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The Wheel of Time - I Falsi Draghi
creato il 01 marzo 2005

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3945 messaggi


3945 messaggi
Inviato il 01 marzo 2005 18:25 Autore







"I might have been the one. How could I be sure otherwise? I can channel; I'm strong.

What said I was not the Dragon Reborn? All I had to do was fulfill just one of the Prophecies."




A False Dragon in FY 351.




Gorin Rogad

A false Dragon who proclaimed himself in Illian in 994 NE. He was soon captured and burned alive by the Illianers.




Guaire Amalasan

At the height of his power in his twenties, with dark deep set eyes and a mesmerising gaze. He was a great public speaker with a compelling presence, and a great general. He was quite educated and very knowledgable of the prophecies. A channeler


A false Dragon from early FY 939 to FY 943 who could channel. He proclaimed himself in Darmovan, and carried the Aes Sedai banner on a field of blue. He called his followers the Children of the Dragon. He took Darmovan in six months, and then Balasun and Elan Dapor in another year. Then came Kharendor, Dhowlan, Farashelle, Shiota, Nereran, Esundara, Fergansea and Moreina by FY 943. He had the Stone of Tear under seige, and armies from every nation against him by this time.


He ravaged the world, with war, finally being beaten by the young King Artur at the Battle of Jovaine Pass in spring FY 943. After being taken to the White Tower, his two best generals, Sawyn Maculhene and Elinde Motheneos tried to free him from the Traiters Court.




Logain Ablar

Allegiance: The Light.

Title(s): Asha'man, Dalyn.


Tall with long dark curling hair around his broad shoulders. Handsome, he holds himself like a king, with his head held high. Able to instill awe with his gaze. A strong channeler, he is quite chivilrous.


Born in 972 NE in Ghealdan, he was born with the spark. In 997NE he he proclaimed himself as the Dragon Reborn and raised an army in Ghealdan, calling them The People of the Dragon.


He won all his battles and started marching towards Tear, ravaging Ghealdan, Altara and Murandy in the process. He was captured by Aes Sedai when he was threatening Lugard in early 998 NE, with some of the Aes Sedai dying in the process.


Paraded through the country side, he eventually was tried and gentled in the White Tower. After being gentled he was always under the eye of an accepted to stop him killing himself. His shoulders slumped, and he stopped Charing.


He escaped during the Tower Coup, and joined up with Leane, Siuan and Min eventually making it to Salidar. He proceeded to tell a story concocted with Siuan about the Red Ajah to gain revenge against Aes Sedai.


The story was that six Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah, headed by Javindhra and including Barasine, approached him in 996 NE in Cosamelle. They found him asleep and sheilded him, giving him the choice of immediate death or follow their plan. After a year of avoiding other Aes Sedai with their help he proclaimed himself as the Dragon Reborn in 997 NE. Supposedly in the end the Red Ajah betrayed and captured him.


Nynaeve Healed him of severing, but he was freed by Egwene when she was certain he would be gentled again. He joined the Asha'man and has managed to bond two Sisters: Toveine Gazal and Gabrelle, whom he is now sleeping with. He has his own little group in the Black Tower, who keep him informed of what is going on. He still has power and glory to come.




Mazrim Taim

Allegiance: Himself, probably The Dark One.

Title(s): M'Hael.


Looking approximately 35 years old and above average in height with black hair and a dark face. He has dark, tilted eyes, a hooked nose and high cheekbones. He is physically powerful and has a Warder's deadly grace. He radiates danger, with an air of imminent violence about him. Depending on when he started channeling, and then Slowing, Taim could be any age between 35 and maybe 200.


He is almost as strong as Rand in the One Power and is from Saldaea. He raised an army and was beating Davram Bashere's army at Irinjava until visions of Rand battling Ba'alzamon appeared in the sky causing Mazrim's horse to rear up and throw him off knocking him unconscious. He was taken by Aes Sedai, and they were on the way Tar Valon when his followers helped him escape in stealth by night in Denhuir (east of the Black Hills) killing two Aes Sedai doing so.


With Davram Bashere and 9000 horse on his tail, he heard of Rand's amnesty and headed for Caemlyn. There Rand made him into tester and teacher of students of Saidin, who later became Asha'man.


He has created a palace in the Black Tower where all the Asha'man live. He is headstrong and has his own unknown agenda. He has saved Rand's life many times, but Rand still doesn't trust him. Rightly so considering he ordered his favorites, Charl, Manel, Paval and Raefar, to kill Rand, although they didn't do a good job. He also knows compulsion.


It would seem likely that he is a darkfriend, with his favorite Asha'man all kneeling to the Dark One. As well, as far as can be surmised the first five raised to Asha'man (at Dumai's Wells) were Gedwyn, Rochiad, Torval, Kisman and Dashiva - all working for the Dark One! But he is NOT Demandred. Reason? Winter's Heart Ch35, Demandred's POV: "That tottering old man was an Asha'man!" The old man was Damer Flinn. Mazrim Taim knows Damer well, obviously Demandred has never seen him before.






Raolin Darksbane

The first False Dragon, from 335 AB to 336 AB. He was born in Aren Mador, now Far Madding and he could Channel. After being taken, his followers attacked the White Tower and tried to free him from the Traitors Court.




Yurian Stonebow

False Dragon from circa 1300 AB to circa 1308 AB, just after the trolloc wars. He was born in Fel Moreina, now Far Madding.

Gil Galad - Stella di radianza


Fede Stark
2318 messaggi
Fede Stark


2318 messaggi
Inviato il 01 marzo 2005 18:31

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamma miaaaaaaaaaaa


thks gillll ^_^

Aegon Targaryen
3418 messaggi
Aegon Targaryen


3418 messaggi
Inviato il 01 marzo 2005 22:27

I Falsi Draghi ^_^





Mitico Gil ^_^

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