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Brani letti a Bubonicon (New Mexico) da GRRM
creato il 04 giugno 2003

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3945 messaggi


3945 messaggi
Inviato il 04 giugno 2003 18:51 Autore

Ciao ho postato una bella pappardella inglese su pezzi di brani letti dal caro George su AFFC + spoiler vari raccolti in un Forum made in USA. Ora nonostante la mia difficile "masticatura" >_> dell'inglese mi pare che ci siano cose interessanti in sta roba riguardanti anche quel "famoso" capitano delle guardie dei Martell Areo Hotah. Credo che un'eventuale traduzione di tutto ciò potrebbe fare piacere ad alcuni e forse no ad altri.....??? >_> Come con le interviste fate voi e decidete sul da farsi .

Ciao ^_^:):):D





**********************SPOILER AFFC*****************************






New Chapter read at Bubonicon



The chapter read was from the Prologue. The Prologue will be seven chapters long and will not feature any certain POV character. Nor are the Prologue POV characters necessarily doomed.


The chapter that GRRM read today was from the point of view of the Captain of the Guard for Doran Martell. Set in Dorne, near Sunspear and at Sunspear itself. It contained much information on three of the Sand Snakes. We meet Obara, Nym and Tyene. We also meet Myrcella and Aerys Oakheart in Dorne.


We hear specific plots in regard to revenge for Oberyn's death. The people cry for vengance. There are conflicts among family members who want vengance.


It will take a few hours to type up but it is good stuff - very well written, just as well written as the previous books, or better. No skimping on quality here.


I am going to let you go for now. I am going back to the Con. I will type up my notes late at night this evening - or early this morning.

I arrived at Bubonicon in Albuquerque, where it is a beautiful 85F (maybe about 30C) which is a wonderful change from the 105 and above in Arizona.


I like this con! The people here are friendly and unpretentious. Their average age is probably 40+. I think that possible one person in every six or seven is an active sci fi or fantasy writer. Parris tells me that New Mexico has the highest per capita of writers of any state in the United States.


Excitement built and at last I arrived for the reading! I met Danlo, a great new GRRM fan who runs what sounds like a wonderful website that he has described on another thread. It's a Donaldson site with a GRRM Forum which BC7 is moderating.


GRRM had brought quite a few pages. Parris was there as well. What a joy to meet her! She is an immensely warm woman who makes you feel as if you have known her forever from the very beginning. Also, I think GRRM and Parris have been together for many, many years. Yet they were extremely happy, joking a lot, doing so lovingly. Really with great affection. I can honestly say I have not seen a couple who have been together for as long as they have who seem so excited about each other. They seem to find something "fresh" in being together rather than being the least tired of each other. But hey...these are my *impressions* based on a few minutes with them


GRRM explained, as I said above, that the chapter he would be reading was one of seven from a Prologue of about 200 pgs in length. After hearing it, it would not surprise me to learn that it is the first chapter in the Prologue, or at least that it comes very early. This is because there is no assumption, that I can recall, that the reader knows things regarding Dorne which would not have been gleaned from previous books.


Disclaimers: First, I cannot guarantee that I am spelling the names of new characters as they will be spelled in the book. I'm simply spelling them by sound.


Second, I have not read the other spoiler threads. I like being surprised when I read, or when GRRM reads aloud If folk don't mention what is on the other spoiler threads in this thread, that would be cool with me. But if someone forgets and mentions a spoiler from another chapter, hey, I can't complain. This is a spoiler thread, after all.


Third, I could have misheard any of the details contained herein. But hopefully I did not. And hopefully Danlo will be along to correct me if I did and to fill in parts that I may have missed.


GRRM held a short question and answer session afterwards and I think I will include what I gleaned from it here, before I start summarizing the chapter.


He is still writing AFFC. When he delivers it to his publisher, notice will go up on his website immediately (So I would say please don't write him to ask when it is coming out...that slows him down. ) The book will come out in England 2-3 months after he delivers it to his publisher and in the States 6 months after (sorry other countries...I don't know when it will be coming out for you ;( )


During Q & A, GRRM revealed what seemed to be the major reason for the five year gap. He said that he realized something. He had to deal with the reaction to Oberyn's death in Dorne. He thought of different ways that he could handle things. He could have just summarized what happened, without talking about it very much, but he did not want to do this. He could have decided that for some reason there was no reaction, or a delayed reaction, but the reasons he could come up for to do that did not make sense. So, he finally realized that the story needed to be told.


Someone asked him what RR stood for and he said "my middle names". Of course he has a great delivery so the room found that quite funny. He said he had been writing professionally since 1971. When he checked into a hotel as "George Martin" he was asked if he was the Beatles manager. I had never realized their manager had that name, and that was one reason he kept the RR. So much for folk who think he imitates Tolkien....


He was asked how he could remember all the details as he wrote several books over the years, since things are so complex. He replied "Maybe I have a trick head. I forget people in real life". Of course everyone understood. He can't remember folks he sees at conventions, etc. (Well...erm...he recognized me. Guess he has seen me enough ) He explained that it was difficult because he had not done anything like this before and was now in his fifties. Previously his longest work was a single 450 page novel.


