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The Wheel of time - Heroes to the Horn
creato il 01 marzo 2005

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3945 messaggi


3945 messaggi
Inviato il 01 marzo 2005 18:15 Autore




"In the last, lorn fight 'gainst the fall of long night,

the mountains stand guard, and the dead shall be ward,

for the grave is no bar to my call."


"We have come to the Horn, but we must follow the banner. And the Dragon."




Allegiance: The Light, The Horn of Valere.


Bound to the Horn, she weilds the Sword of the Sun.




Birgitte Silverbow

Allegiance: The Light, The Horn of Valere.

Title(s): Faith of the Light, Lady of House Trehelion, Captain-General of the Queens Guards, Teadra, Maerion, Joana.


Golden hair in a thick, intricately woven, braid to her waist. She has clear blue eyes and is confident and calm. She always wears a short white coat and voluminous trousers of thin pale yellw material gathered at her ankles above short boots.


Over the Ages, Birgitte has lived many lives. One of these was as Teadra in the Age of Legends. She managed to foil a plan of Moghedian's to capture or kill Lews Therin Telamon. Moghedian somehow recognised who she was, even though at the time Teadra herself didn't know. Moghedian set out to deal with her, but Teadra died before it was possible. Moghedian now has a large dislike of Birgitte because of that, promising to make her howl for Ages.


Between lives, Birgitte spends her time in Tel'aran'rhoid, waiting for the horn to call her, or the Wheel to spin her out into another life. She is always linked to Gaidal Cain, in every life she lives and in Tel'aran'rhiod, by love.


When Moghedian found Birgitte in Tel'aran'rhoid, she ripped her out into the real world, almost killing her. Elayne bonded Birgitte so that she might live. Birgitte now honours that bond, no matter how it came about, although she honours it in her own way. She may be the first female Warder ever. For a time she named herself Maerion, having lived a life called that once, but later took back the name Birgitte.


In Ebou Dar she became good mates with Mat, sharing a secret. Bound to the Horn of Valere, when the horn blows she is called back to fight for the Dragon, as happened in Falme.


Elayne has now granted her an estate and title. This, along with being made Captain-General of the Queens Guards, may be the reason she is swearing more than ever.





Allegiance: The Light, The Horn of Valere.

Title(s): The Chooser.


She wears a red mask and with her brother, Shivan, she is supposed to herald the end of ages and the birth of new.




Gaidal Cain

Allegiance: The Light.


Always linked to Birgitte, whether in life or in Tel'aran'rhiod, by love. His face is wide and flat with a large heavy nose and a broad, thin mouth. He is quite short, stocky and well muscled with a harsh voice. He moves with strength and power, and always carries two swords on his back. In one of his lives, he worked with Lews Therin during the War of Power. There is a theory he is Olver, mostly due to the similar looks.





Allegiance: The Light, The Horn of Valere.

Title(s): Of the Pure Heart, Michael.


Bound to the Horn of Valere.





Allegiance: The Light, The Horn of Valere.

Title(s): Oscar.


Bound to the Horn of Valere





Allegiance: The Light, The Horn of Valere.

Title(s): Golden-Tongued Peace Maker, Patrick.


Bound to the Horn of Valere




Rogosh of Talmour

Allegiance: The Light, The Horn of Valere.

Title(s): Eagle-Eye.


Fatherly looking with white hair and extremely sharp eyes.


A hunter for the Horn of Valere, he was famed at the court of the High King and feared on the slopes of Shayol Ghul. He died in the Mountains of Dhoom, only an unmarked grave marking where he lay in Shara pass, and only Dunsinin knew the location.


He is now tied to the Horn of Valere, to come back when it is blown.





Allegiance: The Light, The Horn of Valere.

Title(s): The Hunter.


He wears a black mask, and with his sister, Calian, is supposed to herald the end of Ages and the birth of the new.



Artur Paendrag Tanreall



Some account him a failure because what he built did not survive him, but if so, it was

failure such as other men dream of achieving. Few successes achieve a tenth part so much.

Allegiance: The Light, The Horn, The Dragon.

Title(s): High King, Hawkwing.


Tall with a hooked nose, and dark deep set eyes. Born FY 912, the prince and heir of Shandelle. His parents, Mailinde and Myrdin, died in a plague of Black Fever, and he became King of Shandelle at 27, in FY 935.


When Guaire Amalasan tried to take over the world, Artur sent an army against him. By FY 942 he was called Hawkwing. In Spring 943 he captured Amalasan using tactical brilliance at the Battle of Jovine Pass.


He went to Tar Valon with his army, taking Amalasan to justice. He entered a no go area and Bonwhin, rather miffed, curtly asked him to leave. Soon Nesaline, Tefan, Almindhra and Ileande were attacking him from all quarters in seemingly unprovoked aggression - although it is believed Bonwhin was behind it all. He kept winning the battles, and continued to conquer territories in what became known as the Consolidation from FY 943 to 963.


After that he held the world peacefully for 23 years. Seven rebellions were all suppressed, one by the people themselves. A trolloc invasion in FY 986 to 987 was also soundly defeated.


