Su hanno pubblicato una serie di domande su twow cui i lettori possono rispondere cercando di indovinarne il più possibile, cosicché chi ne indovina di più vince questa particolare league.
Io pensavo che sarebbe divertente fare la stessa cosa sul nostro blog italiano, magari semplicemente cercando di indovinare le domande senza fare classifiche.
Riproduco qui le domande prese da Le lascio in inglese visto che siamo nella torre del re e si presuppone che tutti conoscano l'inglese. Se è necessario cono comunque disponibile a tradurle!
Dovete fare copia e incolla delle domande e rispondere!!
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
(2 points)
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
(3 points)
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
(2 point)
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
(3 points)
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei Yes/No
Daenerys and Jon Snow Yes/No
Arya and Gendry Yes/No
Shaggydog and Summer Yes/No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow Yes/No
(1 point each, 5 total)
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
(2 points)
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
(2 points)
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
(1 point)
*Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
(1 point)
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
(2 points)
*Cities, islands, kingdoms, castles...
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
(1 point)
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
(2 points)
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
(1 point)
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
(2 points)
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
(1 point)
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
(1 point)
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
(1 point)
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
(1 point)
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
(1 point)
PS. spero di aver indovinato la sezione. Avevo il dubbio con La Torre Del Silenzio!!
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
marzo 2015, ovvero poco prima che inizi la quinta stagione di Game of Thrones
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
Il primo? difficilissima... boh, butto là un Barristan
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
se è il penultimo libro, sicuramente sì
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
Sarella e Aegon e in un certo senso anche Varys
5. Which of these encouters will happen
Tyrion and Cersei: NO
Daenerys and Jon Snow: NO
Arya and Gendry: NO
Shaggydog and Summer: NO
Howland Reed and Jon Snow: NO
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
A nord
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
sicuramente Martin approfitterà della scusa del viaggio per farci vedere qualche altra inutile e mal caratterizzata località del continente orientale, ma la destinazione finale credo sarà Westeros.
A nordpure lei.
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
Yunkaii, Vecchia Città.
Anche se spero che volino all'inferno morti stecchiti.
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
Se Jon è stato messo fuori gioco (ed è un se molto grosso) mi verrebbe da dire
nessuno, perché la cosa più logica da ipotizzare sarebbe che i bruti dopo la morte di Jon spazzano via quei quattro gdn rimasti.
Ma non posso credere che Bowen e gli altri congiurati non ci abbiano pensato, e non si siano accordati quantomeno con alcuni dei bruti, o si siano assicurati l'appoggio di un qualche Lord (Karstark e il Maknar?). In caso contrario sarebbe una mossa suicida e totalmente irrealistica.
Quindi Bowen stesso, o Yarwick, o Thorne, o uno di questi deficienti.
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
Porto Bianco
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
niente, perché Sansa verrà rapita dal Topo Pazzo
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
Nulla di materiale. Imho è un golem, non uno zombie. Diciamo l'anima di Ser Gregor.
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
accetto o simili, a quanto parrebbe
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
Chiunque ma non Theon (magari Brynden, toh) perché la trovata della doppia personalità, da fight club in avanti, mi fa schifo proprio. Da vita a colpi di scena di una faciloneria decisamente inaccettabile.
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
no, morirà prima.
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
boh...has come...
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
(2 points)
Dicembre 2014
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
(3 points)
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
(2 point)
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
(3 points)
Aegon, Alleras, la falsa Arya, septa Lemore
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei No
Daenerys and Jon Snow No
Arya and Gendry No
Shaggydog and Summer No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow No
(1 point each, 5 total)
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
(2 points)
Insieme alla compagnia ex di Dondarrion
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
(2 points)
A Meeren
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
(1 point)
*Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
(1 point)
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
(2 points)
*Cities, islands, kingdoms, castles...
Non lo so/non mi interessa
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
(1 point)
Non ci sarà
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
(2 points)
A Grande Inverno
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
(1 point)
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
(2 points)
Non si sposeranno. Ci sarà qualche approccio, ma nulla di particolare.
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
(1 point)
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
(1 point)
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
(1 point)
La coscienza di Theon
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
(1 point)
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
(1 point)
« I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,
The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away. »
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
(2 points)
giugno 2014. Sono ottimista
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
(3 points)
Cersei (solo perchè se lo meriterebbe a mille!), ma so che non succederà perchè prima dovrebbero morire Tommen e Myrcella.
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
(2 points)
Ho idea di no. Secondo me, rimarranno sempre una minaccia sullo sfondo. Al massimo ci saranno avvistamenti.