An anecdote that I thought was funny, still on the subject of memory. GRRM said that he sometimes forgets details, eye color may change, etc. He said that his dutch translater once caught the fact that he changed the gender of a horse. Heh. He said he was happy if he could just remember the horse's name and color, and does not have organized charts which keep track of the names of all horses.


And of course there are the people who want exact details. "They were long on the road" was the example he gave. He said he keeps things like distance and time deliberately vague. But someone would write inevitably write in and ask "How long were they on the road?". He just does not have rules for measuring the speed of a latent swallow, according to GRRM.

This is installment one and is based on 4 pages in my small notebook, out of 13 pages of notes I took.


The title of this chapter is "The Captain of the Guards"


"Bloodoranges well past ripe...". The imagery is from a setting near Sunspear. "The Prince" is seated in a special chair which "The Captain" has made for him, and the smell of bloodoranges fills the air. We learn that we are seeing Prince Doran Martell, and his Captain of the Guard, Areo Hotah. The setting is one of heat, within a palace whose tiles run into yellow, orange and copper hues. Outside the sounds of children playing are constantly heard. We learn many are the sons and daughters of great lords of Dorne.


The drumbeat of hooves on the marble outside is heard. Ariel knows Obarra, eldest of the sandsnakes, will be arriving, for he knows her stride. It is said she can master any Dornish horse, or any Dornish man. She is the eldest of the Sand Snakes, a big boned woman of about 30. A coiled whip is carried on her hip and a copper shield is slung on her back.


Ariel tries to block the way to Obara but she will not have it. "Does he know my father is dead?", she asks of Maester Caleotte, also present. It seems Prince Doran is aware. "What will Doran do, what will his brother do to avenge our murdered Prince?" , she asks.


The old Maester, no more than five feet tall, protests that Prince Doran cannot be disturbed. But Obara must eventually see him. Elaria is bringing home the body of the Red Viper. The people are crying out in the streets. Some Dornish mourning customs are described, for instance, prostitutes not charging for sex.


At last Doran sees Obara. He is a man ot two and fifty. His symptoms of gout are described graphically. He tells Obara "by law, that is no murder" when she says that Oberyn was felled in a duel. Doran is taking a more conservative approach to the manner of reaction appropriate to Oberyn's death. He feels silence is a prince's friend, that words are like arrows, once unleashed, you cannot take them back.


We learn that Obara wants to march on Old Town, and that Doran has written to Tywin. (GRRM mentioned earlier that some chapters in this book take place before the final chapter of ASOS.)


Doran assures Obara that Tywin will deliver the head of Gregor, Oberyn's killer. This does not content Obara. She wishes to pulls out the bowels of the killer and search for gold, whilst singing "The Rains of Castamere".


Childhood descriptions are brought in. We hear something of the rough childhood play of the Red Viper. We also hear of Obara's childhood. Her mother was a prostitute. When Oberyn went to her after Obara's birth she taunted that she had had 1000 men and that he could not tell Obara was his. Obara picks up a spear and acts militantly in some fashion. "I told you she was mine", said Oberyn to Obara's mother. And Obara went to live with the Red Viper.

This is installment two, based on pages 5, 6, 7 and 8 of my notes.


I should mention that at some point it becomes clear that Areo is from the free city of Norvos. I note that Doran's wife is also from there. Areo is even in the appendix of AGOT....can you believe he has been in the works all this long and now we are hearing his story? We hear some description of Norvos and of Areo's childhood. Areo was the youngest of his family, a small boy when he was sold to the bearded priests. He was branded in the form of an ax at some point, possibly after beginning military training. At the ceremony his mother is present, and bears are dancing down the middle of the steps of an edifice. He eventually swore to serve, obey and protect, though the religion of the Seven was always strange to him.


Obara believes that the word must be war at Sunspear. After consultation with the Maester and Areo, Doran says that though it is not wise, it is necessary that he return to Sunspear. The debate is that enemies should not know how feeble Doran is. Yet he says that he must be seen, for someone must pour oil on the boiling waters.


There is discussion of Ser Aerys Oakheart, escort of Myrcella Baratheon. "You know he sends letters to his Queen", Obara tells Doran. Areo has somehow foresee that Aerys will die, he feels sorry for the man. I am a bit sketchy on detail here.


Sun sets and the children are no longer heard outside as they have gone into their rooms. Prince Doran has a light meal of purple olives, flat bread and chickpea paste. (That's right...we get many more descriptions of luscious food.) Then he retires to his quarters, a great room of cool linen sheets in a chamber beside the sea.


Dawn comes and the smallest cedarwood litter is chosen to carry Prince Doran, along with 20 spears and Captain of the Guard, Areo, who is always at his left hand. We get a description of Aero's armor. It is copper colored in bits, has netting, and designed so that a man can stand it in the heat of Dorne (sketchy on further detail). The group feasts on a breakfast of bloodoranges, quail eggs and sliced ham with fiery peppers.


The group finally departs at midday, following a red road that runs beside the sea. It is a spare red-brown land of stone and sand with twisted trees.


