bran e lo sostituisco con Brienne.
Nella seconda ho ancora più dubbi: chi sarà meno peggio tra Sansa/Tormund/Jaime?
Ellaria mi rifiuto di prenderla, sicuramente farà punti per strategia, piano riuscito, ecc... ma avrà anche malus per violenza e tradimento credo.
(Sorvolando sulle trashate narrative)
Secondo me non conviene molto aggiungere Ellaria, perché di sicuro becca i malus.
Alla faccia degli spoiler
Meglio Cersei o i Metalupi?
Su questo episodio, i metalupi.
Comunque la mia formazione sarà:
Tyrion Jon Brienne Davos
sembra una fan fiction