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
(3 points)
Jon Snow sarà rivelato per essere figlio di Rhaegar e Lyanna
Lemore salterà fuori per essere una nobile di Westeros, anche se non sono certa di chi sia veramente. Ashara Dayne mi sembra scontato, anche se possibile.
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei Yes (o meglio, lo spero!)
Daenerys and Jon Snow No
Arya and Gendry Yes
Shaggydog and Summer Yes
Howland Reed and Jon Snow No (o solo per interposta persona)
(1 point each, 5 total)
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
(2 points)
E' quello che vorrei sapere anche io!
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
(2 points)
Al Nord, ingaggiata al seguito dell'esercito di Stannis... anche se lui magari sarà morto.
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
(1 point)
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
(1 point)
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
(2 points)
*Cities, islands, kingdoms, castles.Troppo lungo. Secondo me, spazieranno un po' dappertutto tra Baia degli schiavi, Città libere e Westeros
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
(1 point)
Sempre che la Confraternita duri tanto da arrivare a doverne eleggere uno!
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
(2 points)
Sul seggio di Grande Inverno... impegnato a ricostruire
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
(1 point)
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
(2 points)
Ditocorto di solito ottiene quello che vuole, quindi probabilmente il matrimonio ci sarà.
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
(1 point)
La massa in putrefazione della Montagna, tenuta insieme da magia e un po' di scienza del suo creatore.
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
(1 point)
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
(1 point)
Alla fine credo sia Theon... anche se non adoro questa teoria. Però è l'unica che mi convince abbastanza.
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
(1 point)
Far sposare Arianne e Aegon sarebbe uno spreco, visto che Aegon (se è davvero lui) è figlio di Elia Martell, zia di Arianne, e quindi è già un Martell.
Aegon potrebbe finire con Daenerys, per rispetto delle tradizioni familiari, ma forse, nella situazione incasinata in cui si trovano, sarebbe più intelligente un matrimonio con un'altra grande casata.
Arianne sposerà qualcun altro, anche se credo che al momento non sia facile capire chi potrebbe essere.
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
(1 point)
The End. (ma ha davvero senso discutere di quale sarà l'ultimissima parola? Vero che Martin sceglie con cura, ma credo che scelga più in vista dell'economia del periodo o del paragrafo e non in funzione delle singole parole. Quindi sarà probabilmente quella che calza meglio nell'insieme dell'ultima frase quando la scriverà)
Lo faccio anch'io!
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
(2 points)
Giugno 2014
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
(3 points)
Il mastino, ucciso a singolar tenzone da ser Robert Strong
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
(2 point)
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
(3 points)
Septa Lemore è Ashara, Alleras (la sfinge) è Sarella Sand,
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei No
Daenerys and Jon Snow No
Arya and Gendry Yes
Shaggydog and Summer No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow No
(1 point each, 5 total)
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
(2 points)
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
(2 points)
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
(1 point)
*Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
(1 point)
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
(2 points)
*Cities, islands, kingdoms, castles...
Meereen, Dorne
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
(1 point)
ser Allister Thorne, senza elezioni
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
(2 points)
Winterfell (o in viaggio per raggiungerla)
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
(1 point)
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
(2 points)
Non si sposano, Harry muore
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
(1 point)
Nulla, ha il corpo ma non la testa
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
(1 point)
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
(1 point)
Non so se è possibile quanto a tempistica, ma Brynden
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
(1 point)
Si, Aegon
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
(1 point)
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
giugno 2015
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
Walder Frey (lord feh feh)
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
(3 points)
l'high sparrow in realtà è un agente di varys
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei No
Daenerys and Jon Snow No
Arya and Gendry No
Shaggydog and Summer No (non in realtà, al massimo tramite sogni/visioni)
Howland Reed and Jon Snow Yes
(1 point each, 5 total)
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
(2 points)
Alle torri gemelle
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
(2 points)
da Daenerys
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
(1 point)
*Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
(1 point)
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
(2 points)
*Cities, islands, kingdoms, castles...
Roccia del drago
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
(1 point)
Bowen Marsh (pro tempore, prima che Jon gli faccia il c**o a strisce)
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
(2 points)
Alla barriera
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
(1 point)
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
(2 points)
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
(1 point)
L'armatura " />Secondo me l'elmo è vuoto
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
(1 point)
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
(1 point)
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
(1 point)
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
(1 point)
Per me l'ultima parola sarà coming! :P
Sol da poco son giunto in queste terre, da una estrema ultima Thule. Un paese selvaggio che giace, sublime, fuori dal Tempo, fuori dallo Spazio.