On a sand dune ahead, the second Sand Snake appears, riding a golden mare. She is Nymeria, Princess Nym. She is 25 with straight black hair which comes to a widows point like her father's. She possesses all the beauty Obara lacked. Her mother was royalty of old Volantis (?) while Obara's was an Old Town whore.


She hails the group with a 'Well met" and joins them as if the meeting had occurred by chance. Asking if she may travel with them, Doran tells her that she may be a better companion than some, for gout and grief make poor companions on the road.


Gregor is discussed. Nym tells her Uncle that Gregor admitted his guilt, crying it aloud for all to hear. Nym is told they have been promised the head of Gregor. But she says she believes Tywin intends to pay them in 'their own coin".


Princess Nym says that she had it from sweet Ser Daimon, who was a Fowler, that Gregor will die through the poison. She reminds her Uncle of the Fowler words - "Let me Soar".


"Let ME Soar", she asks. In other words, she wants to be able to revenge her father properly. Her Uncle indulges this request and asks what she needs. "I need Tyene" she says, referring to a sister Sand Snake. She believes Obara is too hard and will be balanced by Tyene's "gentleness". "Gentleness" is definitely in quotes.


Nym believes one death by poison is not enough. But she will be happy with four death - the golden twins, the old Lion and the Little King.

Installment three, the last one.


It is pointed out that 'the boy' is a bastard, if Stannis can be believed, Doran tells Nym.


"Only royal blood can avenge my father's murder" says Nym. This opens the possibility that Tommen will be spared after all.


Doran advises Nym not to provoke Tywin unduly, but she replies " My sisters and I will not wait seven and ten years for our vengance".


At last the party approaches Sunspear, fantastically orange-red-brown. The spear tower is 150 feet tall. Nearly as tall is the tower of the Sun. A third formation is described (sketchy on detail here). Here the air smelled of dust and smoke. Houses were built of mud and straw. Along the massive walls were found mudbrick shops and windowless houses. Y


It was not much compared to Tyrosh or Mir or Great Norvas. Yet, it was the nearest thing to a true city these Dornish had . (Remember: Areo POV, is from Norvas.)


The party begins to approach the city walls. "Make way for the Prince of Dorne" is called out.


"The Prince is dead", some cry. "To spears", many cry. Cries of "Vengance for the Viper" ring in the air. "War, war...to the spears" is heard. There is no answer from within the silken litter.


At last the party enters Sunspear, the portcullis closing behind them. Princess Arianne, heir to the throne, is waiting to great her father. Doran's party enters the palace to find Arianne, the Castallan, the Maester, Myrcella and Aerys Oakheart waiting for them.


Arianne tries flattery and says "Father, Sunspear rejoices at your return". Doran simply replies, with irony "Yes, I heard the joy."


A feast is prepared. Doran says that he does not see Tyene. He is told that she begs a private word for him and is waiting in the throne room.


The third Sand Snake is wearing a clinging gown with blue samite sleeves and Myrish lace. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. But there is something about the eyes. Something (piercing? detail sketchy here). Doran realizes that all of the Red Viper's daughters have their father's eyes, no matter the color.


Tyene's mother had been a Septa. She seems quite gentle, asking her uncle if there is anything she can do to ease his pain. She has made a tapestry which shows Oberyn, and she presents it to Doran. "I am not likely to forget your father", he says.


Tyene speaks of Gregor. She says that they have prayed so long for his death. She assures her Uncle that Gregor will pray for it too, for she knows the poison her father used.


It is discussed that Dornishmen fight best at home. The Lannister's and Tyrell's will be drawn into Dorne and then ambushed.


Tyene speaks of Myrcella and says they have the Imp to thank for her, and that she envies her long blonde curls. Trystane and Myrcella are so innocent she remarks. Yet it is understood that under Dornish custom, Myrcella is heir to the Iron Throne, rightful Queen of the Andals. She is the eldest, the throne passes to the eldest regardless of gender in Dorne.


Doran asks to think on it. Tyrene opines that he thinks too much and that her father thought too little.


Tyene asks for her Uncles blessing and kneels to be touched on the head. She likely touches his hand at some point for after she has left, Doran and Maester C. examine his hand to make sure the skin is not broken for this would indicate poison. He appears to be unharmed.


Doran calls for milk of the poppy, something he refused before for his pain He then asks Areo how many of the guards are truly loyal to him. Areo says that they are Dornishmen and they will do as he commands.


Prince Doran tells Captain Areo that he has a special task for a few of them. It must be quick, quiet and bloodless. "Take the Sand Snakes into custody", he says. "Confine them in cells at the top of the Spear Tower" All eight are to be taken into custody.


Doran is told that the common folk will howl in the streets. But he does not care. He says that he will let Tywin see what a friend he has in Doran.


So ends the chapter.

If more details about Dornish customs, clothing, or architecture can be dug up, I'd be interested. It sounded like at least one or two more mourning customs were mentioned besides the free prostitutes and the lamenting in the streets.


I don't think Doran is Tywin's friend. I think he's decided to act and lure the Lannisters into . . . something, anyways. The way those words are put suggest that he'll offer a hand while keeping a knife behind his back.


The Sand Snakes sound interesting, indeed. Princess Nym . . . interesting. Because of her mother's old royalty, or all of the Sand Snakes considered princesses, or simply because she looks so much like a princess with her beauty? Interesting indeed. And they're an interesting lot, of course.