Jalwin Moerad came to his court in FY 973, and convinced Artur to sack every Aes Sedai in his employ, many of whom had positions of power, including his advisor, in FY 974. He also put a price on the head of every Aes Sedai who wouldn't denounce the White Tower.


He sent 300,000 soldiers and settlers across the Arith Ocean in FY 992 led by Luthair. In 993 he sent another fleet of the same size under Laiwynde to Shara. The fleet was entirely destroyed.


He died in FY 994 from a sudden illness at the age of 82. His death, with no known heirs triggered the War of Hundred Years. The only known ancestor to have survived, excluding Luthair, was his grandson Tyrn.


He was loved by the commoners, appointing people according to ability, not bloodline. The commoners got a subscription going and built a giant statue of him in his proposed city, near Caemlyn. The city never got past the drawing board.


Artur married Amaline in FY 933 and had four children. Modair was killed in battle in FY 959. Amaline and the other three children, includng Modair's twin sister Amira, were all poisoned in FY 961. He believed the White Tower was behind the poisonings, dismissing his advisor Chowin Tsao. He also became harsh and brutal. Takima helped Artur get over their deaths and resinde some his harsher edicts. She married him in FY 965 and had four or five children including Luthair and Laiwynde.

Gil Galad - Stella di radianza


Fede Stark
2318 messaggi
Fede Stark


2318 messaggi
Inviato il 01 marzo 2005 18:33



thks gil ^_^

Aegon Targaryen
3418 messaggi
Aegon Targaryen


3418 messaggi
Inviato il 01 marzo 2005 22:28

E alè...



In formissima Gil ^_^

1911 messaggi


1911 messaggi
Inviato il 15 marzo 2005 22:51

Il libro da cui trai le tue informazioni è questo?



The World of Robert Jordan's the Wheel of Time

Robert Jordan, Teresa Patterson


Best-selling fantasy series tend to spin off nonfiction books about their otherworld settings, such as The Atlas of Tolkien's Middle-Earth and The Discworld Companion. Robert Jordan's immense "Wheel of Time" sequence began with The Eye of the World (1990) and still continues, with eight fat novels published and more to come. This lavish companion volume first appeared in 1997 and has been repackaged at a bargain price--though not updated to cover the events of Jordan's 1998 instalment, The Path of Daggers. It goes into great detail about the saga's vast historical back-story, the interlocking systems of magic, the many countries, races, institutions, power-wielders and monsters, and much more. There are over seventy full-colour illustrations and maps. Fans of the series will appreciate this as an attractive coffee-table volume which, like Tolkien's detailed appendices in The Lord of the Rings, casts light on mysteries and trivia that didn't fit into the narrative. Newcomers may be less enchanted as Jordan's considerable talent is for storytelling and cumulative narrative power: this background material is ambitious in scope but not wildly original, featuring familiar fantasy landmarks like a Pit of Doom (and, for variety, Mountains of Doom). A must for Jordan addicts; others should try the novels first and see what the excitement's all about.


Questa è la lista dei libri che compongono il ciclo di Jordan:


Prequel: New Spring, 2004 - sarà pubblicato in maggio con il titolo “Nuova primavera”

Book One: The Eye of the World, 1990 – L’occhio del mondo

Book Two: The Great Hunt, 1990 – La grande caccia

Book Three: The Dragon Reborn, 1991 – Il Drago rinato

Book Four: The Shadow Rising, 1992 – L’ascesa dell’Ombra

Book Five: The Fires of Heaven, 1993 – I fuochi del cielo

Book Six: Lord of Chaos, 1994 – sarà pubblicato in ottobre con il titolo “Il signore del caos”

Book Seven: A Crown of Swords, 1996

Book Eight: The Path of Daggers, 1998

Book Nine: Winter’s Heart, 2000

Book Ten: Crossroads of Twilight, 2003

Book Eleven: Knife of Dreams, sarà probabilmente pubblicato in inglese in ottobre.


La frase “This lavish companion volume first appeared in 1997 and has been repackaged at a bargain price--though not updated to cover the events of Jordan's 1998 instalment, The Path of Daggers”, in breve, dice che il libro è apparso per la prima volta nel 1997 – in quel momento Jordan aveva pubblicato i primi sette romanzi della sua saga – e non è stato aggiornato per coprire gli avvenimenti di “The Path of Daggers”, ottavo volume del ciclo.

Se è così, gli spoiler successivi al quinto volume riguardano solo i volumi 6 e 7.

3945 messaggi


3945 messaggi
Inviato il 16 marzo 2005 18:14 Autore

Una parte è tratta da lì altre cose le ho trovate cercando in giro in rete.

Gil Galad - Stella di radianza


1911 messaggi


1911 messaggi
Inviato il 16 marzo 2005 20:54

Ok, grazie per il chiarimento. Del testo sui reietti ho letto solo le parti dedicate ai personaggi di cui conoscevo già la sorte, perché non volevo spoiler. Penso che farò così anche con il resto, già nei file dedicati alle varie Ajah ho scoperto parecchie cose che devono ancora avvenire <_<

E, a parte quei testi, non credo che farò altre traduzioni: troppo tempo! :lol:

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