All fled, all done, so lift me on the pyre. The feast is over and the lamps expire.
"I walked this land when the Tlan Imass were but children. I have commanded armies a hundred thousand strong.
I have spread the fire of my wrath across entire continents, and sat alone upon tall thrones. Do you grasp the meaning of this?"
"Yes" said Caladan Brood "you never learn."
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
(2 points)
Novembre 2014
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
(3 points)
Propenderei per Barristan, rimanendo sempre tra i personaggi principali. Da solo in un covo di serpi, lo vedo male..
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
(2 point)
Secondo me sì...
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
(3 points)
Boh, direi qualcuno legato alla combriccola di Aegon (Young Griff version). Probabilmente Lemore, altri non saprei. Forse Jon Snow ma potrebbe anche aspettare ancora il buon Martinone.
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei No (anche se sarebbe bello)
Daenerys and Jon Snow No
Arya and Gendry No
Shaggydog and Summer No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow No
(1 point each, 5 total)
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
(2 points)
Probabilmente con la confraternita senza vessilli di Dondarrion, oppure nascosto nella valle di Arryn da qualche parte...
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
(2 points)
Al nord
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
(1 point)
*Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
(1 point)
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
(2 points)
Non sono sicuro che i draghi si allontaneranno troppo dalle loro tane
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
(1 point)
Edd l'addolorato!!! (Io lo voterei).... A parte gli scherzi: nessuno
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
(2 points)
Porto bianco o Grande Inverno se no sotto terra
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
(1 point)
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
(2 points)
Penso che si sposeranno ma non ci punterei tutto
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
(1 point)
La testa di Gregor... E se invece quella nelle mani dei Martell é autentica ci sarà una testa random (Septa Mordane? Vargo Hoat? Paperino?)
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
(1 point)
Arya o Sansa
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
(1 point)
Credo Theon
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
(1 point)
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
(1 point)
Dark, darkness, black o roba del genere
Questo é uno di quei sondaggi, dove non ce la faccio a rimanere serio :p
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
luglio 2016
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
Bowen Marsh
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
Alleras - Sarella
Aegon Targaryen - figliastro di Varys (si é poi scoperto che era una donna) e di Illyrio
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei Yes
Daenerys and Jon Snow No
Arya and Gendry Yes
Shaggydog and Summer No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow No
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
Torre delle acque grigie
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
Approdo del Re
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
nessuna, Arya ci fa un baffo alle sanguisughe di Melly
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
Asshai delle ombre
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
Wun Wun ">
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
nello stomaco di uno skagosiano
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
no more times
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
The Monster of Qyburnstein
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
Non ricordo chi sia/non mi ha interssato
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
Ellaria Sand
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
Qualcosa di melodrammatico: life, love, friendship (brrr), o magari soul, dawn. Tutti i romanzi di Martin finiscono in modo melodrammatico.
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
Luglio 2014
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
Roose Bolton
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
Si...e neanche troppo tardi nel libro
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
Tyrion Lannister
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei - Yes
Daenerys and Jon Snow - No
Arya and Gendry - No
Shaggydog and Summer - No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow - No
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
Non ricordo...Jeyne Westerling è ancora viva?Se si andrà da lei...
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
Assoldata per far fuori Aegon
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
*Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
Tyrion Lannister
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
Dipende dalla strada che Dany sceglierà di via terra dico Pentos-Roccia del Drago,se via mare dico Volantis-Dorne
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
Grosso punto interrogativo....per il rasoio di Occam direi Bowen Marsh
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
Sotto sei piedi di terra e neve
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
Dai,come si fa a rispondere a una domanda del genere.....4?
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
Una formalissima unione dinastica
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
Il fu Gregor Clegane
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
E chi è sto Hooded Man?
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
Forse si
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
Ma di questo libro o dell'intera saga?
Perchè per me la scena conclusiva delle Cronache sarà con un personaggio di lungo corso (Dany.....più probabilmente Tyrion) che si risveglia nel suo letto e vede poggiarsi sul davanzale della finestra il corvo mandato dalla Cittadella per annunciare l'arrivo della primavera.
Ma non ho proprio idea di quale possa essere la parola conclusiva di questo volume....forse Snow?
Provo anche io!!