Ser Daemon a Fowler? Ser Daemon Sand was Bastard of Godsgrace, his father an Allyrion. I suppose that his mother could have been a Fowler, so that Nym could make her point about their words. And now we have their words, so we'll have to add them on to their shield. Cool.


It's Areo, BTW. Areo Hotah. Bearded priests must have been part of the theocracy of Norvos, which has a unique religion. They seem to make use of slave-soldiers. It's odd to call Hotah a "sellsword" if, technically, he was a slave who came as part of Princess Mellario's dowry. But I suppose they could have "freed" him, in accordance with Westerosi law and custom, and he draws a salary. He seems quite trusted by Doran, quite loyal.


I wouldn't mind more recollections on his armor. The "netting" in particular.


When speaking with Tyene, you write that they discuss talking about Dorne fighting best on home ground and that "they" will draw the Lannisters and Tyrells in and ambush them. Do "they" really plan this, or was Tyene or someone else discussing how such a plan would be superior than marching on Old Town (as Obara wanted)?


Obara . . . there may be a very small continuity problem there if she was supposed to have been concieved when Oberyn passed through Old Town with his sister and mother. Tyrion is about 26, so Obara would have to be 25-26. But she could just look thirty years old, I suppose. Also makes the timing with Princess Nym rather tight -- she's 25, so she'd be a bare year younger. Oberyn went to Volantis rather swiftly.


The other possibility, of course, is that Obara was concieved when Oberyn was 12 or so. They could have been at Old Town for some reason back then -- a tournament or some such -- and Oberyn strikes me as a precocious lad. And then, with the berths empty of Lannisters, they could have stopped in Old Town and for some reason or other Oberyn picked up his 2 year old daughter and carried her off to Sunspear. I wonder what the Princess his mother would have said about that?


Notably, the Sand Snakes do seem to have been listed in birth order in ASoS. Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene are the three eldest, it appears.


It's a shame that Ser Arys Oakheart will have to meet with some accident. He's a nice fellow. Perhaps Doran will find some other way . . .


Sunspear, another city of Westeros. I figured. Very cool. It has a very different feel to it from KL, certainly. Though I always imagined it as quite whitewashed, in Mediterranean fashion. But browns and reds and oranges works quite well, and fits some Dornish architecture.


Denstorebog and others who have wondered: It is possible that GRRM said "about" in front of any of the numbers he used, because my memory is not exact. He could have said "about" 7 chapters or "about" 200 pages. On the later, however, I get the feeling it is pretty close to 200 pages.


I am not sure why the assumption is out there that AFFC will run 1000 pages or so. Was that a spoiler somewhere? I honestly get the feeling this may be a shorter book. AGOT length or (my *opinion* I don't know) possibly a little shorter.


Ran, I thought your response was amazing. It was as if you were there. You have spotted the places where my details were sketchy (even where I did not note it) and wondered about things that I thought I was tipped off to wonder about only by tone of voice and hearing all the words. I'll respond in detail.


<<Amazing. Woo. If more details about Dornish customs, clothing, or architecture can be dug up, I'd be interested. >>


I will try, and hopefully we will hear from Danlo. He has read up to pg 120 of AGOT so far, so much of this was new to him.


<<It sounded like at least one or two more mourning customs were mentioned besides the free prostitutes and the lamenting in the streets.>>


I believe you are exactly right about that. Unfortunately, I was so excited about the reading, I cannot remember what anyone else in the room looked like to ask them. But about a quarter of the convention was in the room. So I could ask folks at random if there were in the reading and ask them if they recall more about this. And again, Danlo may well recall more.


<<I don't think Doran is Tywin's friend. I think he's decided to act and lure the Lannisters into . . . something, anyways. The way those words are put suggest that he'll offer a hand while keeping a knife behind his back.>>


You know, I thought that only came through if you heard tone of voice and all the words. Yes, I wonder about Doran's intentions too. However, something that may not have come through from my notes, but I know it is so is this. Doran is much more gentle, wise and good intentioned than the SS. He is probably more interested in the good of Dorne than in vengance. So he will be friend/not friend to Tywin or whomever is regent based upon that, I believe.


I do think Doran will initially try to deal with the Regent just as he dealt with Tywin. The Regent's reaction will be quite interesting.


<<The Sand Snakes sound interesting, indeed. Princess Nym . . . interesting. Because of her mother's old royalty, or all of the Sand Snakes considered princesses, or simply because she looks so much like a princess with her beauty? Interesting indeed. And they're an interesting lot, of course. >>


I believe all the Sand Snakes were counted Princesses.


<<Ser Daemon a Fowler? Ser Daemon Sand was Bastard of Godsgrace, his father an Allyrion. I suppose that his mother could have been a Fowler, so that Nym could make her point about their words. And now we have their words, so we'll have to add them on to their shield. Cool. >>


My notes were not great at that point but I am almost certain GRRM said there was some type of relation between Ser Daemon and the Fowlers. Its possible they just got mentioned in a paragraph in which Ser Daemon was also mentioned, however.


<<It's Areo, BTW. Areo Hotah. >>


I found myself correcting typos last night as I occasionally wrote Aero. Hopefully I put Areo, most of the time...


<< Bearded priests must have been part of the theocracy of Norvos, which has a unique religion. They seem to make use of slave-soldiers. It's odd to call Hotah a "sellsword" if, technically, he was a slave who came as part of Princess Mellario's dowry. But I suppose they could have "freed" him, in accordance with Westerosi law and custom, and he draws a salary. He seems quite trusted by Doran, quite loyal.>>


Sell-sword? Was that in one of the books? I don't recall GRRM saying it last evening.


<<I wouldn't mind more recollections on his armor. The "netting" in particular.>>


I will try to ask about details on armor and mourning customs.


<<When speaking with Tyene, you write that they discuss talking about Dorne fighting best on home ground and that "they" will draw the Lannisters and Tyrells in and ambush them. Do "they" really plan this, or was Tyene or someone else discussing how such a plan would be superior than marching on Old Town (as Obara wanted)>>


Unfortunately, I only recall that it was discussed. I don't recall which party was advocating the ambush plan.


<<Obara . . . there may be a very small continuity problem there if she was supposed to have been concieved when Oberyn passed through Old Town with his sister and mother. Tyrion is about 26, so Obara would have to be 25-26. But she could just look thirty years old, I suppose. Also makes the timing with Princess Nym rather tight -- she's 25, so she'd be a bare year younger. Oberyn went to Volantis rather swiftly.>>>


Yes, one of the few things not to make it into my report from my notes, but you must have known from elsewhere, Ran, was that Oberyn was 10 years younger than Doran. It's possible they said "about" 30 on Obara. However, I get the feeling it's more like around 29 if that is the case. I would go with the theory you mentioned of her being conceived when her Father was 12-13, based on what I know.


<<Notably, the Sand Snakes do seem to have been listed in birth order in ASoS. Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene are the three eldest, it appears.>>


Interesting. I thought I could infer this as GRRM was reading, but I did not say it, as I could not be sure.


<<It's a shame that Ser Arys Oakheart will have to meet with some accident. He's a nice fellow. Perhaps Doran will find some other way . . .>>


This morning I remembered Prince Doran saying how sorry he felt for the White Knight. Yes, it's possible he will not have to die.



<<Sunspear, another city of Westeros. I figured. Very cool. It has a very different feel to it from KL, certainly. Though I always imagined it as quite whitewashed, in Mediterranean fashion. But browns and reds and oranges works quite well, and fits some Dornish architecture.>>






There may have been more about her than my notes reflected. The scene with the people crying out for vengence caught my attention and I was catching up on my notes from that scene as Doran first greeted Arianne.



I did get the impression that the entire Prologue will be set in Dorne, but I could be wrong, it's just an impression.


Asha, that is an interesting thought about the locking up of the SS as related to the five year gap. I think keeping them locked up for five years may indeed have been something GRRM considered. However, he appears to have dismissed that idea, perhaps as something he and/or the reader's would not be the most comfortable with.


I now recall that there was specific discussion of locking up the 20 year old SS, with a slight description of her. Also, Areo asked if even the youngest were to be locked up. Doran told him that they would not be a danger in themselves, but since others could use them for their own ends, they had best be locked up too.


Oh, and here is something I forgot to put in my original account. GRRM was asked how many books there will be. He replied "I''m going to say how many I think and she (Parris) will hold up her fingers on how many she thinks.". He said "six" and Parris held up seven fingers. You had to be there! It was hilarious. They got to do this about three times. Btw, I think agree with Parris. And I can tell you as I did a year ago, that when I was in Portland, GRRM acknowledged the possibility of seven books, though he thinks it will be six. He said he does not know what the title of book seven will be if there is one. Parris contributed "I get to name it". Joking with him. Very comfortable atmosphere.


It's in the appendix, that Areo Hotah, captain of the guards, is a Norvosi sellsword. It's interesting that it isn't mentioned. It may be that calling him a sellsword is a mere formality, and that in truth he is bound much more closely to them. A 20 year old ... I'm guessing this is either Sarella Sand or Elia Sand. Sarella is listed after Tyene, and Elia after Sarella. Or perhaps Tyene is the 20 year old?


The point about a 1,000 pages is good. This comes from the most recent change at Amazon, giving a 1,024 page count, but we all know what those estimates are worth. I do remember GRRM stating recently that AGoT-ACoK was the size he was thinking. The only concern I have with this is that 200 pages of prologues minus a book the size of ACoK (about 750 pages) means 550 pages of "regular" story. Which may well be possible, but it sounds like it'd be hard to present the five years in so little space. Perhaps 900 pages -- that would work pretty well, I think.

I haven't paid much attention to ASOIAF since GRRM started to change things around, and now wham ... I'm hooked again, after one chapter. Which makes waiting harder.


So what do people think about the Sand Snakes in the context of the Game of Thrones? I know we've only had little glance, but they seem very like Oberyn - flamboyant, impulsive, bloodthirsty, and likely to bite off more than they can chew. I can't see anything with them in charge succeeding against the truly formidable characters like Tywin, Roose, Petyr, or Olenna.