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
Luglio 2015 (dopo la probabile quinta stagione televisiva)
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
Il primo figlio di Lord Walder Frey (è ancora vivo giusto? Non mi ricordo il nome)
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
Credo di si, è ora che si scatenino contro la Barriera, che verrà giù alla fine del libro grazie al Corno di Joramun
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
Aegon, Septa Lemore e Jon Snow
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei - No
Daenerys and Jon Snow - No
Arya and Gendry - Yes
Shaggydog and Summer - No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow - No
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
Da Catelyn-Zombie
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
Arya non lascerà Braavos prima della fine del libro ed andrà ad Approdo del Re
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
Marwyn - Victarion - Tyrion in quest'ordine
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
*Cities, islands, kingdoms, castles...
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
Bowen Marsh, ed il millesimo sarà Samwell Tarly
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
Porto Bianco o Grande Inverno.
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
Matrimonio, Ditocorto riesce sempre ad ottenere ciò che vuole
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
Ser Zombie Gregor Clegane
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
Non ne ho idea, ho perso questo dettaglio nella lettura del libro in inglese
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
Non sposerà nessuno.
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
"The Wall is down, nothing stand now between the White Walkers and the Seven Kingdoms..." pronunciata da Melisandre.
Ma che fi***a! provo anch'io.
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
(2 points)
Novembre 2014, sono ottimista oltre ogni buon senso XD
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
(3 points)
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
(2 points)
si, nell'epilogo
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
(3 points)
Jon Snow figlio di R+L
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei Si
Daenerys and Jon Snow No
Arya and Gendry No
Shaggydog and Summer No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow lo spero, dico si
(1 point each, 5 total)
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
(2 points)
a White HArbour
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
(2 points)
King's Landing
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
(1 point)
*Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei.
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
(1 point)
10. Major locations dragons will fly to
(2 points)
*Cities, islands, kingdoms, castles.
Drogon Vaes Dothraek con tutti i Kalashar del Dothraki Sea alseguito, gli altri due non so
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
(1 point)
Bowen Marsh
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
(2 points)
molto difficile, mi aspetto un piccolo leader che marcia su Winterfell con un'interaisola di guerrieri e unicorni al seguito.
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
(1 point)
una, quando Jamie ucciderà Brienne nel trial by combat voluto da LS
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
(2 points)
si sposeranno e Sansa lo manipolerà
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
(1 point)
sostanzialmente niente, è un corpo senza vita tenuto insieme dalla necromanzia
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
(1 point)
Oathkeeper, o comunque qualcosa legato alla sua spada
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
(1 point)
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
(1 point)
20. What will the very last word in the book be?
(1 point)
Su hanno pubblicato una serie di domande su twow cui i lettori possono rispondere cercando di indovinarne il più possibile, cosicché chi ne indovina di più vince questa particolare league.
Io pensavo che sarebbe divertente fare la stessa cosa sul nostro blog italiano, magari semplicemente cercando di indovinare le domande senza fare classifiche.
Riproduco qui le domande prese da Le lascio in inglese visto che siamo nella torre del re e si presuppone che tutti conoscano l'inglese. Se è necessario cono comunque disponibile a tradurle!
Dovete fare copia e incolla delle domande e rispondere!!
1. What year and what month will The Winds of Winter be published?
Marzo 2014 si spera.
2. Who will be the first to die out of the characters introduced (no less than by name) in the very first book of the series?
*The death must be final, no warging, no ambiguity.
3. Will we see the White Walkers in action? Yes/No
*The White Walkers themselves, not wights and not simply tales about their actions.
4. What character(s) will turn out to be not who they say they are and who are they really?
Jon Snow.
5. Which of these encouters will happen:
Tyrion and Cersei No
Daenerys and Jon Snow No
Arya and Gendry Yes
Shaggydog and Summer No
Howland Reed and Jon Snow No
6. Where is Brynden Tully (The Blackfish) headed?
Nel Nord.
7. Where will Arya be headed when (if) she leaves Braavos?
Approdo del Re.
8. Which people (if any) of Arya's list will still be alive at the end of the book?
*Weese. Dunsen, Chiswyk, Polliver, The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregory, Ser Amory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei, Barristan Selmy, Robert Strong
9. Who gets to Daenerys first: Victarion, Tyrion or Marwyn?
10. Major locations dragons will fly
Città di piccole dimensioni
11. Who will be the 999th Lord Commander?
13. Where will Rickon Stark be at the end of the book?
Grande Inverno.
14. How many times will The Bear and The Maiden Fair be sung or mentioned?
15. What will happen between Sansa and Harry Hardyng?
16. What is under the helmet of Ser Robert Strong?
17. What was the one word Brienne shouted when being hanged by BwB?
18. Who was the Hooded Man at Winterfell?
19. Will Arianne marry - Aegon or anyone else?
Qualcun altro.
20. What will the very last word in the book be?