In fact, I think they'd prove more of a liability than an asset, if they do have a hold on the population. The ones we've seen seem to act in unison, are inclined to disregard Doran's authority, and might be a divisive force amongst the Dornish, especially if they've sympathisers amongst Oberyn's entourage. In which case Arianne may be important, if she can act as a counterweight and help maintain her father's control. If she's Sansa Mark II, then maybe the Dornish will be in need of a little help in about five years.



There was a line about Myrcella being rightful queen, as I said. Then someone said that was only under Dornish law. Then, someone said "Yes, but she is in Dorne".


I was thinking they wanted to make Myrcella queen even before I remembered that line. But of course they want to use her and have Trystayne, Doran's youngest son, who is her financee? Well...to have whoever her fiance is be the power behind the throne.


I now think that they might even like to have the ruling seat moved from King's Landing to Sunspear. This would be after the death of most of Myrcella's immediate family.


But I am unsure as to whether it is just the SS or also Doran who would hope to use Myrcella.


Bastard is no fly in the ointment as a ruler of Dorne can be both bastard and female, I think. Though Westerosi laws forbid it overall. But all they need to is deny Myrcella's bastard status.


I was rather surprised at the line about bastard blood not sufficing, as I understood the Dornish did not make a great deal about bastard/nonbastard status.


Ran, I don't think the structure was given a name.


Maia, Doran's wife was not mentioned in the chapter.


I'm waffling on who the POV will be. What would be more important, a Dorne POV or a Iron one? Hmmmmmm....not sure.>>


Who are the candidates?


It would have to be a Martell or Martell linked character to tell the Dornish story, IMO. A lesser Dornish Lord would be unlikely to be in position to give us the inside scoop, so to speak. That suggests DORAN, ARIANNE, QUENTYN, TRYSTANE, MYRCELLA, a Sand Snake, AREO, or Doran's wife (name?).


I'd say that Areo is unlikey since we've never seen a prologue/epilogue character get a continued POV. But then again, we've never seen a prologue/epilogue character survive. Myrcella and Trystane are unlikely since GRRM has said that he doesn't want to write any more child POVs. I don't think a Sand Snake would suffice, simply because I get something of a supporting character feel about them. It could be any of the others but I'd put my money on Doran. He'd be an original choice, when was the last time you read the POV of a gouty old man? And I'd think him unlikely to last the pace of the series. GRRM seems to want to limit the page count of the later books. Telling Dorne through Doran and then having him bite the bullet would work towards that end, since he'd not have to include him in the next novel.

Have one point about AshaShan's suggestion of Doran as the Dorne PoV...


Since Doran is old, gouty, and unlikely to move about much, he would indeed be mostly useful if the "action" was only in Dorne. But as for killing him off when he's no longer needed... well, if he were no longer needed, wouldn't that be because there was to be no more Dorne-centered action for a while? As in most of the important Dornish characters being away... perhaps marching north?


I think whoever the PoV is, toward the end of the book we will see the forces of Dorne going northward... perhaps on their own, perhaps with Dany.


One more thing - do any of you think it's possible that Doran is in on the whole thing with Dany returning? Perhaps even in cahoots with Illyrio and Varys? That might explain why he's waited so long for revenge and held back his brother and nieces, because he knew there would come a time when they could take their vengeance without so much danger. Hence all the talk of patience?


One more thing - do any of you think it's possible that Doran is in on the whole thing with Dany returning? Perhaps even in cahoots with Illyrio and Varys? That might explain why he's waited so long for revenge and held back his brother and nieces, because he knew there would come a time when they could take their vengeance without so much danger. Hence all the talk of patience?"


Yes, that's what it looks like to me, too... OTOH, as someone who is in "Aegon is alive" camp, I don't think that he does it for Dany . Not primarily, at least. I do think that Doran is now waiting for Dany and her dragons to arrive in Pentos. What a disappointment it would be for him and I&V when they'll learn that she isn't coming.

Doran looks like a goner - apart from the Sand Snakes being on his case and displeasure of his subjects, he is apparently in a genuinly bad health. It would be interesting if he manages to hang on until ADWD...


GRRM said that he thought he did not give too many details of the armor in the chapter he read.


Also, and this makes a *whole* lot more sense, the prostitutes of Dorne do not always give away free wares when a major personage dies. However, they wanted to honor the Red Viper in that way because of his proclivities. It was clear when GRRM read it, but my notes just had "mourning - prostitutes - free wares" and thats the way it goes.


I did not ask GRRM about the age thing. I think number questions are not his favorites from what he said last night.


Those were two things I felt sketchy on. Hopefully the other information is pretty good. But I can't issue guarantees. Danlo, be sure to say if anything I said conflicts with what you remember. It's likely impossible to remember a 40 minute reading with no errors in what you do recall. Much more difficult than a lecture in which they put notes and keywords on the board and take pauses. Wish GRRM could have done that With no pauses, you are always noting one thing while he talks about another.


Oberyn seems quite the popular chap in Dorne. "Vengeance for the Viper" indeed . The call of "to spears" seems to indicate that the spear is a Dornishmans primary weapon.


Areo Hotah sounds fascinating. A perfect POV to not only give us info on Dorne (from an outsiders perspective) but to slip us a few details of the Free Cities as well.


Did anyone else get the impression that perhaps Doran and Oberyn werent normally on very good terms? The fact that Doran suspects the Sand Snakes may try to poison him ... Could Oberyn have originally been sent to KL just so Doran could get him out of his hair?


The speculation about Ser Arys - is it Doran who formally plans on killing the KG? I got the impression that the Sand Snakes would do away with him, and that Doran had no real way of stopping that.


Could Obara have been born when Oberyn was studying at the Citadel?


I like the background of the various sandsnakes. Obara's mother is a whore. Another ones mother is a septa (!) and Nym is from the royal blood of Volantis.


Im now absolutely clueless as to who the new POV will be. There seems to be too many hotspots flaring up to be covered by one simple new POV ...


Oberyn seems quite the popular chap in Dorne. "Vengeance for the Viper" indeed . The call of "to spears" seems to indicate that the spear is a Dornishmans primary weapon.


Areo Hotah sounds fascinating. A perfect POV to not only give us info on Dorne (from an outsiders perspective) but to slip us a few details of the Free Cities as well.


Did anyone else get the impression that perhaps Doran and Oberyn werent normally on very good terms? The fact that Doran suspects the Sand Snakes may try to poison him ... Could Oberyn have originally been sent to KL just so Doran could get him out of his hair?


The speculation about Ser Arys - is it Doran who formally plans on killing the KG? I got the impression that the Sand Snakes would do away with him, and that Doran had no real way of stopping that.


Could Obara have been born when Oberyn was studying at the Citadel?


I like the background of the various sandsnakes. Obara's mother is a whore. Another ones mother is a septa (!) and Nym is from the royal blood of Volantis.


Im now absolutely clueless as to who the new POV will be. There seems to be too many hotspots flaring up to be covered by one simple new POV ...






Ok, all you Arya fans…here is the info you have been waiting for!


The chapter opens up with Arya and the ship-captain’s son Denyo standing on the prow of the Titan’s Daughter on their way to Braavos. Arya looks across the water to see the light from some sort of beacon. Denyo comments that it is the star of home. This makes Arya think of her home, Winterfel. She reflects on the deaths of her family and remembers all those who have tried to take her home and failed i.e. Yoren, BwB, Sandor.


She then contemplates that the only thing she needs in her life is her sword. She then thinks of how oddly the crew treats her. Half of them shun her and the other half shower her with gifts, a silver fork, gloves, woolen hat and a few other things. These sailors keep telling her their names and make her memorize them. The sailors call her Salty since she came aboard at the Saltpans.


Arya looks back at the light in the sky and sees that it has become two lights. Denyo tells her that the lights are eyes, the eyes of the Titan. Arya remembers that Old Nan had told her that the Titan of Braavos ate the flesh of little high-born girls. Arya dismisses all that Nan and Maester Luwin taught her, they are dead and she doesn’t want to think of them anymore. Its also impotant to note that at this point Arya believes that Sansa is most likely dead as well, she truly believes that she is alone in the world.


Arya asks if the Titan is the god of the Braavosi, Denyo replies that all gods are honored in the City and that there is a Sept on the island. Arya comments to herself that the seven were her mother’s gods and that they are not her gods. She wonders if she will find a godswood in the City. At this point she remembers her father and his words that a lone wolf dies but that pack survives. She thinks that he got it wrong since she, the lone wolf, lives but that the pack has been killed and skinned.


Denyo remarks that the temple to the Moonsingers is the greatest temple on the island, apparently long ago the Moonsinger priests led the Braavosi here to escape the wrath of Valyria. There is also a large temple to the Father of Waters and another large one for the Many Faced God. Denyo gets rather quiet when he mentions the Many Faced God. Arya thins to herself that if the Many-Faced God will answer her prayers (here she recites her list of people needing killing) then he will be her god.


Ok, now we get a look at the Titan. He is a giant of a statue, made from the same rock as the cliffs that surround the lagoon. Basically the gap between the legs of the Titan are the only way in the lagoon, cliffs surround everything else. The Titan is clothed in Bronze, a bronze skirt (kilt or toga perhaps?), bronze breastplate, bronze head and half-helm (I thought it odd him having a bronze head, but its there in black and white on my page) Actually, the more I look at it looks as if the entire statue is either bronze or bronze plated except for the legs which are hewn from the stone pillars. Green rope is used to make the Titan look as if he had hair. One hand rests on a cliff ridge, and the other holds a broken sword high in the air. Arya makes a comment that he could walk over the walls of Winterfel.


The Titan has arrow slits in his legs and murder holes under his skirt, it appears to be a formidable defensive structure. Beyond the Titan a lagoon opens up. Immediately beyond the entrance to the lagoon is the Arsenal, a large stone fort full of scorpians, catapults and other nasty weapons. Denyo boasts to Arya that it can produce a War Galley a day. Many galleys can be seen tied up to quays around the Arsenal.


Beyond the Arsenal the lagoon stretches on to the City of Braavos itself. The City is actually many small islands connected by bridges. There are no walls protecting the City, Denyo mentions that the Galleys of Braavos are the wooden walls of the City (this passage reminds me of the Athenian navy during the battle of Marathon).


Here Arya is taken off the boat by another son of the captain named Yorko. Arya thinks of how she would like to stay on the ship…how she liked sailing, but she knows that the captain will not allow her to stay even though he has been kind to her.


Yorko mans a small boat and begins to take arya over to the Many-Faced God temple. Arya sees more of the City and remarks on the large number if massive structures in Braavos compared to Kingslanding where there were only three. Arya notices that everything is made of stone and that there are no trees on the island, she thinks the City looks very grey. (There is a lot of description of Braavos here, and GRRM does a much better job then I ever could of describing the City, so I’ll let you read his words and see Braavos through his eyes.)


One thing caught my attention the Warren. The Warren is a temple dedicated to the small gods whom the world has forgotten. It seemed interesting and since GRRM spends a paragraph describing and naming the building I am led to believe that it will have significance later.


Arya reaches the temple of the Many Faced God, Yorko goes away. Arya tries to open the door but can’t. She yells at it, and brandishes her coin. The door opens. The door is half ebony and half weirwood. In the center of the door is a carved moon, half ebony half weirwood, but on reverse side. She feels that the doors are watching her.


Inside the temple she hears water, she finds a pool with a man moaning crouched next to it. He appears to be trying to get some water so Arya picks up a cup of water and hands it to him. Its then that she notices that he is bleeding from the stomach. The man stumbles off to an alcove and lies down. Arya notices that there are other alcoves with people lying in them. She realizes that they are dead.


While she is looking at the dying man she is approached by a young girl and a cowled man. Ok, I’m going to stop here. This is the end of the chapter except for some very witty dialogue between Arya and the man. I don’t want to ruin it for you all since there are some funny lines…nothing significant plot wise is learnt from this page of dialogue so don’t feel left out.

Gil Galad - Stella di radianza


1684 messaggi


1684 messaggi
Inviato il 04 giugno 2003 18:54


Bisogna vedere chi vuole leggerlo e chi no.

Io siceramente non lo so.

Iniziatelo a tradurre poi si vedrà.

492 messaggi


492 messaggi
Inviato il 05 giugno 2003 10:50

Lo sapevo ... le serpi del deserto .... ummmm !!!!

Bello bello bello!!!! &gt;_&gt;&gt;_&gt;^_^:)

Jaqen H'ghar
Lord Comandante della Torre delle Ombre
Alto Ufficiale
1723 messaggi
Jaqen H'ghar
Lord Comandante della Torre delle Ombre


Alto Ufficiale

1723 messaggi
Inviato il 05 giugno 2003 11:38

Non ci penso neanche a leggerlo =)


Ancora pochi mesi e ci sarà il libro... forza teniamo duro ^_____^



1684 messaggi


1684 messaggi
Inviato il 05 giugno 2003 11:41

Pochi mesi Dan?


Ma per l'originale forse?


E io che non capisco un H di inglese chissà quanto dovrò aspettare ancora. &gt;_&gt;&gt;_&gt;^_^:):):D:)

Lady delle Foglie
440 messaggi
Lady delle Foglie


440 messaggi
Inviato il 05 giugno 2003 12:05

fichissimo! io lo leggo...non me ne frega niente...

ora sto traducendo l'intervista per cui non ho tempo di fare questa...se qualcun altro vuole cimentarsi faccia pure, altrimenti lo posso fare io con calma dopo l'intervista!!

ahh non sto nella pelle!

2154 messaggi


2154 messaggi
Inviato il 06 giugno 2003 15:29

Mai! Non lo leggerò!!!!!!!!!! ;)

492 messaggi


492 messaggi
Inviato il 06 giugno 2003 15:33

Ma non dire così.... non c'è niente di pazzesco .... :D:) :smack: :smack:

Solo un piccolo pezzettino del prologo su Dorne ..... :figo:;)

ehm ehm e anche qualcosina su Arya .... :D

e anche .... ;)

ok ok ok la finisco!!! :D

2154 messaggi


2154 messaggi
Inviato il 06 giugno 2003 15:50

Se c'è qualcosa su Arya.... Allora non ci penso nemmeno lontanamente a leggerla!!!!!

Lady delle Foglie
440 messaggi
Lady delle Foglie


440 messaggi
Inviato il 06 giugno 2003 16:39

io sto già traducendo!!!

2154 messaggi


2154 messaggi
Inviato il 07 giugno 2003 13:07
^_^ Noooooooo! Dopo sarò sicuramente tentato!!!!!!!!

Aegon Targaryen
3418 messaggi
Aegon Targaryen


3418 messaggi
Inviato il 07 giugno 2003 14:35

Grande Lady delle Foglie, tra un pò ti faremo un monumento. :yup:

Lady delle Foglie
440 messaggi
Lady delle Foglie


440 messaggi
Inviato il 07 giugno 2003 15:07

ma dai... ^_^ non esageriamo!!!

5 messaggi


5 messaggi
Inviato il 07 giugno 2003 15:45


1684 messaggi


1684 messaggi
Inviato il 07 giugno 2003 18:03

21 anni fa
Ultima Risposta
21 anni fa